Scaling UP! H2O

233 Transcript

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as an industrial water treater you have
to do so much you have to know about so
many things chemistry physics
environmental electrical and the list
goes on but did you ever think that list
should include cyber protection who’s
got time for that well hackers have
plenty of time to find your
vulnerabilities and hold your valuable
information hostage 43 of all cyber
attacks happen to small businesses small
businesses are not prepared to defend
against cyber attacks
the cyber threat protection experts at
reinert consulting group have been
helping water treatment companies with
strategies to protect their valuable
data here’s the thing about reinert
consulting group they understand what
water treatment companies need to defend
against these attacks from training to
software reiner consulting group is your
one-stop shop for protecting your
valuable data after all
where would you be without your data go
to scaling up forward slash
cyber to find out more that’s scaling up forward slash cyber
don’t wait before it’s too late
welcome to scaling up the podcast where
we scale up on knowledge so we don’t
scale up our systems i’m trace blackmore
i get to host this fantastic podcast and
a brand new year
a brand new
we have so many episodes planned for you
this year
we’ve got a lot of things that we need
to plan so as always if you have an idea
for this show go to
and go to our show ideas page and let us
know that i can’t tell you how much i
appreciate that
nation each and every year at the
beginning of the year
i hope to inspire you
to be your best you
life by default
does not make you better in fact if you
are living life by default you do not
know where that end destination that you
are traveling to
each and every day
will take you
so every first episode of the year so
far since we’ve had this podcast that
might change in the future but it’s not
changing this year
i want to motivate you to be
your best self not to live life by
default not to live in the day-to-day
but to use the day-to-day to accomplish
the goals that you want to
accomplish and i’m going to take you
through a process that i do
each and every year and in fact this is
the exact same thing that we do
in the rising tide mastermind now the
rising tide mastermind is a group of
people that we get together each and
every week and we figure out how are we
going to make each other better what are
the issues that you
need help solving
and how can i use my experiences so you
don’t have to experience the failures
that i had to experience to get to a
solved result so now because you have a
group of trusted advisors you don’t have
to start at step one maybe you start at
step eight and you now take what i’ve
done or somebody else in the group has
and you are able to accomplish an end
result a lot faster but you’re probably
also going to improve it
you are going to
because you have so much more freed up
and resources to start further along the
process you’re going to improve
the process and then you share that and
then somebody else does the same thing
that’s why we say a rising tide raises
all ships
and if that sounds like something that
you want to learn more about i’d love to
talk to you about it
scaling up forward slash
i also have to send a shout out to reid
he is leading his own mastermind group
within the rising tide mastermind so
nation so exciting so many people have
joined the rising tide mastermind and
they’ve invited people that they know
need help like this we all need help
like this
we need more facilitators so my friend
he’s been on the show you guys know him
reid hutchinson he’s now facilitating
his own group
and it is just amazing to see an idea
that i had
and then how everybody within the rising
tide mastermind helped that idea to
create what we call the rising tide
and we have other facilitators coming in
to help facilitate groups because we are
just so amazing to to look at all that
and i want everybody out there to know
that the rising tide mastermind is as
successful as it is
because of the people
in it i had the idea but all the people
within the rising tide mastermind make
that group what it is today
and they’re going to form what that
group looks like tomorrow
the reason i share all this with you is
one i’m just so passionate about the
rising tide mastermind and you might be
wondering what are some of the things
that we’re doing within the rising tide
mastermind well i told you we’re helping
with each other’s issues but we’re also
helping each other get better we’re
asking each other where do you want to
and how are you going to get there
are you taking account for all the
obstacles that are going to get in your
and you’re pre-anticipating those so you
can go around them when they present
are you using all the knowledge that you
have from living your life over the last
year and all the previous years to make
sure that you are setting proper goals
and attacking those goals
in a way
that you live your day-to-day so you’re
setting yourself up for success you’re
setting yourself up so you can
accomplish these goals now i’m not
saying make them easy goals so you are
sure to accomplish them if you are doing
anything else besides
stretching yourself to accomplish a goal
don’t bother it’s going to happen anyway
don’t waste the time but when you plan
to get better
and that plan involves you doing
something different
you will grow throughout the process
and that growth
is as important if not more important
than you actually reaching the goal that
that growth came from
so here it is here is what we do
in the rising tide mastermind each and
every year
it all starts with a review
so many of us are so eager to start
something new
that we don’t take in account what life
is teaching us now i mentioned this on
last week’s episode
and if you have not done this it is
imperative that if you decide you’re
going to goal plan for this year
you have to do this
i want you to look back at last year in
the most important thing that i want you
to do is celebrate
all the accomplishments that you had
last year
so many times the only thing we focus on
are the things we didn’t get done
our failures i failed at this i failed
at that i didn’t get this done
wow i’m feeling worthless
folks that’s not the mindset that you
need to be in
when you are planning your future when
you’re figuring out where you need to be
in a future
time so please focus in on the successes
after you have done that
you need to look at why they were
successful and really take a hard look
did you accomplish those because they
were going to get accomplished anyway
they really weren’t goals at all they
were just things that you said you would
and because life happened you got them
done well folks those aren’t goals and i
want you whenever you’re thinking about
what you’re aspiring to do that you’re
actually aspiring to do something so if
that’s the case i want you this year
to make sure you stretch yourself
so you are really having to work at
accomplishing that goal as i said
earlier that’s where the magic is that’s
where the growth of you
personally and professionally will
now if your goals are stretch goals they
they are exactly what i’m talking about
why did you accomplish those what
happened in your life
that allowed you to
accomplish them what are all the things
that life is trying to teach you about
last year
and then when we go to set up the plan
to accomplish these goals
we’re going to use all of that data to
make sure
we’re using what life has taught us
we’re going to hedge all of those bets
now look at the ones that you did not
accomplish if those goals did not get
accomplished what’s life trying to teach
you with that
a lot of times we say we want to do
something but we never look at the cost
for doing that
maybe you were moving this year maybe a
new child came into the world maybe
there was so much life change there was
no way
in this world that you were going to be
able to get that done
and you did not account for that when
you were making that goal well folks
just because you want to do something
doesn’t mean
that now is the right time to do it so i
want you to consider that as well
as you’re setting these goals
are they appropriate for the season of
life that you are in right now and if
they are
but if it’s not don’t get rid of that
goal that’s still something you’re
aspiring to do
but maybe that goal needs to be
rewritten somehow you know maybe you
decide that i need to accomplish that
next year but i want to caution you with
that because anything that you push off
it’s going to lose steam and it’s just
something that’s not going to get done
so here’s what i want you to do with
items such as that
i want you
to think about what is a piece of that
that i can start working on right now
now it’s not completing the entire goal
but we just figured out that life isn’t
going to allow us to complete that
entire goal so we are going to
one part of it maybe it’s even two or
three parts you need to decide that
but that gets you on your way to getting
that goal
accomplished think of all the things
that you have to do
to accomplish that goal as dominoes and
you just have to get that first domino
to affect
all the other dominoes the hardest thing
in this entire process is to move
that first domino
now maybe we get to a point where things
need to be re-evaluated we’re constantly
re-evaluating so i’m going to tell you
all about that and this was not easy
if this was easy i wouldn’t be doing
this podcast we wouldn’t talk about it
in the rising tide mastermind because
most people
would do it
i will tell you because i do this i have
achieved things that i never would have
if i did not set goals like this
we would have not had a podcast we would
have not had the rising tide mastermind
i would not have a water treatment
company and i wouldn’t have the
incredible team that i have within the
i wouldn’t have been president of the
association of water technologies i
wouldn’t have my certified water
technologist and folks the list goes on
and on
and on
to recap
what i’m trying to get at is don’t live
life by default
push yourself
take what life is trying to teach you
take what you know about your life
push yourself but also be realistic for
the circumstances that you have and
figure out what you want to accomplish
this year
now here’s what we do in the mastermind
we don’t go one year out and for those
of you that have never done this before
and you don’t have anybody guiding you
through the process you need to decide
if this is right for you
whenever you go out further and further
in a time frame
if you’re not used to gauging that
those goals become so
wildly aspirational
there’s no texture to them there’s
nothing granular that you can do to
accomplish those
and ultimately there’s no plan that’s
ever built around them and that is the
secret sauce in getting goals to done
is making sure that you have a plan
we’re going to talk about that today as
so here’s what i want you to do i want
you to think three years out and by the
way if you want to listen
to a talk that i did on this process
this is what i do
with my company each and every year this
is what i do with other companies that i
help facilitate
their meetings and look at what they
want to accomplish i have them go three
years out and i did a ted talk
about it it was episode 92
it was actually on the entrance platform
for a ted talk you can hear all about
i actually bring back to the future into
this because i truly believe that if we
can see
what we are trying to create that we’ve
thought about it thoroughly and if we
can’t see it if we can’t taste it and
feel it and all of those things
then we did not properly visualize that
goal and if you did not properly
visualize that goal
you don’t know what you’re making
sacrifices for to get that folks here’s
the thing if the pain
getting there isn’t less
than the pain of not getting there
you’re not going to get there so if i
don’t achieve this thing i’m not going
to have all these amazing things that i
know are going to happen when i
accomplish this goal
i’m not using that as motivation and i’m
just saying well in addition to all the
hard stuff i’ve got to do in my life
i’ve got to do this hard thing too folks
it’s not going to happen so use your
imagination to go three years into the
and again to recap i don’t want to
confuse anybody if you’ve never done
this before just do it a year out
because i know it’s difficult it’s a
muscle that you need to exercise
and your planning muscle might be a
little atrophy and that’s okay just go a
year out
for those of you that have done this
go three years out and now you are able
to visualize all the things and the why
behind what you want to get done
once you’ve done that and why i use the
delorean in back to the future is i want
you to get into the delorean again you
can hear all about this in episode 92
so you are going three years in the
future and you’re going to interview
your future self
and ask yourself what are the things
that i got
accomplished how did i get those things
accomplished what were some of the
obstacles that got in my way
and because you were able to accomplish
these things what are all the great and
wonderful things that are in your life
now because
you have the fortitude to work the plan
when you can see that
write it down write down all the goals
that you
want to achieve now i encourage the
rising tide mastermind to look at five
different areas
those five areas are personal so
in personal development we’re going to
look at things like health mental
what are all the ineffective habits that
you have that you want to replace with
newer and better
habits and what is the result if you do
that when you are creating the results
don’t say i want to lose 10 pounds
i would say that i want to be healthy
enough to do this activity see the
difference there whenever you look at a
goal as a negative your brain does not
get excited over that so let’s use
everything we can to make this as
successful as possible and always think
in the affirmative
so at the end of 2024 if you’re doing
three year at the end of 2022 if you’re
doing a one year
what have you achieved
by accomplishing these personal goals
i’ll tell you let me tell you all the
five and then i’ll go back through them
so the five are personal
spiritual relational professional and
you can add more if you want but i think
that really covers all your basis
so you can start on something so i just
spoke about personal
let’s talk about spiritual now i have a
very specific definition on what that
means to me
that doesn’t necessarily mean that to
you so how do you define spiritual and
then what are the things that you are
doing to directly influence
all of those relationships all of the
things that you consider spiritual
what do you want to achieve and at the
end of three years again if you’re doing
one that’s fine
how are you using that to make sure that
you accomplish that so what do you want
to accomplish in spiritual
folks there is nothing
else more important than
our relationships there is nobody that
has ever been
transitioning in life and by
transitioning i mean dying and said i
wish i spent more time at work i know
you’ve heard that before that’s easy to
hear but how are you applying that the
only thing that matters in this life is
the relationships that we have and the
impact that we make on
those relationships so i want you to
think about that how are you going to
the important relationships in your life
what are you going to accomplish in
three years or if you’re doing one in
one year a great way to do that is
create a tribute statement for
i would say no more than five of the top
relationships that you have now folks
you have dozens of relationships in your
life if you have never done this before
that’s why i say go ahead and keep it to
five because this can be a very daunting
task maybe you have one or two that’s
fine because you’re deliberately working
on something and that is what we’re
trying to do we’re trying to influence
what we’re doing day to day to make it
better so whatever those relationships
are spouse children parents
work relationships whatever you decide i
want you to write a tribute statement
and a tribute statement i want you again
to get in the delorean i want you to go
to say your 90th birthday and on your
90th birthday you’re going to observe
because you’re a time traveler now you
use the delorean you’re going to observe
yourself at this party and these
individuals that you’ve identified
are the key note speakers and they are
giving a tribute about your life
what do you want them to say
and that is what you’re going to write
down now that’s very aspirational but i
think you have to with relationships now
i’m not going to accomplish
what i want my lovely bride stacy to say
at my 90th birthday this week or this
year or next year or probably the next
decade but what i can do is when i plan
one week at a time
i can do a bite-sized piece of something
that will ultimately
make that be more true than not we’ll
get to that in planning but that’s what
you’re trying to do so pick a couple of
relationships and write a tribute
once you’ve done that go ahead and think
about what do you want to accomplish in
the next three years now maybe you don’t
want to write the tribute statement
that’s a technique that i think works
very well to get this section started
maybe you already know what you want to
accomplish in each one of those
relationships feel free to do that as
well because ultimately that’s what
you’re going to do after you do
the tribute statement
next we’ll move on to professional folks
we are in an amazing industry what are
all the things that you want to do to
advance yourself in this industry in a
three-year time span when we’re
celebrating the new year
2025 what do you want to look back and
say that i
accomplished maybe it’s a certification
whatever it is we need to write it down
or it’s never going to happen
and then finally financial
now folks
i’ve always been taught to look at money
as a means and not an end and i think
that’s a very healthy way to look at
i have worked with people and their goal
was to have a certain amount of money
i don’t think that’s the best goal
because money doesn’t do anything what
are you going to do with that
what does having financial freedom allow
you to do what does having more finances
allow you in the choices that you have
to make in the impacts that you want to
make in each of the previous categories
that we just talked about
so what do you want to accomplish as far
as financial in the next three
or one year
folks there’s so many people out there
that don’t think about their finances i
promise if you start paying yourself the
way your employer pays you
and you start saving money you start
investing money and you know that you
have money that is working for you it
will allow you to make better decisions
it will allow you to do better things
within those decisions
trust me this is a part that if you are
not doing you need to make sure that
you’re taking a hard look at and don’t
think you need to know everything there
are so many people out there this is
their job they would not have a job if
they couldn’t help people like you so
please find those people have
conversations with your friends ask them
who are they using how do they know
they’re meeting their financial goals
and i’m sure you will get a list of
people that they can introduce you to so
you can start having these conversations
but it all starts out with
what do you want to accomplish in a
three to one year period
about what the investments what’s your
compensation what’s your savings and how
that will impact what you can do with
well nation that is the hardest step
actually vision casting what are the
five areas and again the five areas
personal spiritual relational
professional and financial
what do i want to accomplish in a three
year period and write those things down
once you write all those things down i
want you to take a break
and i want you to come back to it at
another time now schedule that because
so many people don’t come back to it
that’s just one step
i then want you to come back to it and
look at those and see if you can really
see yourself getting those done now
you’ve already borrowed the delorean
thank you i let you borrow the time
traveling delorean that i have in my
garage and you’ve gone three years in
the future and you saw all these things
but i want to make sure you really did
if the pain is not greater of not
achieving those items than it is to just
do the same thing that you’re doing
right now you didn’t think about it
enough you’ve got to want to get these
things done and if you’re there you are
ready to proceed to the next area and
that is planning now one of my favorite
books when it comes to planning is the
12 week year
this is a book that we read in the
rising tide mastermind if you want a
copy of the 12 week year you can go to forward slash 12 week
year and you can get a copy of that by
the way what that is this is an
affiliate link you can go directly to
amazon and buy the 12-week year for the
same price that you can go to the
affiliate link but i made it easy for
you by just simply clicking on our
website or you remembered that name and
you typed that in and you went straight
to it amazon pays us a slight commission
for that
the 12-week year allows us to get the
momentum that most of us have in
december because we are running out of
year and we need to get something done
each and every quarter so the mindset
change is we’re going to look at each
and every quarter as a year and that
means each and every week is treated
like a month
if you change your mindset to this you
are going to get far more done in the
first quarter than most people get all
year and it’s because of how you’re
thinking so what you are going to do now
is you’re going to take those
aspirational goals that you just had
that three-year picture or maybe that
one-year picture and you’re going to say
i want to talk with three year now
you’re going to take a 1 12 slice of
that three year picture because if you
look at it you’ve got 12 quarters until
that three years is up
what is the first domino in each one of
those categories
that you need to accomplish what is the
one thing that makes the most sense to
get started and folks the most hard
thing that you will do
is get started once you get started
everything else is a little bit easier
it’s that first domino that you’re
pushing over
how do you need to start and what you’re
going to do is whatever that 1 12 piece
of that three-year goal is
you are going to write it down you’re
going to make sure that that goal
is very
specific now when you read that and i
say specific you’re going to write the
goal down so you know exactly what it
looks like when it is accomplished now
let’s use some of the things we just
learned as we were creating those goals
what is the gain that you are going to
have when that goal is accomplished that
needs to be in that specific wording of
that goal i want you to word that in a
way that whenever you read that it takes
your imagination to exactly that picture
you had when you were thinking about all
the great things that you would have now
we did that with the three year goal
this is a 1 12 slice of that what does
it look like make sure it is
now what you’re going to do is you’re
going to look at the next 12 weeks and
you’re going to think
what am i doing over the next 12 weeks
is there anything that i’m doing that’s
going to allow me to more easily tackle
something on this goal and if there is
take advantage of it maybe it’s
something in professional development
and you’re going to a conference well
there probably needs to be something
around that conference to help you with
that goal and this is where you bring
your life the things that you do day to
helping you achieve these goals
after you’ve observed that you’re going
to look at each and every week and see
what you need to accomplish each and
every week in order at the end of 12
weeks to accomplish that 1 12 slice of
your 3 year goal
some of the items will be repeated every
another item might just be on week three
and week eight there might be something
that you just do on week seven whatever
it is you’re going to come up with a
plan of exactly what you need to do and
when it needs to be done by folks right
next to each one of those you’re going
to have a do by date and you need to do
everything that you can to make sure you
protect that time that you’re doing the
things that you need to do in order to
get that done by
that date beside that
write down who are the people that can
help you with that item you don’t need
to do this all alone in fact you
probably won’t do it if it is all on
your own
so who are the people that can help you
with this in fact there might even be a
few tasks that you can delegate for
other people to do for you you just have
to make sure that they’re set up for
success they know what they’re trying to
do and what the end result is
otherwise that’s not going to help you
at all so use every benefit that you
to make yourself get to done on all of
now that you have that plan let’s talk
about how to use it i really enjoy
outlook it’s an easy program to use i
think everybody has access to it pretty
much if you don’t have that i’m sure you
can use google calendar or something
here’s what i want to encourage you to
do i want you to plan on a week
don’t plan every single day on that day
i want you to always have a week’s worth
open when you are looking at your
schedule now each and every week i want
you to review the previous week and i
want you to ask yourself how did i do on
everything that i had to do on the
previous week because life will teach
you lessons on how to get better
if we stop to observe them and i want
you to plan
at least 20 minutes in your schedule
each and every week where you are
listening to what life is trying to
teach you
apply what life is trying to teach you
you’ve heard it you’ve listened to it
now you’re learning the lesson how are
you going to apply that this next week
so next week gets better
and then what do you need to do this
week based on the plan that you just did
and when is the best time for you to do
within your calendar you’re setting your
plan up for success because you’re
looking at your life now if you’re
somebody that doesn’t keep a calendar
that tries to keep everything in your
head that might have worked in the past
but folks when you’re doing goal
planning like this and you truly want to
accomplish those goals
you need to keep track of what your time
commitments are and then when you can
see them
you can use those time commitments to
help guarantee
that you’re going to get things done and
if you ever wonder why certain people
never forget a date they never forget a
commitment it’s not because they’re
smarter than you it’s not because they
have a better memory than you it’s
because they have a tool so if you have
not started that maybe that needs to be
part of your goals i promise you that’s
probably the missing ingredient that you
have in getting all of these things done
now you have the complete week planned
out and the week’s gonna go exactly as
you planned so you’re not gonna have to
change anything right
let’s be realistic
life is dynamic
and your schedule needs to be dynamic as
well now that doesn’t mean i’m going to
plan something and then i’m going to
just do whatever life throws my way
no i need to be an active participant i
need to make a decision
on what is the best course of action for
me here’s what i mean by that you have a
calendar that is set up because you did
the weekly planning and now somebody
calls and says you need to do something
different you’ve got a choice to make do
i do the thing that somebody’s asking me
to do or do i stick with my plan well
here’s the beauty of that you went into
the future for three years you know
what’s at stake if you don’t do those
things you now need to weigh that
what you’re trying to decide that you
want to do
now if it’s something that it’s your
best client you’re going to lose that
account if you don’t do something right
now right this very second you probably
know what you’re going to choose and if
you look at your financial commitments
your financial goals those are probably
tied to that in some way so you’re not
really saying no to the plan that you
have you’re just reworking some of the
things that you’re forced to do
but you’re consciously making the
decision and here’s the difference that
most people don’t do they live life by
default as life happens to them they’re
not consciously making choices
on what their choices impact them to
create in the future so if you start
looking at things like that and a great
stephen covey quote that really helps me
with this is every time i say yes to
something i’m saying no
to something else
and my goal is to always make sure
that i’m saying yes to a bigger yes
if i change my calendar totally fine to
change my calendar to totally change my
plan for that day
if it’s a bigger yes if it’s not a
bigger yes
then why would i say yes to it
the fact that i had that dialogue inside
my head i had all those thoughts i can
now say no to that but maybe that does
something with the relationship so i
need to explain to that person why i
can’t do that and i think that’s why
there’s so many people that volunteer
for volunteer positions and they never
do anything in those volunteer positions
because it feels good to say yes in the
moment but they didn’t really think of
all the things they were saying no to in
order to say that yes so that technique
should work for you as well as it works
for me what are you saying yes to and is
it always a bigger yes
now let’s say it was a bigger yes and
now you weren’t able to accomplish
something that you needed to accomplish
on week three and now you’re in week
folks life happens you’re gonna go back
to your plan you’re going to re-look at
your plan and figure out how you catch
up week three and week four and how
that’s going to affect
all the other weeks
so many people will come up with a plan
and they’re so rigid that if i can’t
follow that i can’t get the thing
accomplished and folks that’s just not
healthy thinking
life is going to mess things up so when
it does how do you get back on track and
here is the biggest secret to all of
you’re going to write it down
you’re going to make sure that you
visualize all of that and then you’re
going to share this with somebody else i
know that’s very scary to a lot of you
but that truly is what successful people
do in order to accomplish things that
are hard that maybe they don’t
necessarily want to work on by default
they share that with other people for a
few reasons one is it holds them
accountable when you tell somebody that
you are going to do something it’s now
out there in the universe
somebody else knows that you’re going to
do that and they’re going to ask you
about it so to hold you accountable
it takes it out of your head and it
allows other people to know about it
maybe even those people can give you
some tips on how they can get this done
this is what we do in the rising tide
mastermind somebody had a similar goal
that they accomplished
and now this other person that’s
starting from scratch doesn’t have to
start from scratch they can ask the
other person how did they start what was
so hard in starting and what would you
do differently
they can now start from that point and
when they’re sharing their goals the
person that’s listening needs to be able
to visualize that right along with the
person that has the goals and if the
listener can’t do that that’s probably a
sign that the person that’s writing the
goals down that has the goals did not go
deep enough in their imagination so they
can truly believe that the pain of not
getting that goal done is far
worse than living life as it is right
now so all of those things are things
that you can do to make this one of the
best years ever
folks i love being able to share this
stuff with you i love the stories when i
do this each and every year and you tell
me i got my certified water technologist
designation because i started planning
for it there’s so much you can do when
you unlock the potential that you have
and you work within the knowledge of
what you already know about your life
and especially when you get others to
help you out
speaking of others helping us out here’s
the brand new series thinking on water
with james
welcome to thinking on water with james
the segment where we don’t give you the
answers we give you the topics and
questions for you to think about drop by
now let’s get to it
in this week’s episode we’re thinking
about control ranges for tests and
readings both you and your customer run
and monitor how many control ranges are
enough and when do you reach overkill
what are the key performance indicators
should you set control ranges on tests
and readings you cannot control
or do you set them anyway so you are
warned to take action downstream
how tight are your control ranges
can the controller maintain them
are the test procedures used accurate
enough to achieve them are the control
ranges so broad a truck could drive
through them
take this week to think about your
control ranges and what you are really
trying to accomplish each control range
should have a solid reason why behind it
be sure to follow
and hashtag scalinguph2o share your
thoughts on each week’s thinking on
i’m james mcdonald and i look forward to
learning more from you
james thanks again for
coming up with another segment that you
can share with everybody here at the
scaling up nation
so many people were inspired last year
with james’s challenge well he’s back
for another full year of things that we
can do to continuously get better
something that i would like for you to
do since we’re talking about calendar
since we’re talking about all the things
that you want to accomplish is i want
you to look and see what are the things
that are happening this year what are
the conferences what are the different
events that you can attend that help you
with all of these goals so to help you
out i’m going to try to tell you about
different things that i know that are
coming up so in the very near future
i hope you join me for another
hang and the hang is where we get
together we get to meet each other and
other water treaters and talk about
things in the industry
just have fun being an industrial water
treater to find out more information on
that you can go to scaling up
forward slash hang and the next hang is
going to be on january 20th at 6 00 pm
eastern time
now maybe you are in the water treatment
industry that deals with particles and
colloids there is a conference coming up
just around the corner it’s going to be
january 10th through 12th in fort
lauderdale you can go to our show notes
page and you can sign up for that
conference this is a two and a half day
experience where attendees will discuss
how to best supply modern particle and
colloidal science to engineered water
while identifying new areas for
another event just around the corner is
the american boiler manufacturers
association the leadership for the
boiler industry they are having their
annual meeting in indian wells
california that’s going to be january
14th through 17th we’ve got more
information about that on our show notes
page folks
if you can dream it you can turn it into
a plan and if you can turn it into a
plan you can accomplish it make 2022 one
of the best years yet i can’t wait to
hear all about it and i can’t wait to
bring you a brand new episode next week
on scaling up h2o
when the mastermind group was introduced
i said let me get on this thing i want
to be a part of this i want to learn
how to be more productive and
make my days to where i can enjoy my
family time
and separated from my work time and so
i like what trace does and so i said i
want to be i want to do things a lot
like trace so let me let me figure out
what he’s doing so that’s why i joined
to find out more go to forward slash