Scaling UP! H2O

251 Transcript

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welcome to scaling up h2o the podcast where we scale up on knowledge so we don’t scale up our systems i’m trace

blackmore the host of scaling up h2o in nation last week we crossed the 250

episode barrier a quarter to a thousand just so many

milestones we just recently celebrated our fifth anniversary we’re also celebrating that we are in so many

countries people all over the world are listening to the scaling up h2o podcast

the scaling up nation of course you the listener of the scaling up h2o podcast

you are growing in numbers and that’s happening because you are sharing with

your fellow water treaters with your friends with your family that we have a podcast just for us

and so many people have told me that they have gotten into this industry because they listened to a podcast that

somebody recommended they listened to to see if this was something they wanted

to become a member of if they wanted to become a part of the water treatment community part of the water treatment

workforce so i’m so glad you guys are using these episodes as you see fit to

help bring the right people into our water treatment community to make sure

that you’re hiring the right person that they’re getting good information about what it is that we do because let’s face

it unless you’re born into this industry nobody has any idea what it is that we

do and even if we find somebody with some water experience most of our

industry is so niche it doesn’t necessarily translate a

hundred percent so we’re using all the resources that we can and i love

that so many of you out there are using the scaling up h2o podcast as one of

those resources and we have well over 250

episodes out there for you to use so many people have called in or left me

a voicemail or written into the show and let me know what one of those 250

episodes needed to be about of course i’m not gonna stop just because we’re five years into this and we’re 250

episodes in i need your help i need for you to tell me what you want to hear on this podcast

who is the next person you want me to interview that’s the only way we’re

going to be able to keep bringing this show to you is for you to let me know that valuable information

super easy to do that go to scaling up and then you can go over to our show

ideas page and you can type up whatever you want me to know on that or i’ll make it even easier for you when you go to

the scaling up webpage you will see a pop-up on the right-hand

side that says leave voicemail on your device you can record your voice telling

me whatever you want to tell me and if you ask me a question there’s a good chance that i will play that on the air

and that’s actually what we’re going to do today i don’t have a voice for you but i do have a question

from some listeners we’re going to be answering those questions but before we

do here’s a brand new thinking on water with james

welcome to thinking on water with james the segment where we don’t give you the answers we give you the topics and

questions for you to think about drop by drop now let’s get to it

in this week’s episode we’re thinking about nitrite corrosion inhibition how does nitrite inhibit corrosion

does oxygen have a role what if nitrite is underfed what could happen and why

what if nitrite is overfed what could happen and why how might microbiological activity

impact nitrite levels and corrosion protecting a water system against corrosion is more than just running

pinks and blues it’s about understanding the chemistry behind the scenes and what factors may positively and negatively

impact it take this week to think about nitrite and how it inhibits corrosion be sure to

follow tow 22 and hashtag scaling up h2o share

your thoughts on each week’s thinking on water i’m james mcdonald and i look forward to learning more from you

nation a couple of events that you might want to check out i mentioned that we have so many people listening to us all

over the world one of the items that’s coming up is the aqua tech trade show in china that’s

going to be june 8th through 10th and that’s hosted by the water quality association and that’s going to be

exhibitors and all sorts of people coming to talk to you about the prospects of the international markets

when it comes to water if you want to know more about that you can go to our

show notes page and we’ll have everything that you want to know there the groundwater association on june 21st

through 22nd is having a conference on the fate of pfas this is taking place in westerville

ohio and if you want to learn more about this simply go to our show notes page

and we will have all of that information for you something coming up that the scaling up

nation is going to do together to get awareness out for how many kilometers

that people have to walk in countries that do not have a fresh water source right at their door

they have to walk six kilometers on average so team world vision every year holds a

global 6k for awareness around this and then they use that awareness and they use proceeds

to change villages all over the world and we the scaling up nation are going

to be a part of it on may 21st you can walk

run crawl whatever in a 6k why a 6k again that’s the

average amount of walking that people have to do to and from their water

source to bring water back to their home well we’re going to do that to bring

awareness and if you want to learn more information about that that’s just next

weekend so you still have time to sign up you can go to scaling

forward slash 6k to learn some more about that we interviewed reid hutchinson on episode

236 and he’s been involved with the world vision team for years he was the

one that let me know about this and now i’m the one that’s letting you know

about this so we can have a little bit of fun while we’re taking care of this

such valuable cause also we’re trying to raise some funds for team world vision

to help with this so if that’s something you want to contribute to you can also do that at scaling up forward

slash 6k so nation next week when you’re in the 6k i want you to post on social

media scaling up h2o so we can all share in

your experience we’ll know that we’re part of a community and we are doing

something to help the betterment of our fellow man and how great would it be if

in our lifetime we ended the global water crisis

nation as i mentioned at the top of the show this is a show that we call pinks and

blues pinks and blues is a name that i don’t know somebody that was in our

field 100 years ago was calling running tests so when you run tests people say

hey i’m running pinks and blues that’s the color that most of those tests change some of the tests change so

we affectionately call episodes like this where we are answering your

questions that you have asked by going to scaling up

right here on the air and here we have a new water treater and they are asking

actually they’re asking a lot of questions but the main theme around all of their questions

is how do they know how to diagnose when something’s wrong so they’ve gotten to

an account hopefully they’ve spoken with the customer and they figured out with

the customer what’s going on what’s new what’s the same that the customer feels

they’re getting value by having you as their representative for your company

and they might share with you yes we had a leak uh we installed this equipment or we’re thinking about installing some new

equipment so what do you need to do in order to partner with that person to make sure they buy the right equipment

maybe it’s not the right metallurgy and they never even thought about the metallurgy maybe they haven’t thought

about a stainless steel basin because they’re just replacing the cooling tower

with the exact same type of cooling tower that’s up on the roof now and they didn’t give any consideration

to some of the other things that we all are aware of the type of construction

is there sunlight going into it can we redesign something or use another type

of design so a problem that we have to deal with on a regular basis is now mechanically engineered out

don’t just assume that the representative who’s selling the cooling tower is doing all of that

help your customers make better decisions by giving them more information and by the way all

we’re doing is saying hello here i haven’t gotten past the fact that we just knocked on the door and somebody

welcomed us into their facility and we’re just catching up with them so there’s a whole bunch that we need to

know before we start talking to the equipment and i’m willing to bet in

our day-to-day it’s very easy to skip step one where we are talking to

the customer and finding out things that are going to make it faster

in the long run because now we understand what’s going on since we’ve

been there last now we are aware of a particular issue since we’ve been there last and now our

antenna go up and we are able to start looking for products of that issue

now we’re going to go ahead and go into wherever the mechanical room is and

you’re probably going to start running your test now nope do not do that

there is so much information that you do not have and you need that information before you

even open your test kit just like you tried to find as much information as you

could from your customer you’re now going to do that with the equipment put your test kit down make

sure it’s in a safe location put it off to the side and now walk around have a

conversation with the equipment if it’s a chiller look at the chiller has

everything the same as you remember it maybe go into the user interface

see if all the readouts that you can see on that machine are normal do you notice

that maybe the approach temperature is a little bit higher do you notice that maybe the load is a little bit higher or

maybe it’s a little bit less than it was last time maybe you’re looking at the power consumption and you’re tracking

that and you’re seeing if they’re using more or less power than they did during the last visit or more

importantly this same time last year that tells you a whole bunch

of information go over look at the cooling tower what is the cooling tower

operation water level like is it too high is it too low does it look like everything is flowing

properly do you see any signs of biological activity outside of normal

what are all the things that you need to observe so you can now better

diagnose maybe it’s a boiler you’re looking at the flame does the flame look good does it have that nice

color does it have a bluish tint to it and not a real yellowy tint a lot of times that means

that it needs to be tuned up and there are too many byproducts that are being flung off that flame

making a soot issue well if they’re using more gas because

there’s insulation in soot and that’s got to go through the soot in order to get through the pipe to heat the water

to create the steam the first thing that most people blame that own boilers is

the water treater well folks if you’ve got a dirty flame that has nothing to do with water

treatment but it has everything to do with you noticing it and that’s the value that we want to make sure that our

customers know that we are not just looking at the things that we are directly responsible for

we’re actually the mouthpiece we are the faithful translator of that equipment to the people that own

the equipment and when in doubt blame the water treater i’m going to make a t-shirt that says that when people don’t

understand all the things that are going on they typically blame the person that’s in there each and every month and

in this specific case it wasn’t anything to do with water treatment at all it was a dirty flame and soot is more

insulative than scale so let your customer know hey looks like

you need to get this boiler tuned up or maybe we even have the conversation when was the last time you had your boiler

tuned up when was the last time you brushed the tubes when did have you gotten all the soot out

when have you done your last boiler inspection now most likely there’s going to be a sticker on the boiler that tells

you that inspection and folks typically those are done every year so if it’s around the same month where that

inspection is is due you want to talk to that customer and say hey i want to be here when you open

up that boiler i want to see inside just like the inspector does the inspector is

there looking for safety i am here looking for

efficiency now when the chiller gets inspected and cleaned that’s really when

the customer decides to do it so hopefully you are on their list to call when they do that hopefully they give

you some notice but again all this stuff we are looking at we have never gotten into our test

kit yet let’s go over to our control equipment does everything look like it’s

operating properly maybe it’s not maybe our conductivity is too high maybe it’s too low this is all

great information for you to start figuring out what you think is going on

in that system so you can now test with that in mind and maybe you now run a

couple of other tests or maybe you can even run some fewer tests because you now have information about the system

you don’t have to run the normal 15 tests that you normally run you see that the conductivity is very

low well why am i going to test all these different parameters when i know the

conductivity is low and most likely all of the things i test is going to be low

maybe i figure out why it’s low i make that adjustment and then i just do some spot checks to

see that my adjustment is actually putting it back into range so i can actually

save a lot of time by doing something that seems like we’re spending more time

than we have to but with better knowledge we’re able to execute better

we’re able to do the things that we need to do that really count during that

service so the person that wrote in they want to know how they go about doing

that so i hope the things that i mentioned so far which is just simply

asking questions and getting information most people again one more time i’ll say it because i see

it happen so many times they go straight for their test and they blindly start testing you should have an idea of every

value that you are going to get as a result of something you test before

you test it and the only way you can do that is by getting information from your customer and getting information from

your equipment now let’s say the situation i just described is what you

find you find that either on a cooling tower on a boiler you have low

conductivity as i said before why would you waste all your time doing all of

your normal tests when you can suspect that all of those are going to be low

how do i know all the different things that you put into the boiler or the cooling tower are going to be low

because your concentration levels are low that’s reflected in your conductivity every time water

concentrates the conductivity goes up and also everything concentrates that

you put in that machine if it’s not concentrating up you’re going to see the

conductivity at a lower range than what you have it set for and that’s going to

indicate that one or all of your parameters that you’re going to check for are going to be low

so now i’m going to go into troubleshooting after i’ve tested and i’ve confirmed that yes that is actually

going on what do i mean by that maybe the probe is out of calibration maybe

the probe is dirty maybe everything in the system isn’t as bad as we think or

the controller thinks that it is and we need to fix a piece of equipment

so the first thing i like to do when i am interviewing the control equipment is

i always check flow i want to make sure that it’s in a good line of flow and it’s getting good flow and then i start

checking calibration are the readings that it is giving me the actual readings

that i know are correct and how do i know they’re correct well a couple of ways

minimum every week i calibrate all my meters i need to be able to count on my

meters and i make sure that they are always kept clean they are always kept

hydrated a lot of the probes that have a solution inside a glass bulb those will

dry out if we don’t take care of them we take care of them by putting a specific

solution in the reservoir to make sure that they don’t dry out and we’d never

want to put water in there because that can actually force the juice that’s inside the probe to transmit outside of

the probe because nature loves balance and it’s trying to balance the fact that there’s more inside than there is

outside so don’t do that there’s a reason that there’s storage solutions

out there if you want to learn more about that contact wherever you get your test

equipment and supplies from they will tell you all about that and then also

cleanliness we make sure we clean our meters at least every week or as needed if we have

a dirty meter and whatever we’re testing has to transmit through that dirt into whatever the probe is we’re not going to

get a good reading and if we calibrate off of a dirty probe well folks that’s

not a good calibration because we’re taking into account all the gunk that’s

on the probe and we’re doing really what’s called a false calibration

so make sure all your meters are clean they are calibrated and just in case i

have things to clean my meter in my test kit and i have all this standard so i

can test for calibration or accuracy any time throughout my day

i’m going to do the same thing with the probes on the controller if they are not

reading what my meter says that they should be reading first thing i want to do is i’m going to clean that and then i

might put that into a standard solution or if i know whatever sample is and i

know the conductivity or whatever i’m trying to test and i’ve got a good reading on that i can use that solution

it depends if you do a one two or three point calibration talk to your control

manufacturers to learn more about that we’ll probably do a show someday about

what the differences are today just know that you want to keep things clean you

want to be able to trust them and the way you trust them is to make sure that they are calibrated if you need to

calibrate something follow the method that makes the most sense for you

and now you’ve got a calibrated and clean probe you put that back in the system

and it should measure exactly what your meter is reading well i say exactly it

should be pretty darn close and if it is now you need to determine if that’s in

range or if it’s not if it is low then

did calibration fix it maybe it thought it was falsely high and it was calling for bleed when it didn’t need to do that

well you just fixed that with the calibration or maybe you didn’t maybe there’s some other

issue going on maybe the probe was not out of calibration never a bad idea to clean the probe every time you come

across one so you didn’t do anything you shouldn’t have done already you’re just

starting the diagnosis process well now let’s go to how the controller is

controlling the concentration and that’s with a valve a valve that is letting

high concentrated system water out so makeup can now come in and dilute the

rest of the water in the system is that valve operating correctly

maybe if it’s low it’s stuck open maybe there’s a piece of debris in there

you need to clean that out you need to have somebody help you clean that out if that happens often maybe you should

consider a different type of valve that’s not as susceptible to whatever is

getting clogged up in there maybe there is an electrical issue and there’s a malfunction somewhere how do

you test that well hopefully you have a multimeter in your kit and you can see that the wire is live when it’s not

supposed to be live there’s so many things that we do as industrial water

traders that are so far above and beyond just running pinks and blues now if you

don’t know how to use a multimeter i cannot think of a more underutilized

tool that we have in our arsenal folks go to youtube

watch a couple of videos on how to use a multimeter and when you have a

multimeter and a controller issue and you call in to the manufacturer

trust me they will absolutely love you for having that piece of diagnostic

equipment and they can guide you through the process of making sure everything is

doing what it is supposed to be doing if you don’t have a multimeter they’re

not going to be able to give you all the information that you need in order to fix the issue

so before we even leave we’re making sure we’re having all the diagnostic

equipment that we might need with us so we can utilize that

i was speaking about a boiler let’s say it’s a cooling tower let’s say everything is fine everything’s in

calibration but we’re still seeing a low conductivity so we walk out to the

cooling tower by the way if you’re not looking every single visit at the cooling tower you’re missing an

opportunity for diagnostics you go outside you look at the cooling tower and you see it’s overflowing well no

wonder it’s not concentrating up it’s overflowing so now we have to figure out why that is

going on is the valve not adjusted properly maybe the valve just floated

off or just disintegrated i’ve seen that happen before maybe there is a situation where when

the tower shuts off there’s a large volume of water that overflows the tower

and there’s a design issue going on with that maybe they have a sand filter and

thank goodness they have a sand filter every single cooling tower should have a sand filter but maybe it’s not set up

right on backwash maybe it’s backwashing too often maybe it’s allowing too much water to be

bled out of the system and we’re not able to concentrate up i found one in my career where it was

backwashing almost every two hours way too much by the way when you back wash

them too much they’re not as good as a filter so if you have sand filters and

you should if you are dealing with cooling towers make sure that you are working with the

manufacturer of that filter so you understand how it works how it needs to be set up

and now you’ve got a relationship with whomever is selling those devices and when you have a problem you can

contact them just like when they have a question about water treatment they can

contact you again all these things we haven’t opened up our test kit yet

now we’re going to get a sample that we’ve looked at all of these items

we have an idea what’s going on in the system we’ve interviewed the equipment we’ve talked to the customer

we should now have an idea of what we should be testing for and

what the results are if the results are exactly what we think

they are then we have guaranteed that we know what’s going on with the system now

maybe not everything is perfect but we now know how to fix it because we know what’s wrong we’re going to talk about

that in a second however if we have not formed that opinion and we’re just

running the test what the heck are you going to do when those tests are not where they’re supposed to be that’s

telling you you need more information don’t run your test until you have an

idea of what they’re going to tell you and if you don’t have that figured out it means you need to continue

interviewing the equipment or asking more questions to the customer

now a lot of people in our industry have gotten a little lazy when it comes to

testing we have some incredible products out there that make our life easier but i

don’t think they should be replacing the things that we need to know about

the system specifically what i’m talking about are tracers a tracer is something

that we put into the system to determine how much of our product is diluted in

the system the one that comes to mind is paratoluene sulfonic acid ptsa

in a cooling tower and it might be fluorescein in a boiler when we test for

these we have so many parts per billion and we say we’ve got enough product in

the system we close our test kit and we go about our day no don’t

do that the only thing that that tracer is telling you is how much product fed

and is now in that system what it does not tell you and the most

important thing that you need to know is how much of the consumables that you

have in your product that are doing all the work to make sure that you don’t

scale and you don’t overly corrode the system you have to know how much of those

products are in there so maybe that’s phosphate maybe that’s molybdate maybe

that’s nitrite maybe that’s sulfite whatever is in your product you should by this time

have understood what is in your product now your company has probably put out

what’s called data sheets now not safety data sheets but technical data sheets

and this tells you what the dosage of your product is this tells you what the control set points on your

controller need to be and it tells you when you run certain

tests what the parameters are between this and this is what you’re going for with this

particular test and you know that it has maybe three things you need to test for

whatever that is that’s in addition to whatever tracer that you are using

i’m going to say this again because i know people do it but there’s so many people that run out there and all they

do is test the tracer level if we have an upset in the system and

all the consumables are getting used up all the things that are in the product that actually do the work for what we’re

there to do if they’re not available in the system it doesn’t matter how much tracer

is in the system so we’re testing for those things and then we are comparing

them to what they should be on that technical data sheet

if the concentration level is low we’re going to expect that all of those are

low if the concentration level is high we’re going to expect that all of those

are high and we have to work with that first and fix why it’s high or low

before we can fix anything else and normally if that’s all that’s going on with the

system once we fix that and everything else was set up correctly to begin with

most of those things will come back in line you need to test for all the actives

that are in your product if you don’t know your product well enough to know all the actives then ask people you work

with show me the technical data sheets and let me know how you use them so i can

start doing that as well so we’ve got tracer we have actives and

now we’ve got things that we test in the system to kind of see how those actives

are doing something that comes to mind are some of the metals maybe we’re testing for iron maybe we’re testing for

copper maybe we’re testing for zinc maybe we’re testing for aluminum and typically when we are testing for this

we know what’s coming in with the water we know what that should

concentrate up to and now we’re testing to make sure we don’t have much more than what it should

concentrate up to let’s say we have 10 times more iron in

the system than we should that’s telling us that we are getting a

lot of iron for some reason now what’s the some reason i don’t know i’m not there maybe

our product’s not working properly and we’re corroding the system maybe

they just added a piece of equipment and our customer didn’t tell us about it or

we didn’t have that conversation in the very beginning with our customer and they said oh yeah there’s a tenant loop

over there and they just added a bunch of equipment well all that equipment didn’t get cleaned and then as they tapped into a

very old line they busted a lot of stuff loose and guess who has to deal with it

now not knowing that information we have to figure out where that’s

coming from so you can see instantly by having a little extra time on the front

end getting information that makes our job easier that makes our task a lot faster

we will have a quicker service putting more stuff up front getting more

information up front before we open our test kit if that was the case and they

said yes we just added something to a tenant loop we now expect that we’re going to see

some crud yes that’s a water treatment term in the system because they didn’t

let us know about that we didn’t do a pre-cleaning and it’s an older system we then confirm that with the

extra iron and now we can go to our customer exactly as i thought we do have

some higher corrosion byproducts in the system so we need to run the

concentration down a little bit lower to flush this out on purpose

maybe it’s a closed loop system maybe we need to flush that system and now we

need to add some cleaner to really get all that stuff out there and then we need to flush the cleaner out i don’t

know what kind of system it is but i do know that the more information i have

backed up by my test i’m better able to diagnosed and i’m much better able to

prescribe now as we’re running those tests maybe the conductivity is fine but we’re over

feeding or under feeding those products how would we know that well everything

that’s on that technical data sheet is either elevated or it’s suppressed and

we know that we need to make an adjustment on however that is getting

fed so to get back to the original question that a member of the scaling up nation asked me they said that they were

relatively new to the water treatment industry and how can they test better what should they be looking for how can

they run a better service we started this entire episode by talking about

doing the things that don’t even involve your test kit when we understand what’s going on

with the system by interviewing the person by interviewing the equipment that is the only time that we open up

our test kit and now our tests actually make sense nation i hope that this is helpful

for you through better information we are able to make better decisions and

we’re also able to be more efficient as we’re making those

decisions if you didn’t hear anything else from this episode i hope that you

hear this and i hope that you do this if you do not know or have an idea of what

the result of a test is that you have not yet run you probably don’t need to

run it what information are you missing that’s going to unlock your knowledge of

the system nation thank you so much for sending in your questions thank you for that

individual that sent in there’s about seven questions and i tried to answer all of those within this podcast

if you have a question that you want me to answer on scaling up h2o go to and let me know what that is nation again

over 250 episodes you and i have been

together for over five years i just think that that is amazing i hope you

are doing amazing things with your career with your day to day

and i can’t wait for you to tell me about those very things so if you see me

at an upcoming event please let me know some of those items i hope to see your post on social media

about the 6k so hashtag scaling up h2o nation have a great week

[Music] one of the things i hear so often about

the rising tide mastermind is about how well the members in the rising tide

mastermind listen to other people folks we are programmed to give quick advice

even if we don’t have all the information through the issue solving track that we practice in the rising

tide mastermind you will learn how to ask better questions so you can give

better advice and that will shorten the road for whatever issue you’re trying to

solve to find out more go to scaling up forward slash mastermind

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