Scaling UP! H2O

314 Transcript

The following transcript is provided by YouTube, mistakes are present. To hear the podcast episode click HERE.

[Music] foreign [Music]
is sponsored by the rising tide Mastermind the rising time Mastermind is
where people just like you get together every week to help each other with
issues let’s face it issues are hard so why start from square one when somebody
can tell you what they’ve done with a similar issue if this sounds like something that’s interesting to you go
to forward slash Mastermind to see if the rising tide
Mastermind is right for you thank you
welcome to scaling up H2O the podcast where we scale up on knowledge so we
don’t scale up our systems my name is Trace Blackmore Trace Blackmore cwt that
is certified water technologists and folks if you are in the same type of
water treatment that I am you know about the certified water technologist designation you know that that is the
gold standard to prove to anybody that you are in this business to stay that
you are among the elite of everybody that is in this particular
field of industrial water treatment now I’ve had my cwt since
2003 and I’ve had the pleasure of going through all my continuing education and
making sure that I re-certify each and every five years and I have just been so
proud of my cwt I’ve also been so proud of all of the people that I have known
throughout my career that have obtained their certified water technologist
designation and once again it is the highest designation you can get in this
industry and I encourage that if you practice the same type of water treatment that I do that you aspire to
get your cwt now many of you know one of my favorite jobs that I have is I am one
of the Trainers for the association of water Technologies and I do things like
introduction to water treatment for people that are new to the industry but I also teach people confidence around
mathematics and water treatment equations and that is where a lot of
people really have some fear in why they do not take their certified water
technologist exam and I’ve worked with a lot of these people and I’ve given them
confidence that they can go and they can take this examination and it’s one of my
favorite things to do actually my favorite thing to do is getting a phone call from somebody that I have worked
with and they said I just passed my examination it’s my favorite thing and I
don’t just want to do it twice a year at the awt technical trainings I want to do
that each and every day and I’m a firm believer that the industrial water
treater that I am talking to right now most likely can pass the exam but you
lack confidence to go and schedule the exam well folks to celebrate the 4th of
July we are going to do a special promotion as you may or may not know the
great team here at scaling up H2O has launched the scaling up H2O Academy
where we are going to bring water treatment training products to you so
you can start learning more about this incredible field on your time through
the classes that we are producing and one of the first classes that we did produce is the cwt prep course now I’ve
talked on this podcast about the cwt prep course before and there are so many
people that have taken advantage of our free version of the cwt prep class thank
you for that we also have have a paid version and this is where we created a
100 question mock Examination for you to
experience the flavor of about the questions that you are going to get on
the exam of course nobody knows what questions you’re going to get because they are randomly generated each and
every examination but you will get a feel of some of the types of questions that are on there through this practice
examination so this is how the course is laid out you will take the practice
examination and then you will get a score on it you will then watch a video
of me taking each and every one of those
exam questions and rationalizing with you why I got a certain answer or how I
could have taken out two of the answers and left it to only two so now I’ve got
a 50 chance instead of a 20 25 percent chance so all of those tips and tricks
and things to study for maybe you have no idea how I answered a softener question so we have some resources right
there on the page where you can study more about that particular type of question with this we are celebrating
the Fourth of July and we are giving you 10 off the paid cwt prep course so how
do you get that well it’s very simple you go to forward slash cwt prep once again scaling up
forward slash cwt prep and then you are going to select the cwt practice
examination paid course and you’re going to put in the discount code of
cwt10 once again that’s Capital C capital W capital T 10 and that will
give you 10 percent off of the regular price folks you have no excuse anymore
you are going to get the confidence you need to take the certified water
technologist examination One Nation I’m starting this whole
podcast with all the things that I really enjoy doing we talked about how I love being a trainer for awt we talked
about how I love motivating people to get confidence to take their certified water technologist examination and now
we’re going to talk about how I love hosting the hang and the Hang is where
we get together as industrial water Traders we meet new people we talk about
whatever is going on in our worlds we leave with new friends we didn’t know we
didn’t have but now we have them and we do that each and every quarter so the next hang is going to be July 13th and
you can go to scalingup forward slash hang that’s h-a-n-g and you can
register for the Hang folks you do not want to miss this the Hang is where so
many people have connected and solved so many issues that they may have been
having and they had no idea how to tackle them and then somebody said I
know exactly how to fix that so you don’t want to miss the Hang once again that website is scaling up
forward slash hang and we will start on July 13th at 6 00 PM eastern time I hope
to see you there Nation something you might also want to look forward to is in
just two short months we are celebrating once again Legionella awareness month
now we started this a couple of years ago and I got to be honest I didn’t know how well this was going to be received
by our audience but I wanted to bring information to you about Legionella and
I know there’s a ton of information out there about Legionella and personally I thought you had all the information that
you needed each and every year we bring you several episodes during the month of
August that teach you more about Legionella that give you some more
information on how you can explain to your customers Legionella and they are some of our highest listen to shows each
and every year so we’re going to be doing that again this year so it’s coming in August make sure you are ready
for those something else you might want to mark your calendar for is the American Water Resources Association is
having their conference July 17th through 19th in Denver Colorado we’ll
have all of the information that you want to know about that conference and how to register by going to scalingup and going over to our events page storm con 2023 is happening August 28th
through 30th in Dallas Texas if you are in the storm water industry this is
definitely something that you want to check out again all the information that you need to know is going to be on our
events page and then the final thing I’ll mention is the American Water Resources Association is having their
Water Resources conference November 6th through 8th in Raleigh North Carolina this is one of the most diverse and
inclusive conferences when it comes to Water Resource Management all of that information will be on our events page
and if you ever miss any of the events that we mention here on scaling up H2O
do not worry the team here at scaling up H2O has made it so easy for you to at a
glance go to click over on our events section and you can see
absolutely every thing that is going on in the world of water if you find
something that’s not on there let me and let my team know and we will definitely get that on the program folks this is
supposed to be the One-Stop shop for you because I know you’re busy you’re busy driving from account to account you’re
busy talking to customers you’re busy trying to give them the best water treatment possible so while you’re
driving to account to account we’re going to keep you informed of everything that you need to know to be the best
water treater that you can be and I think one of the things that helps us
each and every week is to listen to the guests that we bring on this amazing
podcast so we can learn more from these experts as they share with us all of the
vast knowledge that they have so Nation here’s our interview [Music]
my lab partner today is returning guest Gary Garcia of Masters Gary welcome back
to the scaling up H2O podcast thank you trace it’s a pleasure to be here lots of
things have happened since we saw you back on episode 206 we’re in the 300s
now can you imagine that wow yes things have changed in the world yes so I
remember you were helping us out on navigating a pandemic and uh what to
expect from our raw material suppliers and how we should be managing inventory
lots of things have changed and maybe some have stayed the same from then to
now and lots of things have happened to you personally since then to now yes
that is true okay both in awt in the company and in life yes well let’s start
by peeling the onion and why don’t we start with you so so what’s going on
with Gary personally what’s what’s new in Gary’s Life just I’m very optimistic
all at a time I always try and take a look at the bright side so things are going well in life I always try and have
a sunny day if at all possible so that’s all to do good
and you were also on the association of water Technologies board of directors
so curious tell us how did you get to that position what was that experience
like and now that that term has served out what is life like now at awt for you
well I was very honored to to be considered for the board and to be
nominated and put on the board and as you know the perception may be that
there’s very little work to do or or that you know you’re going to stay in a nice hotel and get a nice dinner the
reality is is um again as you know they’ll give you a one inch two inch thick manual for every
board meeting and you were expected to be prepared with it and to make
decisions and to try and push the awt organization forward for me personally
it was an honor I’m always grateful for that when my term ended I would take the
position of George Washington you need to walk away from it someone else’s term needs to come along and I’m happy to say
that Miss Pam Simmons is doing a great job so Gary the position that you held is a
little bit different from just the regular board of directors position can you tell us a little bit about that
that’s correct as the as a supplier you’re in an advisory role the actual
exchange in the board is is people will ask your opinion how does it affect the
suppliers what is it that you can offer for whatever the uh issue or agenda may
be so you’re not a voting member but you do have a voice and the job at a
supplier rep is to particularly be the voice of all of the suppliers that belong to awp
I was on the board for nine years total and I saw three supplier Representatives
do a fantastic job and even though there is no vote I have observed many times
where the words that they said have directly changed how a vote would have
happened well I I don’t know if if anything that I ever said changed a vote I will say
that there’s a different perspective of the marketplace from the suppliers than
it would be from a service company and I think that for the organization it has
to balance both perspectives it really is a synergism between the water
treatment Service Company and the supplier base we have a lot of members that Supply the
industrial Water Treatment Community potential people that could serve in the same capacity that you served what do
you want them to know first of all it’s an honor to do it second of all you do have a lot of input
third you will do a lot of work for it but it is gratifying and and it is
something that if you’re looking to serve the organization you should strongly consider it
and then how does somebody get to be nominated for that position well um my
suggestion would be is to make it known that you would like to serve that you would like to participate in that do it
either through the awt organization or through a board member or send someone a
note send Trace Blackmore a note and and pass it along through the system yeah
definitely if somebody goes to scaling up and sends us a note through that we will definitely make sure we get
that to the appropriate area and we’re talking about the association of water Technologies but this goes for pretty
much any organization that somebody wants to support pretty much things run
similarly but they only run if we have people that run them
absolutely true for an organization like awt volunteerism is the key
so Gary also with awt specifically at last year’s convention you stood up and
you accepted a particularly prestigious award the water Trader of the year the
ray bomb Memorial award tell us about that experience that’s a wow moment you know again I
can’t say enough how humble I am to receive that award to have my name
associated with many other Ray bomb Award winners including Mr Trace
Blackmore and most of these people I have had the honor of knowing and
working with over years it leaves me speechless every time I think about it I was extremely proud to stand up and
applaud you on as you took the state thank you and I’m curious what was your process as you prepared your speech
I probably did it like 20 times uh you know I I was thinking about one approach
being lighthearted doing all the rest of that but in the end I think what you have to do is you just have to uh from
your heart say whatever you can well it was well given and well received
for those people that don’t know this is the highest award that you could receive in our industry and uh you don’t know
that that you’ve received it up until pretty close to the time you actually
receive it so what was that process like did you get a phone call did your family know before you did how did it go I
received a phone call and the call I received came out of the blue and it
says basically just want to let you know but you have been given the ray Obama
award and congratulations and again for me I was I was shocked
just an amazing thing that happens in life well it was well deserved Gary when
I think of what that award means and it goes to people that have made an impact on this industry and I look at all of
the organizations that you’re a member of specifically the association and water Technologies the Committees that
you’ve served on the papers that you’ve authored the presentations that you have
gone over to make sure they were appropriate and helped people make them even better for all of the numerous
conventions that we’ve had and the list goes on and on and on again for me congratulations I was so pleased to see
you take the stage for this award well I thank you thank you and thank you and my
thanks again extended to everyone in awt it’s something I have cherished and will
continue to cherish thank you well to switch gears again I remember
back we were all dealing with a pandemic and there was a round table meeting and
everybody was pretty optimistic and you said I’m gonna be a little bit different
I’m not quite as optimistic and you laid down what you thought we would see in
the near future back in 2020 2021 and Gary you nailed it you a 100 percent
inhaled pretty much exactly what we experienced and I think because you gave
that advice because you gave your opinion A lot of people were a lot better positioned we did that back on
episode 221 so one I want to thank you for kind of breaking the mold a little
bit and saying you know I think I see this a little bit differently it could happen this way it could happen another
way but this is what I would prepare for you helped a lot of people that day well
again I thank you for that I would love to have optimism for the supply chain
and and the cost profiles for the coming year but my humble opinion again is is
that the marketplace should be conservative you’ve seen some things get better some prices come down
availability of some raw materials have improved but overall I’m still rather
pessimistic because the inflation rate is continuing to go up government doesn’t count Fuel and other items there
although there’s um some raw materials are are in better
Supply others are still quite tight and the least little change in the marketplace is going to cause those to
be so scarce it’s not fun so for the next year me personally I’m still rather
pessimistic for it I think we have at least another year year and a half before we get at it so if somebody is
listening and they’re responsible for ordering for their warehouse what advice do you have for them I think that we
have all learned over the past two years to be planning and to try and keep
things in the chain to be able to react if you find a bargain take the bargain
but by the same token be extremely aware that in a very very short period of time
things can change dramatically and I don’t think you’re going to see them change dramatically by a crisis going
down because cost of labor cost of Transportation cost of production is way
up so in that mode if you can get supplies great but be prepared to
continue to pay a higher price for the most part would you say that
quantity has returned to the marketplace it’s not difficult or impossible to find
things at present well that’s that’s true things have gotten better transportation costs coming in from Asia
have greatly reduced supplies have greatly increased but you still have turmoil going on in the world and that
turmoil can affect what actually is is being produced and what the quantities
are where there could be a supply chain disruption are there particular sources that you go
to look at to try to figure out what the landscape looks like there’s no one particular Source what I try and do is
spend some time every week looking at some of the trends that are going on in
our position we try and take the a proactive approach and communicate to
our customers what we see what what’s happening what to be prepared for so
that nobody’s kind of caught unawares so I use a whole variety of different inputs traced well Gary as far as your
company Masters can you remind the scaling up Nation what Masters does and
how you can help members of the scaling up Nation all right so we are a private label
supplier of test kits reagents blending distribution laboratory services anything that has to
do with water we probably have our fingers in the pie would love to help anybody in any way that we can so feel
free to contact us at any time and I would also say there are times where we recognize that we can’t provide
something or can’t necessarily do a service for our customer but we have no
problem directing them and helping them make those contacts you have been in charge of Masters for
quite some time a great accomplishment but you’ve also seen things change
within our industry I’m curious what’s one of the greatest changes you’ve seen
since you’ve taken the chair that you sit in at Masters that’s an excellent question with many
layers to it I think the recent Trends are for as much automation as possible
the cost of servicing the customer the the end user not having staff like they
used to brings on more and more automation but by the same token it’s still a service industry and there
haven’t really been any major technological breakthroughs over the past 10 years or so so it’s still pretty
status quo some of the marketing approaches have changed fairly dramatically from more full service and
more responsibility on the water treatment Service Company as far as people in the industry what
have you seen from then to now as far as numbers of people how well known our
industry is along those lines the number of people in the industry from what I can see is about the same
the mix has definitely changed one of the things that I think awt has done
extremely well is to assemble an education system that really is world
class and allows the industry to be really the leader and and to be
advancing the Technologies better than anyone else it seems like we do this every so often
and I of course have only been privileged to to see it this time around but a lot of the members specifically in
the association of water technologies have gotten to the point where they’re looking for the next chapter of their
lives and they’re looking for what is the 2.0 what is the next version of their company
and they’re either having somebody in their family take over they’re having
somebody within the company take over or maybe they’re selling that to an outside party that seems to be happening more
and more recently and I’m curious as far
as being on the awt board and working with all these other companies that you
work with have you seen some commonalities with that and if so what
are they and have you even been able to create some advice that you would want
to give to those people as they’re transitioning well there’s a couple of things
happening in the marketplace that are pretty clear first of all there is a graying of the industry a number of
companies their Founders came along in the 70s and 80s started the companies
there was a boom lit a small water treatment companies those people are are
now trying to properly retire some have family members that can take over some
really don’t have an exit strategy some are ripe for acquisition what we’ve seen
in the past few years is that because the cost of money is was extremely low
it was easy for companies to come in and purchase some of the other competitors
some of the people in the marketplace that is changing a little bit because the cost of money has gone up but
there’s also opportunities there for both the buyer and the seller as some of these other companies try and gain mass
and trying to move it up this is not new this has happened before it’s just this
is the latest wave and I think what we will see and that’s a potential danger
to an organization like awt is the fact that that consolidation lessens the
membership the gross number of companies that participate and I know recently awt passed a update
to their bylaws to allow for individual memberships so hopefully that’ll offset that issue hopefully yes that program
has gone along well now it’s uh what October so that’s good Gary something
that concerns me is all the knowledge that we potentially can lose during this
transition and it’s one of those selfish reasons I started this podcast because I want to amass all the knowledge I can
from the the people that are in this industry while they’re in this industry but I’m curious how can we ensure that
we’re not losing all this amazing knowledge as the torch gets passed I
don’t know if we can um assure ourselves that we’ll capture all of that knowledge I do think that we
need to be aware that some of the knowledge is almost Irreplaceable and we need to continue
that dialogue with people and to try and work with those people as they leave the
industry just because they leave full time doesn’t mean that the industry and
or companies can’t tap into their knowledge base either on a Consulting basis or you know just a good exchange
but that is a problem truth I’m all for the Vulcan mind meld if we can figure
out how to do that so uh you have a unique perspective I normally interview people that are familiar with the rising
tide Mastermind to let members or our potential members within the scaling up Nation know about uh the group but you
are not a member of the group but you encourage one of your team members to be
a member of the group so if you don’t mind I’d like to explore that a little bit because I know there are a lot of
people out there that may not understand the benefit of sponsoring somebody of
encouraging somebody to get involved maybe not in our group but a group like
that and what the benefits to the employer is so we’re of course talking
about Teresa who’s just amazing Teresa Williams that works with you she’s been
a member of the ryzen tide Mastermind for quite some time and I’m just curious as the person that is in charge of the
company that she works with what benefit have you seen well the benefit is is clear for all of
our Associates I encourage all of them to find outlets and to participate in
those and in the past we’ve had several people join awt committees in including
Teresa their ability to see the world in a in a larger context to see the
customers that they deal with in a larger context is going to help the organization in the long term literally
each and every day her involvement in a number of awt items plus masterminds
again broadens her perspective and in the beginning you may not see a large
difference or a measurable difference but over time you always see and again I
encourage our people here join participate in as many items as you can
tackle as you can handle but when it comes to that participation the
knee-jerk reaction and from an employer is well that’s not work that’s taking
time away from me that’s taking time away from my organization so why would I
ever encourage somebody to do that it’s short-term versus long term I take the
position that I’m investing in our organization and our Personnel so if
someone comes to me and says that they would like to take a class on safety or whatever that may be or they can benefit
themselves in the organization I’m all for it one of my favorite Mastermind stories is
Teresa on the WhirlyBall Court last year I don’t know if you heard about this but
this is if lacrosse and bumper cars had a love child that’s how you would
describe WhirlyBall and uh Teresa the nicest person you will ever meet
she was so incredibly aggressive on that court she wanted to win and you were not
going to take that ball from her that was amazing that’s the Killer Instinct that she’s learned by working at Masters
for many years well Gary I’m I’m curious you’re always
working with companies and you’re trying to take what they’re currently doing and
taking it to the next Notch if you will one of the things that I know you do is you try to eliminate water from products
because hey if we don’t need to ship and carry water why would we and why should we so can you tell us a little bit about
that okay the answer is yes we we’ve done that and what what happened was we got
approached to manufacture Some solid products because I had background in it
almost 20 years ago when all of that started I I spent like six years as a
part-time job working for uh 21st century Innovation long story short we
came up with Liquid Ultra concentrates and what we did is we removed all of the
excess water all the formulation AIDS so for for example cooling water product
you’re left with 98 raw material content and then we designed a couple of
packaging Concepts where it’s very simple and easy to dispense
so that program under our Liquid Logic Banner has been going well for the last few years but we also did this we
communicated the customers that you’re not limited to just the smaller
containers that we can make concentrates in 55 gallon drums 275 gallon codes so
again your freight costs go down your handling costs go down it’s easy it’s simple simply by taking away all of the
water and formulation AIDS so it’s been a good concept Trace I think it really helped people also
weather the storm with supplies because there’s only so much room to keep things
in whatever Warehouse you have and when you eliminate some of the water well you’ve got more space all of a sudden
that’s correct it reduces that it reduces on-site storage it reduces the
handling uh you know people aren’t breaking their back with a drum The Point again for the Liquid Ultra
concentrates you don’t need water to redissolve them you’re feeding them neat so all the rest of the extraneous items
have literally all gone away something else that you have had a hand in redesigning was some of the testing
procedures that we have on the various tests that we run in our water treatment programs one is the phosphonate test
which I think people either love it or they hate it or maybe they love to hate it or love to love it or however that is
so I thought we could take a moment and talk about what some of the issues are with phosphonate testing and then what
you did specifically to try to help with that some of the challenges with flashing a
testing is the traditional methodology is utilizing thorium nitrate so that is
a low-grade radioactive material so the health and safety issues with that are
not necessarily great second problem that people encounter with it is really no one for years knew
how to standardize the material they would make it on a molar basis cross their fingers and everything was
supposedly hunky-dory there were issues on ph control there were issues on
fluorides there were issues on the indicator system that was being used
so what we did is we had worked with uh Monsanto many many years ago and had
some notations in our file so over a period of about a year we were
able to redo the phosphonet test so we
do not rely on thorium nitrate there’s no radioactivity with it it’s actually a
non-hazardous material we do not need the type pH control because we’re not
using thorium we stop testing at a thousand PPM of fluoride for
interference and found none so there’s no fluoride interference the indicator
system is far more robust and far more colorful so even people who have a color
deficiency or a color blind can actually pick up that titration input the only
issue about it is is that we’ve been able to utilize what we call PDQ for the
low phosphorus content phosphonates pvtc PCA uh and actually make it very
accurate and very robust I would agree with you I still get comments from people that say I don’t like any kind of
phosphonate testing because my bad experiences from the X number of years ago
we try and explain to people we’ll give you a kit you go play around with it if
you’re not happy that’s that’s fine but it’s extremely rare that we get someone who says that after they’ve tried but
all in all the old phosphate methodology for us has died we don’t make any of
that anymore and the new is actually inexpensive accurate easy to use people
who are colorblind can pick up the the change in you it’s a good thing
Gary what are some other things that you are working on at president Masters
well we’re we’re always working on stuff we’re always trying to find the
value-added niche if you will for it so one of the things that we’re working on
is actually a titration methodology for the tag
polymers so the basic principle is is that um you know what the fluorescence is for
those tag polymers so instead of having to have several thousand dollars worth of equipment you can literally take a
little black light in a drop count kit and titrate the tag bone because you
quench the fluorescence once the fluorescence is gone once you have the ratio done you can know exactly what
that is and of course we’re going to be seeing this at the next awt convention I’m hoping Trace our team here has been
working on it so I’m hoping to have demos available in our booth yes we are
looking forward to that well Gary I’ve got some new lightning round questions for you answered round one you did very
well now you are getting ready to enter round two are you ready I’m ready Trace
let’s go all right so my first question on round two is what would you say your
superpower is I don’t have any super powers come on now but I do have an
inquisitive nature and I love to investigate and I’m not afraid of
failure well Gary I’m going to give one to you because I remember I was relatively new to awt leadership I
believe I was just leading in a committee at the time I hadn’t made it to the board level and I was at an awt
function it was one of my first ones where everybody gets together that’s in leadership with awt and you offered me a
ride back from the airport and I remember I didn’t know a lot of people back then and I felt so welcomed in your
presence it just made me feel like you know volunteering for this organization is definitely what I need to be doing
and I just remember you gave me that feeling so I think that was a superpower well thank you again but you know we’re
all people we all pull our pants on the same way so thank you again well I remember that to this day so
thank you thank you for that that definitely helped me uh feel good about the decision of becoming a volunteer
leader in awt so question number two uh what would you say one of your biggest
accomplishments has been over your life oh that’s easy they married well above
my station okay absolutely married above my station Trace okay I’m I’m like super
lucky when it comes to that uh if you had a magic wand that could change anything about the world what
would you change well I don’t know I I don’t know if that would be me I I I’ll tell you what let’s do it this way let’s
get a Convention of Ray bomb Award winners okay and we’ll get a couple of
beers and we’ll sit down we’ll have a uh a chat and we can get everybody’s input
and then do it that way all right that should be interesting you’re in charge
of that committee and putting that together okay um but I am curious if you if if I push you a little bit and you could just
change anything out there what would it be I think I would change the point where
the world needs to have more respect for one another that we we need to kind of
tone things down a bit we’re all people we all share certain you know values in
life and we need to have that commonality and although you may not agree with someone you don’t have to be
disrespectful when you talking we have definitely lost the art of
disagreeing agreeably with people absolutely agree uh if somebody doesn’t
think the exact same thing that we think then they’re just non-existent or or are
worse in some cases but yeah I I think we would be so much better off if people would learn to listen again and if
people would value oh my goodness this person has a different opinion I’m going to lean in because maybe I can learn
something I absolutely agree the the last part is is when you allow other
people to communicate you learn and the more you learn the better it is
so when downtown Chicago erects a statue of Gary Garcia what does the plaque say
I don’t think there’ll be a statue I would hope that the consensus would be
that he always tried to do the best that he could well Gary you have done more than the
best that you could I think when I look at all the things that uh that you have done throughout your career and just
personally helping me so I want to thank you for that and I want to thank you for coming on the scaling up H2O podcast
Trace thank you kindly thank you again [Music]
Gary as always thank you for coming on the podcast Nation I I just have to say
again when I first got involved in awt leadership I did not feel like I
belonged there I felt like everybody knew more than I did I felt like I
didn’t know the awt system as well as other people and I was just there
because people wanted to be nice to me well I soon realized that if you have no
fear of getting things done you will rise to become the president of the
association of water Technologies and I definitely had that honor but when I was
experiencing not knowing a lot of people within the organization one of the people that was so kind to me and gave
me a ride to the airport and we had a great conversation was Gary Garcia and he has just been a great friend a great
Ally and trying to figure out what goes on and and different chemistries how do
we improve things just an amazing individual so Gary I can’t tell you how
much I have enjoyed our relationship throughout the years and thank you for
sharing what you share with the scaling of nation Nation if you have somebody
that you want me to interview don’t keep that to yourself let me know what that
is let me know who that is and we will reach out to them and we will share that
person with the scaling up Nation I love meeting new people and I love getting
more resources out to you the scaling up nation and somebody that does that each
and every week is our friend James McDonald here’s the next installment of
periodic water table with James hello and welcome to the periodic water
table with James where we think and learn about water chemistry drop by drop please use your week to search online
ask your colleagues or even pick up a book to learn more about each week’s periodic water table topic if you do at
the end of the year you’ll be 52 water chemistry smarter so let’s raise the water table of
knowledge together and get started today’s topic is
sodium hexametophosphate I like how that one rose off the tongue hexametophosphate
so what is sodium hexametophosphate used for what’s its chemical formula
what systems is it used within what dosages are used for sodium hexametophosphate
when used as a corrosion inhibitor does it function as an anionic or cathodic
corrosion inhibitor when used for scale inhibition is it considered a stoichiometric or threshold
skill inhibitor does pH have an impact upon its performance
how do you test for it and does the test required differ According to which water system it is used within
what if the acronym used for sodium hexametophosphate remember knowledge is power and taking
the time to learn more about water chemistry each week will help make you a force to be reckoned with
be sure to post what you learn to social media and tag it with hashtag water table23 and hashtag scalingup H2O I look
forward to learning more from you you gotta love sodium hexametophosphate
in fact I was talking about training in water treatment math and I actually
teach in that portion how to convert different species of phosphate because
normally the equation will assume one species but maybe your product has another species so there you go there’s
another reason that math is your friend and of course as always we know that
James McDonald is our friend and bringing us all this great content making us a better water treater each
and every week one nation I hope we’re doing that each and every podcast episode I love going to conventions and
training seminars and people coming up to me and letting me know how much this podcast means to them so thank you for
all those people that do that thank you for being part of the scaling up nation and listening to this podcast each and
every week and thank you to so many people out there that are spreading the word about this podcast and we get new
listeners each and every week and that is because of you so next time you are
talking to a fellow water Trader let them know that we have a podcast of our very own it’s called scaling up H2O I’m
the host I’m Trace Blackmore and I will be back with you next Friday with a
brand new episode
sure Skyline Nation you asked for it and it is here so many of you are taking the
certified water technologist examination and you’re wanting to get better
information on how to better answer the mock exam now this is the exam that you
get when you sign up for the cwt exam well I have heard your request and I’ve
done exactly that I have recorded a class that has exactly what you’ve been
asking for it is me answering each one of the questions and letting you know
why I chose certain answers and of course everybody wants me to do math and
I do all the math on the mock exam so you can see how to get the right answer
and I hope this is something that will help build your confidence so you can
get your certification you can go scaling up forward slash cwt
prep once again that’s scalingup forward slash cwt prep get out there and
get your certification today

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