Scaling UP! H2O

175 Transcript

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welcome to scaling up h2o the podcast
where we scale up on knowledge so we
don’t scale up our systems
it up nation happy 2021
happy new year a brand new year
i know we’re always about setting goals
setting resolutions although i don’t
like that
way of doing things but we’re always
about trying
new things getting goals achieved in the
new year
and normally most of us do well the
first week
maybe the second week maybe some of us
make it into the third
maybe even the fourth and then february
comes around
and we don’t stay on that gold wagon
now last year we talked quite a bit
about why that was and we talked about a
book called the 12
week year that was episode 119
it was entitled the first one of 2020
of course this one is the first one of
and again i think i said back last week
if we knew that we were going to have to
live through a pandemic
we would have done last year’s goals a
differently well folks we’re still
trying to figure out how to deal with
all of that and
using all the knowledge that we gained
2020 and folks let’s face it we had to
service in ways that we’ve never had to
service before we’ve had to sell in ways
we’ve never had to sell before
we had to do just about everything that
we do
in our normal day-to-day a little bit
but now we’ve got experience with that
so what i
want you to do is put that experience
to work for you what did you learn in
that you can apply in 2021 and that’s
what we’re going to talk about
today i really like starting out the
with looking at last year reflecting on
last year
and then figuring out where i want to
spend my time this year what are some
things that i want to get better at
what are some things that i want to grow
what are some achievements that i want
to make
and i make steps on the very first day
of the year
to make sure that we are going to get
those things accomplished now something
that i’ve noticed when i work with
is that many people don’t keep a
and i know a lot of people think oh i’ve
got a calendar it’s in my phone i carry
it all around
with me but they really don’t use them
here are some tips that i want to give
to you the scaling up nation
that have really helped me and a lot of
people will look at me
and they’ll say well i know if i give a
task to
trace to do he will get it done i don’t
know where he finds the time
i don’t know how he remembers stuff but
i know if i tell him something
he is going to get it done now
occasionally there are some exceptions
to that
but more often than not you tell me
something once
and i will get it done well the secret
to that is there is no secret
i use the tools that we all have
i just make sure that they are part of
my day-to-day
routine and that’s how i use my calendar
so don’t just use the calendar to figure
what date something is on when somebody
asks you to do something
and you choose to accept that commitment
the very next thing that you need to do
is put that into your calendar
and i’ll even go further before you make
a commitment the very first thing you
should do
is check to make sure you have room
to make that commitment if you’ve ever
double or triple booked yourself
it’s because you did not check to see
if you had other commitments when you
were making an additional
commitment so maybe that’s a goal for
you this year
learn how to use your calendar
learn how to trust your calendar because
you’re going to put
all the important things in there and
when you make a decision to say yes
that you are going to do something
you’re going to make sure you have time
to do it by looking at your calendar
and then you are going to put it in
your calendar so that’s step one
and folks i have to tell you i’ve been
using a calendar as part of my
day-to-day routine
for a lot of years i took a class when i
maybe early twenties with franklin covey
and they taught me how to use
the franklin planner and the franklin
planner was this
binder that you opened it up you saw
seven days at a glance they sold other
types of calendars but folks i got to
tell you adjust
all your calendars to look at a week at
a time
that allows you to plan your week
as you’re looking at your calendar i
want to get into that in a second
but with that that class taught me how
to respect my calendar and how to use it
now here was the issue this was a big
and you could only keep so much stuff in
there and they said you had to keep
three months last month this month and
next month well what happens if you had
something that was several months out
well then they had this one page that
had all the months on it and you were
supposed to write something in there
and then you had to transpose it once
you got
that month into the calendar
with all of this it was a lot of work
but it did teach me a discipline and i
carried this
discipline over when we have a
lot better technology now folks it is
how we can link our calendar on our
to the calendar on our phones we can
have alexa
tell us what is going on
every single day we can set that skill
up there’s just so many
tools out there that allow us to bring
our calendars
into our everyday into our every moment
and it’s easy for us to have access
now when i took that franklin covey
class years ago
the rule was you were never more than
seven feet away
from your calendar so that way you could
always reference it well
folks they’re on our cell phones i don’t
think we’re ever more than seven
inches away from our cell phones on most
days and that’s
probably a problem some of us need to
address but
that being said we always have our
phones with us
and it’s very easy for us to look at our
calendars when we are making
and keeping commitments here’s something
that i want you to do
whether you are used to keeping a
or you have never done that before i
want you
in the first week of the year to start
planning your year i’m not talking about
goals right now i’m just talking
about significant days in your life
in the year 2021 so what are the
birthdays that you
want to recognize what are the
anniversaries you want to recognize
what are the holidays that you
want to observe put all of those dates
in there
and folks here’s the cool thing about
having these things electronically as
far as holidays you can download all of
and it will go straight into your
calendar and your birthdays and
anniversaries well folks
those pretty much happen on the same day
every year on the same
date so you can just say reoccur and you
don’t have to do
that again and then you’re going to be
one of those people wow how did you
it was my birthday again using your tool
and using it well people will think that
you have this
magic ability just because you know how
to use a calendar
then what is your family vacation what
are special dates maybe they’re school
field trips games that your children are
going to play
maybe you’re volunteering at a church
maybe you’ve got some doctors
coming up maybe there’s even some home
and car maintenance that you want to put
in there get all those
listed in your calendar and then you
don’t have to remember
those things again you just
have to set up a way that you are going
review them and that is what i’m going
to talk about next
so what i want everybody to get into
is the habit of using your calendar and
i want to share with you how i use my
and if this is something that will help
you please
copy it now what i am teaching you is
directly from what i learned from that
franklin covey class
years and years and years ago and i’ve
just changed it a little bit to make
sure it works
in my day-to-day which you are free to
as well the first thing i want you
to do when it comes to planning is get
into the habit of planning weekly
so many times people just look at their
calendar for
that specific day and the only thing
they know
is monday and now tuesday comes
and tuesday just hits them in the face
because they’re not prepared for it
because all they did was look at monday
and i’m willing to bet that if you knew
what was happening on tuesday you would
have made
different choices on monday so we’re
going to open
up our field of view to an entire week
we’re going to do weekly planning the
step with weekly planning is look at
last week last week is the biggest tool
that we
have to help teach us how to make the
week better what are the successes
what are the failures and that’s going
to be
our guide to make next week better
so maybe we over booked ourselves maybe
we forgot to look at our calendars each
and every day
because we’re not used to that so
now this next week we’re going to build
something in maybe it’s an alarm
something that allows us to remember
that we are going to look at our
calendars at the beginning
of each and every day so again i don’t
know what
you learned from last week but whatever
it is put it into play
this week once you’ve done that what i
want you to do
is i want you to look at everything that
have to do next week now this is weekly
this allows us if you’re familiar with
the seven habits of highly effective
and habit three which is put first
things first
it teaches us the different quadrants
that we spend our time with and i’ve
talked about that on the show so i’m not
going to go
into that right now but the goal is is
we want to get into quadrant two
quadrant two is the planning the
the relationship building all the things
that we
said if we had more time i would do
x that’s always in quadrant two
what we’re going to do is we’re going to
use our calendars to help
force us being there so after you’ve
looked at the entire week and
see where you are and what commitments
that you’ve made
for each day of the week
i want you to consider the important
roles that you have in your life and
take a moment it’s the first time that
you’ve done that
and think of the most important five
that you have in your life
so it might be that your spouse
it might be that you are a son or
daughter it might be
that you are a parent you’re a board
you’re an employer you’re an employee
what whatever those things are
think about the most important five
relationships that you have and i know
you can probably think about dozens
three to five is probably the most you
want to start with until you get into
the habit of that now that you’ve
thought about that
i want you to think deeper and folks
this is where i say
three to five because this is some
really heavy thinking
on those roles that you have i want you
identify who they are so for example if
i said
spouse or husband i would identify my
stacy now i want to
think that it is my let’s say it’s my
90th birthday
and stacy is one of the people
that has decided to say a tribute
to me at my 90th birthday party
what is something that i want stacey to
say about me
about the life that we’ve had together
and that is called a tribute statement
i’m going to write that tribute
statement down
and now this week is a
one week bite-sized piece
and opportunity for me to do
something to help enhance that
to get one little step closer to
her saying what i wanted her to say
in that tribute statement folks trust me
this is where we need to spend our time
building our relationships and a lot of
don’t use our calendars that way so what
i’m then going to do is i’m going to
look at what
time i have available in between
all the different scheduled appointments
that i have
during that week and i’m going to take a
little sliver of time
and i’m going to do something with stacy
i might do something
for stacy i’m going to do something and
i’m going to schedule it
before all the little things happen
during the week
i’m doing this before the week even
so it is in their first and we call
all these things big rocks
and again that comes from stephen
covey’s metaphor
about you do the big rocks first and you
don’t worry about all the small
stuff because if it’s smaller it doesn’t
matter as much
and we worry about what matters most
because that’s going to affect us and
the most so i’m going to do that for
those relationships
and now i’m going to look at all the
things that i need to
accomplish during that week
now this is our to-do list normally and
i know
most of you keep a to-do list and it is
just a list of things
jotted down that we have to do
and the list is not prioritized at all
it’s just in order by how we thought of
and then when we get to work on our
to-do list we start from top to bottom
we could finish a ton of items we could
just finish a few
items but regardless we normally end
the day feeling like we did not
what we had hoped to accomplish so
here’s what we are going to do i’m going
teach you how i prioritize my
task list but before i do that
we have to populate the task list by the
outlook google calendar all this stuff
a task feature and i am willing to bet
that ninety percent of the scaling up
nation audience
does not use that feature and by the way
this is on your phone
as well so let me start by first saying
the difference between a commitment and
a task so a commitment
is that i have a meeting monday morning
at 10 a.m
until 11 30. that is a commitment that i
made to other people that i
have committed that portion of
my calendar of my time that i am going
to do something
so those are all the things that we
normally put in our calendar
what we don’t put in our calendar
normally is all the tasks
tasks are those to-do items that we need
to get
done but we don’t use our calendar to
help get them done
we just use a list at best and we start
checking things off well folks if you
you will see there is a task function
on just about every electronic calendar
and if we learn to use that that
really elevates how we get
things done so i’m going to talk about
populating this and for now let’s just
pretend we’re doing it on a sheet of
paper but we can also do this
electronically on a sheet of paper we
probably have
all these to do’s that we have to get
what we’re going to do is we’re going to
look at those items
and we’re going to see based on where
we’re going to be
the mindset that we’re going to be in
for the upcoming week
where is a spot of time in between
commitments that we’ve already spoken
our time
for that we can work on some of these
tasks and we are going to schedule time
for ourselves that says
task completion or work on task or
whatever you want to name it
we’re actually going to schedule time
with ourselves
now there might be some things that
on your current to-do list
and what i have learned is to keep sort
of a parking lot list
and what that is that’s a separate sheet
of paper that if somebody
asked me to do something or to get
something done but it doesn’t really
a time frame that it has to be done
in it might have a due date but it
doesn’t have to be done on tuesday
and by the way that’s the difference
between a task and a calendar commitment
is it doesn’t necessarily have a time
that we have to work on it
but they almost all have a due date
what i do there is i just simply have
master task lists of the month and if
somebody says hey you got to do this in
i’m not going to think much about it i’m
just going to simply go
to my june list and this is when i kept
that franklin covey
planner i would go to the june tab and i
would simply just write that down
now today what i do is i create a master
task list
in my task list in outlook
for each month of the year and then i
simply just write that
in there now there are ways that i’ve
i’ve actually made that a little bit
easier using
the functionality of outlook so i don’t
have to clutter things up but i don’t
want to put
too much on your plate today i want you
to just try this stuff
and just know that you can make it even
more streamlined
as you get all the base disciplines
down as habits using the functionality
of all the electronics that we
have the ability to use these days all
right so
i’ve looked at my master cast list i’ve
maybe populated a few more items
on my task list and now that is on my
weekly task list
so that’s pretty much all i do for
weekly planning
so keep in mind i’ve looked at the
entire week
i’ve scheduled time with the most
roles that i have in my life i’ve looked
all the commitments that i’ve made to
other people with my time
i’ve also looked at the tasks that i
need to accomplish during that week
and that’s it that is my weekly planning
and by the way
that was a scheduled item in my calendar
that i
made with myself i always do it at
at 7 p.m i started out that way and it
has always been
sunday at 7. i don’t know if it’s
because the alliteration or what but i
just always do it then and i always make
sure to keep
that appointment sure there are days
that are weeks that i miss that
but i always do it and normally
it’s almost always when i kept that
now we’re going to fast forward to the
day of the week so i did this on sunday
now i’m in the office it is monday
here’s what i do i open up and whether
you have a paper planner whether you
outlook and if you do have outlook or
google calendar
set it on a seven day view please do not
at single day calendars if you have a
phone that doesn’t allow you to do that
there are so many apps out there that
you can download that
will allow you to do that trust me you
want to look at the entire week
so the first thing you’re going to do at
the same time
because you’ve made an appointment for
it on monday morning again as soon as i
come in so normally that’s around
6 a.m i will look at
my week and then i’ll look at the day
and i’ll look at all the commitments
that i have to do that day
and then i start looking at my tasks
and these are all the tasks for
the week and what i do is sometimes i do
this on sunday and i’ll say i’ll do
these tasks on monday i’ll do these on
tuesday just because i’m going to be in
a certain area
but you can also divide it up during the
week and just take things
off that you feel are more important
however you
want to do it so i’m going to choose
five tasks that i want to get done
and those come on into a daily task list
that’s just a couple of clicks with
outlook or if it’s a paper you’re
writing them out again and here’s how
you are going to elevate that to do list
that you are probably already doing one
you’re going to look at a time during
your day
and you’re going to block out work on
task and you’re going to have that
built in your calendar
next i want you to prioritize
the task you said you want to get done
and here’s how you’re going to
prioritize it
you’re going to look at and again start
small at first so let’s say
five tasks that we’re going to get done
we’re going to look at those five tasks
and we’re gonna see how important
they are to us remember we want to stay
in that quadrant two
which is the importance but not urgent
it’s the prevention the planning the
on our goals our roles all of that sort
of stuff
that we always say if we had more time
this is the stuff that we would work on
and we’re going to look at each one of
those tasks
and we’re going to see how important it
is and we’re going to ask ourselves this
the task is important it is in quadrant
and it needs to be done today or
it will lose value anything that’s
answers yes to that we’ll get an
a an uppercase a
next the tasks that are left we’re going
to ask ourselves
what are items that are still important
to us but don’t necessarily
need to be done today because they’re
not necessarily going to lose value
if i don’t do them today
those things are going to be b’s
now everything else i give a c and a c
is an optional task and it might be
something like get oil change
pick up dry cleaning uh go to the
grocery store
things that if eventually you don’t do
they’re going to become urgent
but right now they’re optional tasks
okay so we got a’s
b’s and c’s now we’re going to go back
to our a
list and and i say a list but it’s just
a written by the task and we’re going to
what is the most important task that i
assigned an a
to out of all the other a’s what is the
most important one that gets
a one i’m going to follow that with a2
a3 however many that we have i’m going
to do the same thing
with the b’s and then as far as c’s i
know a lot of people rank those the same
way i’ve just never ranked c’s but
knock yourself out if you want to do
now when that time block comes up that
i’m working on tasks i don’t need to
think about what task i’m going to work
on i
immediately start working on a one
in fact here’s a little secret i love to
check things off and i think
you do too you know that a lot of times
you might even write things down
just so you can check them off your
to-do list well folks
here’s how i get that rush early
in the morning my a1
is always this routine it’s daily
planning because
i can’t do it tomorrow it’s definitely
going to lose
value and it starts my day off
with success knowing that
i accomplished making sure i was doing
all this so i always have a1 as daily
planning well now we’re actually in the
the time block comes up and now we know
we need to work on once a1 is complete
we’re going to
check that off then we’re going to work
on a2 now maybe we only get
one or two things done that day
but here’s the difference it was based
on what was most
important so now when we go home
we are going to feel like a million
because we accomplish the most important
things not just top to bottom
on a randomly written down task list
now you’re probably saying well what
about the things you did not
get done well one you’ve got them
written down so you’re
not going to forget them so you’ve got
do a couple of things with them you got
some options one
once you get it done you’re going to
check it off and you don’t have to worry
about that anymore
and by the way outlook all the other
programs it once you check something off
it will just stay there and i have
my calendar that won’t erase those but
it won’t
show those unless i go into completed
tasks so it
allows me to get the list whittled down
during the day that’s one of the little
secrets that i found help me and how i
can show
my progress and feel good about it when
the list gets smaller
but now i have these other things on my
so my choices are one is it still
something i need to get done
if it’s not we can delete it if it is
i can either do it myself or i can have
someone else
do it so if i delegate it i’m going to
assign that to somebody and folks in
outlook there is a delegation feature
i’m not going to go into how to use that
but i’m telling you outlook is just a
tremendous tool for all this and i think
google calendar has copied most of the
stuff that
is in outlook and then all of that
transfers to our mobile device
as well when we delegate something we
have to remember who we delegate it to
so we need to write down who we
delegated it to and we need to explain
to the person when it needs to be done
and what our expectations are about
them completing it and when that person
accepts it we’re still responsible for
but we need to make sure that the
expectation conversation has
been had or neither one of us is going
to be happy with the end result
so that’s one thing we can do well i
think that’s two so we could delete it
we can delegate it or we do it and if we
do it we’re just simply going to move
that over to the next day
outlook will do that automatically for
you if you’re not using
outlook you need to close out your day
by moving all your undone
tasks to the next day now
the next day we come in we look at all
the things we have to do
during that day we schedule some time
that we’re going to work
on our tasks and then we go to our task
and we prioritize it the exact same
way now i’m going to share with you how
i use
outlook and there are some layovers that
you can buy
that work within outlook i haven’t done
i just use outlook so as far as the a b
and c what i will do is the first letter
in the title of the task i will make a
capital a a capital b
a capital c and then i’ll go back to my
a’s and b’s and right next to it i’ll
put ones and twos and threes
and i will have my task list
automatically sort
alphabetically and that will put it in a
prioritized view
and i never have to worry about what i’m
going to do next again
now a lot of you are saying this sounds
it’s probably going to take a lot of
work and i’m not going to lie to you it
is a discipline
that you’re gonna have to force yourself
to do
but folks if you can do this for
21 days so three weeks
at the end of that it’s going to be a
habit you’re going to get
so used to doing this that you’re not
going to have to think about it trust me
i don’t think about it hardly at all i
do it and if there’s a day that goes by
that i
don’t do this i really feel lost
throughout my day because i haven’t had
look that i’m normally used to and i
feel like i’m not making the proper
so give it 21 days see what you think
after 21 days not only is it going to
be a habit for you it is going to
help you with all the things that you
want to
accomplish this year now i know several
of you are thinking
this all sounds well and fine but what
when somebody calls like my boss like my
like my wife like my children and now
all those plans go out the window well
folks let’s face it we can plan and plan
and plan
but life happens regardless of what our
plans are
folks just know that going in there’s
nothing you can do about that but trust
that will allow you this process will
allow you to make better decisions
because you know where you’re supposed
to be throughout the week
what your commitments are what the
different tasks are
all of those things you’ve done so much
leg work that now instead of by default
you’re just saying yes to things you
are making a decision based on
all the information that you have and
now the choice is
do i say yes to what this person is
asking me to do
or do i say yes
to all this planning that i have done
and how do you make that decision well
here’s how i make this decision
whatever the bigger yes is
so perhaps it’s something my wife asked
me to do
and as i shared with you that’s one of
goals each and every week that i am
taking a bite-sized piece of what i
hope she thinks about our relationship
over our lifetime
and if she asked me to do something
that’s an opportunity
for me to do that so
that i would consider a bigger yes
to do at let’s say wednesday at 3 p.m
than what i already had
scheduled wednesday at 3 p.m
but maybe it’s something else and maybe
it’s not a bigger
yes well now i’ve done the legwork
i know what the bigger yes is and
instead of
living life by default i’m now
living it based on information and i can
make better decisions and i know
what the bigger yes is so folks i hope
this helps
i hope this turns the device that you
in your hand instead of just a
little bit of things that are in your
life in your calendar
that you are using this as the tool
that allows you to make decisions
during the week that allows you to keep
commitments that allows you
to build every relationship that you
in your life and it’s something you
already own
it’s something you already know how to
use you’re just
learning how to use it a little bit
so with those tips i hope
you take that and make 2021
your most productive year yet
last year i started out talking about
the 12
week year and i called it the 13 week
year on the first episode
of last year and the reason i called it
that is because i actually use it every
weeks i use the week in between
1 12 week year and the next 12-week year
to do planning
so that’s how i think of it it’s a
13-week year
but if you are looking to accomplish
this year and i know a lot of you are
that is a great
read because it not only tells you
how to plan for these goals it tells you
how to execute and that’s the big
i find with the 12-week year format
is that execution piece
quite frankly it allows for life to
and it teaches us how to
realign what we need to do
the important things it calls tactics
and if we get all those tactics done
the week time frame that we need to do
them that’s great
we’re on track but if we don’t get those
things done
and we don’t have a system then another
week goes by we don’t get those things
done and eventually
we are so far behind we feel that we’re
never going to accomplish that goal
and that self-fulfilling prophecy
happens and we
don’t accomplish that goal the 12-week
year teaches
us that we evaluate just like i talked
about our calendar we evaluate
all the tactics that we’re supposed to
do that week
and if we hit 85 of those or
better we have a really
strong shot of achieving those goals
if we don’t hit that that tells us
that next week when we do our weekly
if i was supposed to make 10 sales calls
last week
and i only made seven well i need to do
13 this week pretty simple i know but a
lot of us don’t
think that way and we definitely most of
us don’t have
a system that allows us to keep track of
this way so i created an affiliate link
scaling up forward slash 12
week year and i misquoted last time i
did it last year so if you even type in
13 week year and that’s the number
12 or 13 you can go straight to an
amazon affiliate page
for us and what that means you’ll pay
the same price whether you use that link
or not
but amazon sends us a small commission
to help us
pay some scaling up h2o bills you can
get that book it’s got some great tools
in it there’s actually a
field guide that you can order as well
and folks that is one of the books that
is on
audible so if you enjoy listening to
you can download the 12-week year and
you can listen to that
while you’re driving from account to
and if you don’t have audible and want
to give that a try we also have an
affiliate link for them
you can go to scaling up forward
audible i have heard from numerous
members of the scaling up nation that
have learned about audible through this
and they’re now reading books again
so i’m very thankful for that
information thank you for telling me
whenever i can introduce a
tool to you and it’s something that is
beneficial because that
means that i am on the right track with
what i’m recommending
and sometimes i need to be led back on
based on your comments if you have a
comment a guest that you want me to
interview you can go to scaling up
and you can fill out our show ideas page
or you can go straight to the voicemail
feature there’s going to be a pop-up
on the right side of the screen you can
your question to me and i might even
play it on the air
answering your question scout nation
something brand new
for you this 2021
is the scaling up team and james
mcdonald have teamed up
and last year james did a what is james
reading a reading with
james and so many people read along with
james and his goal
was just like the scaling up h2o goal
where we
want to raise the bar when it comes to
the industrial water treatment community
so james and i got together a few months
back and he told me what he was thinking
about doing
we work together on it and you’re going
to hear james each and
every week with another
challenge so just think about it if you
each challenge you’re going to have 52
to really raise the bar on your game
so to get us started here is the first
james’s challenge
hello scaling up nation as you know i
our industrial water treatment
profession and i love to continually
more about water and what we do during
i made a goal for myself to read more
about industrial water
and brought you along on my journey with
the reading with james series
you can find the entire series at
under the social menu so what can we do
during 2021 i have a challenge for you
james’s challenge actually each friday
on scaling up h2o
you will hear my challenge of the week
some will be big
and some will be small some of you will
be able to do immediately
and some you may either have to schedule
for the future or at least learn more
regardless the goal is if you consider
and do
each of the challenges 52 of them
throughout the year
you will become a better industrial
water treatment professional
drop by drop to get the ball rolling
let’s start with our very first
james’s challenge of the week is
come up with your elevator speech on
what you do as an industrial water
treatment professional
a 30 second description when someone
asks what do you do
we would love it if you share it on
linkedin and other social media
tagging it with jc jc21
and hashtag scalinguph2o
thank you and i simply cannot wait to
see how you rise up to each challenge
james thanks again for that and we look
forward to
many of those to come one every week
this year
folks there are a lot of things that we
wanted to carry forward
that we did last year one of the things
that we were very successful at
and so many of you join in
were the after hours hangs that we did
during the association of water
technologies convention
in october well we did another one of
in december it was equally as successful
so we said it seems like people are
really enjoying these so let’s do
opportunity on january
14th so if you guys will mark your
calendars now that you have
tips and tricks on how to use your
put january 14th on there at 6 p.m
eastern time and you need to register
for that
in fact if you register you’ll get an
email and it will automatically put that
into your calendar for you
so you’re going to go to scaling up forward slash
hang h-a-n-g and that will register you
send you that email that you can put
into your calendar the hang is where you
get together you meet new people
you’re going to be into a large zoom
in the very beginning i want to tell you
a few things
might tell you a few things to entertain
you and then also a few things that i
would recommend that you would talk
then i’m going to immediately place you
into a smaller
breakout room where you’re going to be
able to meet
about five new friends and
that way you never know who you’re gonna
meet and
you never know who can help you out with
that problem
that you’re having so folks i highly
encourage you to register
for the hang again that’s scaling up
forward slash hang h-a-n-g
and we’re also doing something new this
now this isn’t new for the rising tide
mastermind but this is new for the
scaling up h2o
audience i’m going to start out by
saying that the association of water
technologies is not
going to do their business owners
during first quarter we talked a little
bit about that last year
because of all the things that are going
on it’s difficult to meet
in a lot of the areas that we would
normally meet in there are still
restrictions on how many people can meet
so i opened up what we do with the
rising tide
mastermind to pretty much everybody and
what we do is we take
business topics we have a professional
come in
an expert in that topic they tell us a
few things
that we need to know about that topic
then we go into breakout rooms and we
actually start
working on something so we learn about
we learn how to use the tools to do
something with that something
and then we are left with action steps
that we can take
back to our businesses to our
territories to immediately
start putting those new items that we
learned in play
so the next one of those is going to be
on january
29th at 11 a.m eastern
that’s going to be exactly two hours and
that’s going to allow our speaker
to talk about what the topic is that we
are going to talk about and i’ll tell
you a little bit more about that next
and then it’s also going to allow for
the breakout session and then a
summary a wrap-up folks i promise
that these webinars will leave you
with handles that you can take the
information that we’re discussing
and immediately take that back to your
places of business
and get something done these are
very high producing webinars
and how you will not be disappointed if
join in those are brought to you by the
of the rising tide mastermind and the
association of water
technologies so if you want more
information about that
you can go to forward
business once again that’s scaling up
forward slash business folks
thank you for a great year last year
2020 and scaling up h2o
so many people called in wanting me to
discuss certain topics
that allowed us to build our program
based on what
you want to hear and we got so many
comments too from the rising tide
mastermind members
many of you heard some of the episodes
that we did
last year we turned some of the webinars
that we did
learning about how to do business in a
into podcasts and then we had an entire
series online 13 webinars about
all things you needed to know as we did
business through a pandemic those were
things that people from the scaling up
nation that people from the rising tide
said that they wanted to know more about
so it is so important that you keep
those comments coming to me
and i appreciate it your fellow scaling
up nation members
appreciate it i hope that the tips that
i shared with you in today’s episode
allow you to springboard some of the
things that you
want to get done this year but above all
i hope that these tips provide a clarity
for where you’re spending your time and
instead of just
living life by default you are now
actively making decisions of where
you’re going to be spending your time
and i hope
that that choice is always listening to
scaling up
h2o folks thanks so much for listening
and i’m back
at you next week with a brand new
have a great week folks
up nation if you have a relationship
another person there’s no doubt about it
you have had a miscommunication
life is full of miscommunications
but i think the key to life and those
relationships is what do we do
when we realize we have miscommunicated
i asked my friend and mastermind member
tom hardy
what his experience has been with some
of the tools that
we’ve learned in the rising tide
mastermind around communication
here’s what he said interestingly it’s
at times it’s validated my thoughts and
when i’ve had conflicts with co-workers
or other people
that i deal with on a regular basis and
on the other end of that at times it’s
it’s made me realize maybe i was not
thinking straight
and giving me a different perspective
from the other side’s point of view
when i’m having running the conflicts
tom thanks for sharing that nation again
is hard and most of us do more speaking
than we do listening that means we are
answering the right problem and no
people get frustrated well i can’t
guarantee that if you join the rising
tide mastermind that that will never
happen again but i can tell you that we
teach each other certain tools to make
set up for success when it comes to
communicating with another individual
when was the last time you said
something it was mistaken and you
how you both got to that location
well we’ll help you dissect that
conversation within the mastermind group
and hopefully give you some tools so if
you had a similar conversation
you would be able to do that better not
just for yourself
but with the person on the other side of
that communication
if that sounds like something you need
help with
and boy it’s definitely something i need
help with go to forward
mastermind to find out more about the
rising tide mastermind
and if this group is right for you