Scaling UP! H2O

Trusted Advisors Network

We believe in partnering with people that know more than we do. Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich mentioned how Henry Ford admitted under oath that he didn’t know everything he needed to know about the business. But, he had access to those people he needed to help fill in the gaps. What are your weaknesses? How will you fill them in?

The Scaling UP! H2O team has partnered with individuals and companies we trust and that can help get your questions answered.

Human ResourcesHeleen Grossman of HRTG 

                    • Providing customized HR solutions – When your business expands beyond just you, our HR services help you at every stage of growth.
                    • Website:
                    • Email:

CFOAdam Lean of the CFO Project 

                    • Need the benefits of a CFO but don’t want to hire someone full time? Our proven 4-step process will untangle your financials and show you exactly which levers to pull to maximize your profit and freedom.
                    • Website:
                    • Email:

Trusted advisors business to business helpSales Traning and ProcessesAdam Shapiro of the Sales Reform School

Cyber SecurityMichael Reinert of Reinert Consulting

Trace Blackmore LeadershipLeadership Teams – Trace Blackmore of Trace Blackmore Coaching