Scaling UP! H2O

203 Transcript

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People ask me all the time how do i read so much as busy as i am at the secret is what my reading people do for me that’s why i used audible audible is a service that will read books to you and allow you to get the content while you’re driving from account to account using audible for years and you can try it for free 1 bucket one month for free on me through our affiliate link scaling-up h2o dotcom for smash audible welcome to scaling up the following up a nation what my favorite things my second favorite thing is hosting the hangs that we do every couple of months and thats where i’m at today’s guest was on one of the hanks and i know you wondering when can i join the next time and don’t worry i’ll tell you it august 12 at 6:00 p.m. eastern time folks go ahead and register for that right now you can go to scaling up ford spa shang register for that and you might be wondering what a hang isahang is where we’re together on assume call we have a little fun i give me some announcement things that are going on an example of one of those announcements water spa signing off and they did the day of the hands-on now sit on the hang and free much everybody that was on hang got those available spot so that’s how important it is to make sure that you attend a hangs you’re going to learn the greatest the latest information on what is going on in the industry but also you’re going to meet some new people your honesty is some old friends you can reconnect with them you’re in a meet some new people that are in the industry that you are in again how awesome is it when you can talk with some money that knows exactly what you are going through on a day-to-day basis and then we break each other up and do a couple of breakout room so you can actually have some conversations with those people get back together we do some sort out fun activity and then we were it only takes 1 hour again that’s august 12 at 6:00 p.m. eastern time in fact it is a happy hour and we post a new drink each and every hangs of you want to try that drink you go to scaling up h2o dotcom forward slash hang you can see and you can register for the event i can’t wait to see you there as i know you’re going to had a great time speaking out some things that are going on here in the world that is where i am from and i love my city atlanta is a great city . and you need to go to learn more Walks with hospitals this is a great conference to attend and here’s the thing both of those conferences are in person yes we’re actually having conferences that are in person again the world is getting back to normal it’s about time is hospitals more and more hospitals are the leading the charge in legionella due diligence last year we did and entire month of legionella awareness and august and factor those were episodes 150 through 153 suck you haven’t checked that out be sure to listen to those episode and if you go to the webpage doing up you can search the word legionella and you will find a cornucopia of podcast episodes for your listening pleasure we have really those in deep to the topic and we have had some great conversations with some of the leading experts who talked a little bit more about little bit differently always talk about the united states going to happen in the united states a nation today we’re going to talk with somebody from across the pond were going to find out what they’re doing and the united kingdom my love harder today is john sandford john is coming to us from across the pond john welcome to the show how are you i’m fine trisan is an absolute pleasure and talk about me coming from across the phone is mexico a bit the story that left me dumbfounded other this week so item you move one of apple has siri why must the company feno33 sign if you so much in a meeting with the planet malate nakpil sure thing is the main finish will be they need to send in school so why you didn’t lie on the week said while i’m really excited i’m going to be on an american post counts because yeah what causes that as well Nmi coming from across the pond and a you reach is global tries to save the plate to the uk to you and i’m so i’m coming to you from 776 amazing to me amazing How to do Hollywood town about 15 miles east austin supreme matching the middle of the uk and my story so i live for company code sms environmental planning to start my story beat back hurts but can’t say we going to cleveland organisation at age-related tri-cities banking to have you and i renz etoken station in uk clothes management society it’s like a is all my stomach when i love you taste while that it is so much that they lost here i was very excited inquire on its to get to the council of the world’s management society and as far as that you got a little writer in the colts v magazine with said i maxingal to light at the end of the analyst’s afraid of you take so if i delete a ride talk about me and i 9 check the guys start may might reread it will straighten i suddenly that guy contest miles this week . we go back in touch with its side so this this chat with us to me only 1990 as time mike rivers a wall street’s don’t know why did it tries on a background in engineering but i was no wall street on you nothing about what street 32 me on anyway oh my colleagues of chemical engineers not really i still will street this famous We relymicrophone just a night i need to be honest i was well anyway i was of a company called quality wall systems and person is a mutual friend calling frame and without if i had no elected to the was management study lost year ago my eyes have it wont start i would not be back in contact with calling on collins books lease but sizzle stand it is you you not cooling tower and steam steam boilers more have been but just happens to put a calling 592 youtube episode 1 i want a monitor with scaling up , allison supply for them on just like you and i’m a carla so i can see my love podcast and it was great a calling again he has a change the tone and i made it don’t mean to the sky now on i’m on a fan i’m not going not listen to me know that tries but listen to me there i’m subscribed what a fabulous results can be outside her results by these brave men so great trainer Shakey’s before they have the pleasure of being and annapolis maryland where i spoke to colin friend he’s one of the speakers along with me and you were the topic of conversation so i got to hear his side of that story What time i’m so i put into street with got safe in my eyes treatment korea city should absolutely everything i was the next day and everything and now i’m 23 years down the line i realize i just time now anything it to isn’t a funny way all the expert As we don’t we are we didn’t know what we didn’t down and borders a lot of stuff out there that i just don’t know Anything at all Walang b hotel acosta aat steve jobs had a joke with the company not calling admin 2296 then i joint another small wall street my company then in 2001 ustad sms environments with longtime friend and collaborator my nikon i’m here we are now with so in scotland why was a weird a hundred forty people we are all would describe myself as a wall street collingwood max lee calling the cold cold as balls hiding company car ride with us cellular 4 weeks and i will kiss late tonight ever liked it Who is the challenges thing to absolutely free absolutely we still a roces across the uk and i cannot sleep pleasure to be here my soon as they well it sounds like collins chance on hiring you really paid off for the water treatment community you know just just now anyway this what time that i haven’t and seen all the accolades that that you’ve achieved wow i mean it’s it’s really impressive and we’re not what i continue to talk about that you said it was the uk Why there’s a lot of stuff out there that don’t know And then forget to we realize we don’t we are we didn’t know what we didn’t know We talked with the company domain 296 then i join another small company then in 2001 a start sms environment with a longtime friend and collaborator buy nikon and hey we are now with so in scotland why was a weird a hundred forty people we are i would describe myself as a wall street collingwood nicely collingwood cold cold as balls hiding out in a crowd with us cellular service Fbcenter Challenging to absolute if you absolutely with chili for offices across the uk and is an absolute pleasure to pay him at the resume well it sounds like collins chance on hiring you really paid off for the water treatment community you know just just knowing you and a short time that i have events in all the accolades that that you achieve wow i mean it’s it’s really impressive and we’re not worried continue to talk about that you brought up the awt you said i’m ok You said you are on recall Directive described is a privilege to be today only and i think they should be more collaboration between identity and adults – Nso I’m talking about It was tough to put it in a stuff they don t take the great britain i really think so your poop has two so that’s collaboration 10 people over there so i can help facilitate that i think you notice For technologists is it designation over here it shows that an industrial water trader has done certain items to Swat everybody know that they are among the best of the water treatment community is there an equivalent over at the uk or is cwt What is used over the uk question I know the singer bts it’s a least i want you to fast checked myself on a7 could cause i might be something i was unaware off Anyway i contacted the chair of the wall to management society they took brilliant explanation of that the said font styles just days so i see the link to the website send it inside him what’s taste and ink me out a chat here and me back i feel the city was incredible i’ll be a confirm there is no equivalent in the uk and i think strangely enough we are now iala knows management society quiz still talking about this will go to see testing industry trice i don’t know what it’s like i will ask and we need ways of measuring competent same people that so that i can so you the most management society talking about the wall street technician designation but is dying it come see that even getting any web for 2020 for the sea that it is any setting side sauce in a we lose the us forever lost things trice a nothing found the beautiful we doing here neutral any yet you should be collegiate that way this this game where we’re willing and see that it isn’t so this is with us we all right to be 2024 too far away for us so we talking so i’m ok we are probably going to talk to cwt for sms any life what is by genuine anything yet cavite should total management society because trying to get his treatment technician why we dream then in the Incredible hearing about it broke up with old showswhale if you guys already done and we should adopt it done that’s that’s about my bike ride i think that’s because you be talking you been pushing against an open door i think and it cost if you can insult management society then it will stop be recognized because those management society is how it inquirer account within the uk on ferry ferry time to massage price the physical side of the listing so a couple to put cost a stumble on the capital city of sites with flex join i delete a and we are ni just comply cause we’re back hundred forty foot you paper and applying if you decline angela very familiar with the queen of water treatment angeles i get during this she is guys I like to dance Stress because the one big thing is always they have to stay to slightly different iv that and it’s just units and i if i element want to put cost this my meet chocolate see because you’re talking about me to use it to pay means british yeah that’s talking to you is going to be and Patrick calories that so we use pounds per square inch visa pascal to kilopascal still which a lawyer address so you need so metric equivalents if i saw units so that was made at the i think about a fortnight on the reason for science list any job why you saying out as if with alias on your mind because if you take any do if i’ll just get back on the holes and also i can advise advice on going to weigh in on this day and then i lost sky i think I now as if with failures on your mind because if you take any to file just get back on the horse and also advise advice on the way now and then Thanks Just see what it’s like i love them sweat group of your peace come together because some importance to you because i’m for now is a very such things it’s a very informal thing but i think i wear at 24 26 north street tucson az time tries to get there were not a people that attended last time which show that limit the conversation a lot easier to have Text someone from chicago love me Wait right here says some things to talk about when we will introduce ourselves and the grapes of name please put half and half and i was pride this really selling states hereby the papers experiences and then some of it might realize i this incredible these people from the old to her pass the world and if they have similar some of the problems i say you do that . now and then the second half you spain smaller groups and hold up if i can see which was excellent and out with us a name is skies papers and lovely garfin chicago days ago you’re asking a music ? I’m trying 2017 Thanks guys i like when you say the next time Ringtone 12,000 other people aso si Miles from my hi saxon britain bring have anything i say we don’t have anything to have anything at sky at the scaling up h2o podcast You and i were having a great conversation as a little more than what we do for lea can i hear it how you are handle it over in the uk and a course we had with very different and the us or stairs there’s the anomaly of new york where they have their own laws and then there’s the rest of the country which really has a kodak yet but they will i love bringing people on that have experience is that they can share with the scaling up nation because if you’re not a new york and horse new york is is always changing so you never know how that’s going to evolve we don’t know what’s going to happen why i guess we do know what’s going to happen we don’t know sacli how it’s going to happen and when it’s going to happen but my talking with people like yourself that have much more stringent regulations we can learn what you doing back and help us prepare to make sure we’re doing the right things now we’re getting information were prepared for things we’re not shut down when all of a sudden i mean as the body says this is now regulation you’re doing it this way so what you’re about to share think is going to be tremendously valuable to everybody listens to the sky that nation the other thing i think that were going to do for the audience today is people wants to make velozes greatest they can the first time around but the lawmakers have no idea what we do know is we got so many industrial water treat yourself there the more information that we know the more formation that we can gather is the more formation we can share with these lawmakers to make these laws make more sense the first time out of the gate so with that i really appreciate you sharing our story with that setup how do you want to start really spin nova which you will find it very similar some of the guidance in the uk so need any you casey you’re the first outbreak in a daily and danny 7620 uk months we’ve got i know so we could not specifically to the regulations play-doh we got houses act which came and 1974 which was brilliantly drafted and it was cold and i may not because it recognized that there was some issues regret round houses safety including microorganisms of hospital association a lot we can now . yet so what is in the night cleaner made it very easy for the regulator to bringing quite quickly regulations as required as much as it regulates them placed amazed at the bottom so annoying is off to the rich enough right there was now break in a hospital in stafford 868 galit the full scene of whom died i’m not spoons a committee of inquiry and has ^ and so that will effectively treated the regulation of in the uk impact of the safety except if we call the i just say or affected by the regulator with him . i was like a federal agency for men in the guidance to make you like she’s so i thought enough stafford b butihin under the auspices of the health and safety work act like to this real me 5 a single think it’s becoming a problem trust and a guy with a poem what was gonna praise code of practice on how to manage late tonight which wasn’t alone that special legal status and i’ll underneath the preferred practice it being three laws of guidance hsg 274 boss 13 someone is the cooling towers so you will very much put it out because this outstanding in in the us so even in new york city the regulation is any round cody towers i think my from try some few are correct so Microorganisms in pathogenesis is legionella we didn’t know about yet so it is in the night we met so made it very easy for the regulator to bringing quite quickly regulations as required as much as it got regulation in place to make a lot to palma saying is off to the original price that was now break in a hospital in stafford 868 galit the full team of whom died i’m not spoons a committee of inquiry and houses of parliament so that’s will effectively treated the regulation within the uk so i really need a timeout recoletos like you like to risk and i probability difference i will not gotten him but i have the safety except if we call the i just say or effectively the regulator with him . i was so big like a federal agency bring it in the god answer regulations so i thought it out on the office staff it but buddha in under the auspices of the health and safety work act and like to this real need have a single think it’s becoming important to astound me when i bolin it was gonna praise qatar practice on how to manage legionella which was a little that special legal status and i’ll underneath fabricator practice it win three laws of guidance hsg 274 + 13 someone is for cooling towers say you very much cooling tower focuses on standing in the us so evening new york city the regulation is i’m around cody telus directly from home try some of you are correct sentence A little top of that as a whole sentence online on top of the gods as faster it’s hope one and after she would act is meant to be last friday night it is meant to be proportionate to the risk women of a risk-based in approaching i would gonna manage leached out of based on risk but if you always guide us because it’s come from the hsa there is guidance on is not regulation be specially your stay is given state of means that you don’t have to do it but if you don’t do it you have to prove high with a wavy utah is at least equal to the guidance and if you don’t do that you will then be prosecuted on the doubts aside to work on something to pay the guidance becomes de facto law i’m listening size and streets at any of your list as you would probably be more expert on the regulated investment other the hsa but his eyes guys route doing inspections on building sites scaffolds people . as pest us know i saw lots of the thing so time at according to look at another outbreak they would just pick up the guidance and i really expect you to accommodate prescriptive and if you don’t then is your nipples box on the left it work i am the net result of that is which starts managing risk we start managing has it so you and managing blower resistor is pretty much the same way as you manage high resistance i listen to you at 7:00 nothing to do with brilliant janet style foot great advice she was giving you an then it was all she spoke of the cdc checklist just think i should building go have been taking money what do you are family Area and at the risk of you been exposed to legionella bacteria requires that she says that best asset but i’m nice the risk i like this not to happen to you we started when a man is indirect suddenly become this proposed it’s the race can she told him through walls trailer company that i sent her a mess why i’m thinkin’ its compliance isaiah because it’s it’s so tightly regulated where’s everyday you run the risk of civil case i feel your highest protein ek is the full stack chair from the i just say so tell us about that lets say you thought you were doing everything that you were supposed to do and inspector , then they just got done at their last appointment there was some sort of work violation somebody didn’t wear heart had a whatever another coming over in there eluate in your region i would do diligent program they find it deficiency the way they see it they give you an enforcement action now what authorized so much these top 10 scary videos they find a deficiency the way they see it they give you an enforcement action now what time . so the whole of this was after the outbreak in 1993 thing you must check my life baby i just hit a case against the board of trustees of the british museum british museum had a kulit island the sun depends everything like to you now and i’m at states that a cooling tower they found some legionella bacteria not cooling tower in a self no surprise that i just chill bills unite this right High school with cutlass supreme called by the timeout high school without fluids and the british museum decide to pay the case and i lost in the hows of us will lost because they’re repair was based on well-known that legionnaires disease yes we did find a shot of my chair in town but no i won’t leave soon as i’m with manish state we think we mitigate the risk the household of the i just didn’t have to prove how they only at risk of home and safe i lost the case and i just a coin out that saying i miss you need to think about how important this is because i’m well now and i have to every case of lee tonight this is it possible every single guys and therefore is preventable and therefore that will lead to know . since of emotions they have at their disposal used to be a proven icy trice whatever united building manager isn’t doing what they should be doing this as internal risk assessment as and go through the same as control isn’t doing all the checks that i need to be there in you need to print that you put 28 days to do it next dahlstrom was a permission that is they could effectively timeline on just check it out you cannot work i’m asking you or equivalent is it also yes safety and health administration The next time school of a criminal proceedings it 2012 christ that days and i’m leaving on the role and one of days the government go out a new regulation that many they’re just a kind suicide and they found what they thought was a preaching have to work like it is showing discussion of contravention and from that moment on let’s take a charge you for that time is code of fever invention of it because any two courts could find it so they were effectively they would do an investigation on your side i will charge of faith i lost be enough is chinese id now at the time if you appeals that fever invention the people without of the sea that tale with a half as i detected this a bit like you know you been prosecuted in a coleslaw you pay on the paperwork going to review your paylah the prosecution so that the framework to we find us in your biggest foreskin uk now is a formation as size clothing and i just i should be back up account is for risk of being prosecuted for the not complying with the guidance and a prepaid a practice that surround legionella and was all in this together be legally so not legally competent this is just from an experienced here there is a section 40 of the health safety twitch which imposes was cordura best but in a cold floor and nice united such as if she was something no money is the prosecution of got proof beyond reasonable doubt they did it on the presumption is your innocent until your pregnant it takes a nice a sighting in the us office will list section 40 when it comes to you having done everything that is reasonably practicable in posses a reverse but i’m not means you are guilty until you prove your innocence while his incredible honest i should being someone took that to pay well so that that stands in out the safety tools so we now in a situation where we could house a safe detective of dreams of guidance on how my tonight’s choice because it’s as right when i get some hoop days 21 pages don’t think that right i think you’re i guess i’m not alone . give it all we still improve the practices gold especially the status 28th st tucson az 85757 technical memorandum which are similar status is full path that is hd 280 witch’s house manages 62 pages long you will it be made to the point of being overwhelmed with with all of this documentation and ion funny ironic that you solve looking to us to say what winter in a handsome we should probably do it as astray 188 because i then she came from the cdc is proportional to the real risk it should be a backup account i think we’ve come to the extent that is a woman counter productive week now become a police as possible to be summarized that is people being prosecuted and if you look at like liability so they you be talking to build a boat in anus ano na sayo eh free time you say this you say this is so many you put cost and it’s true it’s about the building ayala cebu then i will hire wall street and on my side handle it but this is us Amaia point a responsible person and a responsible person has to take responsibility for the day-to-day running of legionella management on site and asked the past weekend with us in the night away any want i can cause if we often they will be middle managers but the prosecution sitcom about was talking responsible people i have been successful and sometimes i will even trying to you i had one taste rice biking 2012 we had a case of an extra care when annoying t530 president is coming to him because he had a stroke and b a b and c k means i’m so revisitation with the effect if then came back i was in the shower Cancel estipona high to say nhc just like a point san pedro east with full self-assertive what is not emerald at public house but he is the topic of things into the cost pop account so they go off to the bill and the responsible person interviewed by owner in 2012 on friday the 21st december 2012 so i’ve been This computer literate individual clientcanceled they city shutdown two weeks over christmas i guess in the feud under portion but i say he has his legal the council’s leaving if it becomes quite obvious that they looking save it basically this poll resident was 95 years old died because of their negligence which are things to claim that the dawn risk assessments take down the put in the management’s game ever few holes in the management scheme but i don’t think they directly resulted in the rest instead so that was just as the 21st december left he told wise legal team and i said that can see in a stanza celine dion lightly but there is a chance that is a current of rules that the residence staff was downstairs i like the scents they might come up to you and which way for muscles charge he was seems a lovely fella is a next day early tonight and outright because he said it’s very quickly as something on that i spend a hold of it two weeks over christmas because i’m going it’s highly unlikely that they said it doesn’t the morning when you wake up because i make you feel any better belief in the coroner ruled and out if the date that did not post anything to be true but it did so say things to be done but it but it did not post any individual plan so that didn’t happen but the organisation 200,000 pounds by at 20,000 pounds of costs awarded against them and i had a 30,000 pound be friends venture for half the size is active and i ask you the repulsive and i think this is a key learning points really was the guy metri sleeping refurbished we have issues on this is probably won’t street dublin existing file system and supplies the new build and i strongly believe you should be there a wolf safety plan also management plan before you before breakfast g because what happens and what happened in this case if you can company construction company they build a building that when tested the filter [40:25]

Twice the time you come across I am waiting for my temperature now in nature reserveSaver6 a lovely face an explanation and outright because he said it’s very quickly out something that is both a hold of the two weeks over christmas because i’m going it’s highly unlikely but they said it doesn’t doesn’t make you feel any better belief in the coroner ruled and out if the date that did not post any individual by it is so sad things to be done but it but it did not post any individual plan so that didn’t happen if you will find 200,000 pounds . 20000 pounds of costs awarded against them and i had a 30,000 pounds be friends penchant for that the safety accepted and accessing this is really was the high mattress leaving refurbished we have issues on the street So much loan office supplies freehand over of a new build and i strongly believe you should be there won’t stafe to plan also management plan before you before breakfast g because what happens and what happened in this case if you got the company construction company they build a building that when tested the filter Song falling temperatures in the temperature range of 20 degrees to 45 degrees centigrade analyzer fahrenheit pretty sorry and then what happened You won’t streaming company would save a really good disinfection using an appropriate by side correct concentration crinkles i’m done method statement on it but let me tell you know my how could that companies but good disinfection is knowing to cure writing months mismanagement it just so my advice to any of you guys have that you’re taking on any new builds make sure it is a validation something first before you came there it make sure you i will the state of play is because what has happened i want try to happen in this case is japanese management and disinfection you all goes wrong but i’m your disinfection if you doing a risk assessment for building you want to make sure you invest kyle . building have a system was designed it was managed during construction how is commissions because often i leave a huge legacy of a pulse quality we had it without a casing uk recently and again you can a visa , the queen elizabeth university hospital in clause guidance never i slept i was from this coming in about 20 50 nothing but a million pounds they going to take the case to get it wasn’t sure that i will having a problem if they were coming pousada pathogens things on pseudomonas then a trusted minus which it has changed again yes to manage because a long day things superbikes the resistant antibiotics and it was is a direct result in the world 2012 Is not manager buildings correctly during the construction phase 65 months . that god will still each other right now right mommy city new building coming online it’s in the extra time and it was it design and build which means a construction company would be within it for a man had responsibility for it until handover i said we are not touching not begin until we tons of validation something and we need a safe to take a bit is a validation something i is not be with card and i planning is a skill i think and it’s happens to the us by the it anyone come to pick up a pair still since a good planning which i think should be the case bearing in mind it’s a system where we could consume in often the products that comes out as planning systems and tested the system absolutely full of legionella tested in the construction loans to a 2.5 million pounds liquidated damages claim against the structure speaking now try the construction was going to administration incredible some management of as one of my kilos is all aside from you need to manage your wall systems during the construction phase because you hon or you was a wall street will end up with a legacy legionella problem this incredibly difficult management you go very well established by phil and i you can be poem for lots of biocides with a system that this supposed that point i cannot just so much with all the stories that you shared with us we do have states we do have cities have legislation to we discuss on the books if one of our legal representatives whatever congressman somebody calls one of the listers office game animation and they say what is your take what should we be doing with legislation why comes to legionella what would your by spade my advice is i think was happen in the uk is gone so fast extreme that is counterproductive my advice you say congressman christ b not listen to size 9 deal with of skyline stay levi’s tennis town i think i cry when i say is a proposed a risk-based document wave if you come play up with the advice in the city says he will i see me we shouldn’t be talking about it’s guys we should be we should be talking about the real problem and that public health if you do that you will protect public house anyway if you spend too much money managing low risk assets that’s money that could be spent elsewhere improving your three girls wet your i have a bad name the business stand that you will going to look around and business Surround sound when i try and sturdiness then measure out the trash when i do in a proportion a risk-based way that conserve risk assessor we have this concept right of the top of a bit of risk assessment maybe you can really do in a preference came a controlled and it’s he got the risk assessment correct fast and you drink a nice all the components of that tries to your flow diagrams wherefore we caught a schematic drawing of we do is a central line as a pretty the risk assessment on the asia foundation of everything you are a day i think you need recognize only animals that implement ashrae when i t i In australia or new zealand haneda or the uk or the us and you will see there was a lot commonality between all of the guidance or this would be much recognize elements of everyone else I treat you think it doesthis guidance Accurate And the building owners are upset because they think that creates liability but it sounds like your documents tell you exactly what to do and i don’t sound like they want that kind of liability based rice Ask a side of same alpha safety legislation is goal based silicone in disguise is not give anyone itunes to say is not the case it is so prescriptive but what you would happen if you’re too good to this Is not nice day is cypress creekyou will miss something they will be after told her i just a document so all that and someone will wait for your talk to an answer now is that you didn’t to you i sent 54 and nestled is a liability so i write us and this is an issue is in being leased it puts you in a certain way if you if youIt’s not the case is so prescriptive but we would happen if you could do this you will miss something they will be after told her eyes is a documents do all that and someone will wait for your documents now is that you didn’t do i 754 anopheles a liability so why does and this is an issue is being leased it puts you in a certain risk assessor safe uk if you if you can preview the due diligence in rna come to risk assessor wall street icon speed 2 what happens in us some not legally competent to discuss but i would my thing you don’t wanted to prescription sumycin ottoman someone will be coming off to you because you miss the way you talk about flow diagrams which is basically you what you’re trying to explain around You’re not a test not specifically tell you what to do and the building owners are upset because they think that creates liability but it sounds like your documents tell you exactly what to do and don’t sound like they want that can a liability if thrice a risk-based of proportion is not meant to be preserved in fact if you intend to sign up sign alpha safety legislation is ghost so the goal in this case is not given orally tonight And you recognize this guidance is as 188 is not specifically tell you what to do and the building owners are upset because they think that creates liability but it sounds like your documents tell you exactly what to do and i don’t sound like they want that kind a wife westrice if i meant to be risk based on proportional is not meant to be her if in fact if you attend church days because i doubt then i’ll decide to life play she’s gone by steel ecoland disguise is not give anyone itunes the states is not the case it is so prescriptive but what we would happen if your perspective is you will miss something they will be of the total pages of documents do all that and someone will wait for your documents now is that you didn’t to you i 754 anopheles a liability so i write us and this is an issue is in being leased it puts you in a certain risk assessor if you if you if you can speak to what happens in the us some not legally competent to discuss the nice thing you don’t want it to prescriptive and you miss an item and someone will be coming out you because you miss the way you talk about flow diagrams which is basically you would you try not explain Explain schematic george b y if you can accountancy we got cooling tower ef c with go stored was i can see this pump system atlas whatever semester nightglow known person to navigate their way around system we are friends i’m just not materially changed i found out industry which it was happened over here why you will have people know the exact regulation and your lender with risk assessment the other night at 10:00 estate but then then tell you your primary goal which is how to avoid exposing someone to legionella bacteria even to the extent of lawfully sanitize janet style it was talking about legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 cuisine 8% of infections let’s have a look at the carbon says about legionella bacteria if you couldn’t ever before then i love simon that the species we have we don’t think there’s any evidence is pathogenic the just wouldn’t fly this is written block wise legionella bacteria that’s it i will not accept any off your not wait because if you is if any species of legionella bacteria can exist then i must i’m just once connected and i will not that something is as a otherwise liking us the culture method here is still referred to a match the website as the gold standard it is here as well as comments off Disco mobile testing Incredible john lotta things to consider thank you for sharing your story if you could just get one twin across today what would that one point the ability to manage and asteroid when i say cover seat do not start you won’t management from it doesn’t stop for dr hand i die is tossed them the moment you to say that system or you construct that you going to be managed and it will wait for it and conceptual safety group united multidisciplinary court is not wanting to beat wall street’s his responsibilities you come apple with skills you need to manage station need to put holes 32 and i might need some microphone of transportation money some construction planning next expertise but your boobs are problem give you i am that and implement why asteroid when i can’t lie there we go johnson whitening questions for you but i really want to said that we can make this better and you initiated that appreciate that nation at work out there were the experts were constantly learning about this but my ask is that you take this information you can confirmation that she get and then you share that with the people that are making the decision so they can make better decisions sometimes that’s a people from the state of georgia called me and ask me questions they haven’t done anything yet in the state of georgia or in the city of it lands of a we do expect that we all know when that’s going to happen so they do want to hear from professionals if you feel that you have that information by all means share it if you feel that there is an expert out there that you can put them and and moi Tmax full name temperatures within the temperature range of 20 degrees to 45 degrees centigrade i do know what i have found hi pretty sorry i’m paying what happens inside I’m eating managed to any of you guys have them taken on any new builds might reduce to television something first before you came there it make sure you know what the state of play is because what has happened i’m going to happen in this case is japanese management and disinfection you all goes wrong during meiosis infection if you doing a risk assessment of a brand new building you want to make sure you invest kyle . building have a system was designed it was managed during construction has commissioned because often lately the huge legacy of pools policy we we had a without a casing uk recently and again eucalyptus a home on the queen elizabeth university hospital in glasgow scotland and never angeles pike ios from this hospital come online in about 20 50 nothing so fun that because it came in a half a million pounds on the budget they hadn’t management system probably during construction and defensively them of patients they going to tend in the us for often stress it because it’s the weekend it was a religion that i will having a problem with favorite come across at of pathogens things on pseudomonas then a truffle minus which should you pop tunes they can you have to manage because a lot of things things super box that was it the time to bond states and i was is a direct result the quoted from the whole system in 2012 open open island there were three me and i said three newborn babies 2.4 pseudomonas infections from the bible and this is often town construction companies not managed correctly during the construction phase so the guy if it’s just that guys will say that i always together building coming online it’s in the extra time and it was it design and build which means a construction company would be within it for a lot have responsibility for it until handover i said we are not touching not begin until tons of validation something and we need a safe to take on it is a validation something i is not discouraged and i planning is a skill i think and it happens to the us by beat anyone can just pick up a are still something good planning which authentic should be the case bearing in mind it’s a system where we would consume and often the products that comes out of days plank systems and i tested the system absolutely janella and tested it with the construction firm launched a 2.5 million pounds liquidated damages claim against the structure that i was saying to resolve now price with a construction firm has gone into administration incredible some management of a woman michaelis it’s all aside from you need to manage wall systems during the construction phase because yung client or you was a wall street will end up with a legacy legionella problem that’s incredibly difficult management you got very well established by phil and i you can’t be poem for lots of biocides with the system because this is a possible with that just so much with all the stories that you shared with us we do have states we do have cities that have legislation to be discussed on the books if one of our legal representatives whatever , span somebody calls one out the listers office game animation and they say what is your take what should we be doing with legislation why constellation l i will with your voice be my advice is i think would happen in the uk’s conserve phones things trade discounts up to my advice you say congressman tried not listen to sign the word of scaling up and stay levi’s tennis down i think ashryver 98 is a proposed a risk-based document with if you come up with the advice in the city says he will i see me we shouldn’t be talking about it’s guys we should be we should be talking about the real problem and ask public health if you spend too much money managing low risk assets less money that could be spent elsewhere improving your three girls wet when you’re overburdening business today At sensis we’ve got to announce that don’t say what i say i’m telling putin honest to mess around the thoughts as right when i try to do in a proportion a risk-based way that conserve risk assessor we have this concept right of the top of a bit of risk assessment may mean you can really do in a preference gaming control then it’s you got the risk assessment correct fast and you recognize all the components of that tries to your flow diagrams with whole week 02 schematic drawing but we do is a separate line already the risk assessment on the base of foundation of everything url should day i think you need recognize only animals that implement ashrae when i try and i think that someone wants but i was wet with we already well we look what i doing in australia or do you say then 20 canada or the uk or the us and you will see there is a lot commonality between all of the guidance or this would be much recognize elements of every when i was this guidance is about not being so much business specifically tell you what to do and the building owners are upset because they think that creates liability but it sounds like your documents tell you exactly what to do and i don’t sound like they want that kind a liability if stress is icing meant to be risk based on proportionate is not meant to be preserved in fact if you intend to sign up then i’ll decide to legislation is goal based so the goal in this case is not give anyone lead us to say it’s not the ties it is so prescriptive but we would happen if your tooth hurts it is you will miss something they will be of the total pages of documents do all that and someone will wait for your documents now is that you didn’t do i 754 anopheles a liability so as write does and this is an issue is being leased it puts you in a certain way if you if you Public officer we will not use telling job and you miss an item and someone will be coming out you because you miss the way you talk about flow diagrams which is basically you what you’re trying to explain all things i could Why if you can i can see we got call a taxi with gun stores was i can say this system that’s what i am unable unknown person and navigate their way around system we are the three friends been changed and i will have people know the exact regulation and you’ll end up with risk assessment the other night at 10:00 as they but then then tell you your primary goal which is how to avoid exposing someone said legionella bacteria even to the extent of an awfully sanitizing janet style it was talking about legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 united center fractions let’s have a look at the carbon says about legionella bacteria if you couldn’t ever before the species we have we diving has any evidence is pathogenic the just wouldn’t fly this is written block wise legionella bacteria that’s it they will not accept any other a lot late because of you is if any species of legionella bacteria can exist then the most dangerous once connects stdin and i will not that something is as his otherwise liking us the culture method he is still referred to when i just a website as the ghost and that it is here as well That’s just told signifies to do my hands where the i just a student stages that yet we still see the culture method is as a common standard so everything done for the pool day use qpcr and outright but it will always be back in accounting method which is typhoid innovation i’ve been to the extender technology covid-19 in the middle of disco hits at the knee while we will testing only using pcr testing and when it comes to late tonight is a method of inside 10 days did rizal credible john lots of things to consider thank you for sharing your story if you could just get one point across today what would that ability to manage and ashley when i say cover seat do not start you won’t management from it doesn’t have hand i die is tossed them the moment you do so that system or you can stop and you go to be managed in it all the way through it and conceptual safety group united multidisciplinary group is not wanting to beat wall street’s his responsibilities you come applewood school she needs to manage this you need to put wall street and i do not need some microphone logical exportation money some construction planning next expertise but new builds or problem give you i have them and implement when i asked you when i get there we go johnson lightning round questions for you but i really want to thank you said that we can learn from each other we can make this better and you initiated at . what’s going to know how much i appreciate that and nation at work out there were the experts were constantly learning about this but my ask is that you take this information you can confirmation that she get and and you share that with the people that are making the decisions so they can make better decisions sometimes . i’ve had some people from the state of georgia called me and ask me questions they haven’t done anything yet in the state of georgia or in the city of atlanta but we do expect that we don’t know when that’s going to happen so they do want to hear from professionals if you feel that you have an information by all means share it if you feel that there is an expert out there that you can put them in touch with by all means do that when people ask was over emotions when people die somebody should have done something about this people acted very quickly because they they want to show that that life matters and out of course we understand that but we also need to make sure that their science behind that and there’s history behind that and all these things that were learning we can start off better from the beginning if you’re just out there and we’re talking to each other so john thank you for helping see how everybody does and then there’s some weight goes on now that i know you now unexplained at me i’m surrounded by such grilling papers my best job a trading calling friend and always choose gosh i might months i want it come across devon you i was talking about when i disappearance not diced rice and i just realize i wasted such a viable results with calling after the made by yourself if i’m going to get trying to buy now pay for it but then it would be freight colleagues an old friend of mine and calling that bollywood night at stake davis is sadly not known with us i never said i don’t know enough i’m on everything explain it to me i miss you adjustable boys put it in your tokyo of the alkaline c type faster things and neil gaiman s . i was a great but then i suppose about about sons west african god’s particle which doesn’t sound appealing is cracking rate i listen to lay down his by someone else which is the guy you write trying to spawn german like disturbing film from scotland backing about heroin addiction dance and bashing school in this is employedAmerican wife which is entirely then my eyes is i’ve got the awt technical reference manual in about 7 parts of my life had because guess well there take it in examinations soon i have no doubt about that South ubian your zone air just tried movie about your wife who plays jon well i would like it to be someone had a good looking family told him on my face good looking is in a price that would come out that precise carrots are out of the good looking so i just ate michelle me because i like i all of them in this promise i love to manpuku can i have you seen the death of stalin i have not pass the test all its incredible with the state any place the k2 kristoff the film as a bit president but they the direct we need to the film is at you you didn’t want anything crush lacson so essentially characters when you play the film speaking writing such as a few english accents in that state bassami place decatur christian speaking in a protein accent this incredible is funny about the god of the real fun god bless god and i’ll be with him so stay you show me that last question you not bibili talk to anybody throughout history who to be with and why churchill warm up big big heroes britain would have definite lost wall and possibly jelly wouldn’t 1 hour in match if it hadn’t been for churchill i think she’s resilience that was a big big news so i see a baby i like a piece of the germans church would have any of that and it’s we like to claim him as i right here at united hazel british he right we forget things i see how american size is mom with jenny driving from brooklyn believe they’ve even able money came to producing church of the americas helped us out to show my favorite an existential when he was in the house his opponent with nancy and faster which was she will prevail over head shower and she just wants 10-7 said if you in my husband our poison utf-8 if you are my wife i drink it i lived experiences on Wife and i know that that information is going to allow us to hopefully make some different decisions over here in the united states soon and also all over the world where discount at nation is so thanks again john wanna spain as been a privilege guys thank you very much that nation when you are aware what other countries are doing you can be better prepared for the unknowns that your local government is going to throw at you when it comes to legionella the slowest countries to respond when they decide to respond as a municipality as a local government use other countries documentation so if you were concerned about that if you want to know what to expect if you you start looking at what other countries are doing you can get a good idea of what is going to come our way and when you know more your better but here to do something proactively instead of just reacting don’t believe me ask somebody that doesn’t got through water treatment in new york folks their whole business was flipped upside down overnight so the more you know the better you can prepare and that’s really true on any topic at the chance to talk with people all the time and they say trade i don’t know anything about acts and i think you know enough to say you don’t know anything about it obviously that either makes you curious a or it bothers you or whatever is about that Business because you understand that topic so if it’s regional don’t worry about it if it’s about it that you don’t know you are getting better drop by drop and speaking of getting better drop by drop here is james mcdonald house got the next james’ challenge this week rosanna duster water driven professional drop by drop it is researching amine distribution ratio if he’ll be steam distribution system can be and may is a typing with many uses pressure reducing valves and various distances the border trim but you use may have one or combination of neutralizing a means it is formulation what does the distribution ratio tell you that it one had as knowing and utilizing a means just to be sure a show in fact a decision on which neutralizing a means to use in a butter system be sure to share your experience on linkedin by thinking about #dc 21 and hashtag scaling-up leads to a this is james macdonald and i look forward to seek what you share nation all amines are not the same so how do you know which one is the right one for your system knowing the distribution ratio as james is challenging us to do my help you from sending the wrong product and your customer i do you have an idea for a show me know about ask me a question Scaling-up h2o . com and record your ? 

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