Scaling UP! H2O

Boiler 2023 Transcript

The following transcript is provided by YouTube, mistakes are present. To hear the podcast episode click HERE.

happy industrial water week everybody
Trace Blackmore here your host to the
scaling up H2O podcast and we are here
on boiler Tuesday of course we’re
celebrating everything boilers and this
entire week we are celebrating
everything that is awesome about being
an industrial water treater yesterday we
opened the industrial water week curtain
with pre-treatment Monday so if you
haven’t listened to that episode please
go back and listen to that so you can
have a full week of celebration today we
are talking about boilers on today’s
episode tomorrow is cooling Thursday is
waste water and then we close out
industrial water week with careers
Friday and this is a very special
industrial water week because we share
industrial water week with the
association of water Technologies annual
conference so we’re here right now now
and today is Tuesday which means we are
getting ready to go into the business
owners meeting and I know there’s so
many of you that listen to the podcast
that are going to be here at the
business owners meeting and this is
where awt tries to bring all best
practices and ways to help you run your
business now we try to do that each and
every week with the rising tide
Mastermind and we try to bring speakers
and we have different uh books that we
read and all sorts of stuff whether
you’re a business owner or you’re a key
professional in the business the rising
tide Mastermind is all about how do we
make each other better and we say how do
we get further faster while we’re having
more fun well all the people in the
business owners meeting I think are
getting a little bit of taste on how to
front load all of these potential things
that you can do do in your business and
then of course you get really excited to
go back to your business and try all
these new things well I can’t wait until
that starts I can’t wait to see all the
people that are here at the awt
convention of course today is the first
real registration day so throughout the
week we’re going to be doing a little
things we’re going to try to do a meet
up so be on the lookout for that and I
want to make sure that I see you if you
are here so please come find me let me
know what you want me to know about this
show and I just love to hear what people
have to say about the scaling up H2O
podcast so please come find me I can’t
wait to see you folks can you believe
this is the sixth time that we have
celebrated industrial water week it is
just amazing to me that we the scaling
up H2O podcast have been here since the
Inception of industrial water week and
we are the official way to celebrate
industrial water week because we have a
brand new episode each and every day and
of course we’re asking you to do things
this week within industrial water week
the main thing we want you to do is we
want you to share with everybody that
will listen even some that don’t that
this is a great industry it is difficult
to find great people that we want to
carry the torch in this industry and one
of the only ways we’re going to be able
to do that is to spread the word that
this industry is an option for people to
work in most people don’t even know this
industry exists unless you know somebody
unless as a family member is in it so we
are trying to broaden that net so more
people know about the industrial water
treatment industry the other thing that
we are asking you to do is each and
every day whatever the theme of that day
is for example yesterday was
pre-treatment Monday so you probably saw
several people hashtagging iww 23 with a
picture in front of their favorite
pre-treatment equipment well today is
not any different I am asking you to
find your favorite boiler get a picture
in front of that boiler and hashtag that
iww.23 we are scaling up Nation strong
and this is one of my favorite things
that we do because we get to see all the
people that are out there in the scaling
up nation and this week we have an
opportunity to show our Smiling Faces in
front of our favorite pieces of
equipment to the rest of the scaling up
Nation so I hope you participate in that
one nation as we are talking about
boiler Tuesday and each and every day
this week we are going back in the
scaling up vault and we’re selecting
little bits of episodes to help you
celebrate that particular theme and as
you know today is all about boilers and
we are going to revisit episode
318 where Steven Tyler and Richie Ware
of wear boiler share with us about the
power of steam and how much of an impact
it plays in our day-to-day lives
stacked temperature is the quickest way
to find out if you have a heat
conversion problem it could be scale on
the water side or it can be soot and
build up on the Fireside so watching
your stack temperature is the best thing
to do the thing that needs to be done to
keep that combustion side right is
monitoring O2 have an O2 trim system on
there that monitors it for you or have
someone come in every month to make sure
the combustion is right if you don’t
know how much one or two percentage
points lost in efficiency cost you run
those numbers for a year and see what it
is when you run those numbers and see
what fuel is costing you you’ll bring
someone in every month to monitor to
check that make sure the O2 is right
make sure the combustion is right make
sure the linkages are not locking up
just all the things that a combustion
expert knows what to do those are the
things that have to be monitored and
checked on a regular basis and also some
of the new technology you know just the
servo Motors can really help the burner
to stay you know in tune and keep that
combustion right I mean it’s like a
technician on site right
um and you know I know what we actually
work with auto flame and and it’s just
been an amazing product for us but you
know there’s other systems out there but
you know we really do need to to
probably get away from the linkage stuff
and and get moving to the servo
absolutely and that’s one thing if you
have a linkage system that you need to
get hold of your supplier whoever your
your borrower supplier is your motor
Service Company and talk to them about
putting a parallel positioning system in
putting servos in and get getting rid of
the of those uh linkages because you
can’t you can’t maintain proper
combustion with the linkage system the
hysteresis built into them they won’t
repeat you drive it up you know it’s
like you know old carburetor guys that
had a full barrel carburetor and they
adjusted the linkage on it and you you
know you show it to the floor you know
it goes wide open well the next time you
show up the floor you only go 90 it
doesn’t repeat so that’s that’s the
history of linkages and we’ve got to get
away from them
so is that a standard statement for
every single boiler or if you only have
a hundred horsepower boiler or less it
really there’s no Roi uh how do we know
who we should be talking to to say you
need to upgrade these systems it’s just
everybody and and you know the more fuel
you use the more important it is to you
the more savings you’re going to have
but the ROI is there for 50 horsepower
Bar for a 25 horsepower board you’ve got
to you’ve got to start from the front
when you order a boiler don’t order one
with linkages on the burner order one
that has a parallel positioning system
and get rid of that right off the front
end I wish everybody understood how
important steam is I know that your
listeners do and um but just the just
everyone else that’s out there to
realize that if you just looked at your
house and you started going through the
house and start realizing that the
impact of steam in that home
starts you know your carpet your drywall
your food your appliances all the
plastic I mean steam is is involved with
that the insulation the shingles uh the
concrete I mean you start going through
and if you started making each thing
disappear that steam you you would have
nothing there I mean it would just be
there would be nothing sitting there
all the paints all the dyes paints yes
yes I mean it’s just amazing how much
you know how much steam is involved in
our lives and I know that a lot of
people are out there and they’re you
know they’re like oh these things
pollute and and we’re getting better and
better with efficiencies and you know
and all the things that we’re doing out
um but if we just shut them off I mean
quickly all of the things that we love
to have go away really really fast and
um I did you know for me I just
obviously wish there was more people in
our industry to that understand it it’s
a good living
um it’s hard work but it is an awesome
living it’s a great trade to be in
um and it’s and it’s significant you’re
doing something without a boiler I mean
that’s the heart of a plant you know I
mean it is if it’s down I don’t care how
good your people are uh you know the
products that you have whatever it is
when that boilers down that plant’s down
and a lot of people are affected you
know from there
Nation I have to say those guys make
boilers fun if you have not gone to the
where boiler website and seeing some of
the great things that they put out you
are missing something and they do it in
such a fun way I have used their
materials to train customers that might
not have been very technical but they
totally understood what I wanted them to
get because they were having fun in the
video so they are a great resource and
of course anything you need boiler wear
boiler is a great place to look for that
they’ve got some great people that work
there they’re great friends of the show
so Richie Stephen thanks for all you do
with the scaling up H2O podcast now
something I am asking everybody to do
this week is to make sure you are
talking to anybody that will listen
about how awesome this industry is and
letting them know that this could be a
potential career opportunity for them
the second thing I’m asking you to do if
you are here where I am at the
association of water Technologies
conference in Grand Rapids come find me
I want to see you I want to say hi to
and then of course the third thing is to
find your favorite boiler take a picture
in front of it and hashtag it to
iww.23 and scaling up Nation you’ve got
a real treat tomorrow because tomorrow
is a brand new detective H2O story for
cooling Wednesday today here is an
encore episode of detective H2O
welcome to detective H2O the case of
the rain ran Serpentine paths down the
windows of the rusty blue Ford as
Herbert Henry oxidane Pi cwt set waiting
on Johnny Keelan to open the side
Powerhouse door of pork belly’s
when the lenkey man Shaggy head popped
out the water detective made a run for
it dodging raindrops best he could
shaking buckets of water from his coat
detective H2O said I’m here so what’s
going on Johnny I got here as fast as my
bald tires would slide me glad you made
it detective H2O these boilers aren’t
doing good right now the connectivity is
through the roof higher than my grandma
that time she ate the special brownies
how high well she danced on the tables
at the nursing home not your grandma the
boiler connectivities they’re over 10
000 micro Siemens the connectivity meter
is pegged out
detective H2O whistled
that is high what’s happening any idea
none but the RO permeate storage tank is
at 1500 microsiemens too how’s that
possible City water is only a few
hundred microsiemens and the RO drops it
down to less than 10 typically it’s a
real head scratcher this one is and you
don’t feed any alkalinity booster or
anything to the RO Permian storage tank
do you no nothing like that how about
your dechlorination feed Upstream of the
RO is it malfunctioning and grossly
no I thought of that already it has the
same setting as always I even watched
and listen to the pump seem the same as
always as it pumped away checking the RO
feed water conductivity after the
pre-filters was the same as always too
it’s a mystery don’t you return
condensate to this Ro permeate storage
tank too I’ve always said you should
rename this tank the RL permute and
condensate storage tank
yes we do
said Johnny as the thoughts slowly
dawned upon him follow me Johnny
said the water detective as he led the
way through the Maze of pipes and
five minutes later he stood in front of
the condensate polishers picking up the
water treatment log sheets detective H2O
saw that unit number two had come online
just a few hours ago
what is a detective can we put this unit
into manual regeneration right now
uh yes but it just came online this
morning it shouldn’t be anywhere near
time for a regeneration I realized that
just humor me a little okay here goes
unit number one coming back online
unit number two going offline and
starting the backlash sequence
the water detective stood there beside
Johnny watching the Regeneration water
flow to the drain the backwash stopped
and the brine draws started the brine
level dropped as expected then the slow
rent step started aha exclaimed
detective H2O uncharacteristically quick
go get that connectivity meter you use
Johnny ran off quick as a whip and
returned shortly after with a black
analog connectivity meter what are we
going to measure there’s no water coming
out I know that’s just as I suspected
just wait several minutes later water
flowed to the drain started again as the
faster inch step started detective H2O
took the connectivity meter and measured
the fast rinse each minute for the 15
minutes of the rinse
that’s it fix that valve right there
that’ll fix your boiler connectivities
wait what why that valve how will that
fix the boilers
as you saw no water was flowing during
the slow rinse step the valve must not
be functioning properly since the
connoisse polisher did not go through a
slow rinse all the salt in any exchanged
ions did not get rinsed out of the
polishing vessel even though it went
through a faster inch step the
connectivity only got down to 3 000
microsiemens at the end of this
when unit number two comes back online
it will be feeding this High
connectivity water straight to the RO
permeate storage tank with the next stop
being the boiler system we found our
culprit while detective H2O let me check
out that slow wrench valve
sure enough the valve is not functioning
properly and was rebuilt with increased
blowdown and a little time the boiler
conductivities in Ro permeate storage
tank connectivity returned to normal
a week later as detective H2O was
setting it as oak desk listening to the
rain and thunder his phone rang once
twice three times before he answered
detective H2O here the best water
treater this side of the Ohio solving
water problems drop by drop what’s it
got detective this is Marty Cochran down
at Pork belly’s processing I’ve got a
bone to pick with you this bill you sent
is outrageous
Johnny tells me you were here for only
an hour stood looking at one piece of
equipment took a few readings and left
why would you charge such an outrageous
fee for only that
well ten dollars of the bill was for the
gas to get to your plant see my Ford is
a little gas hungry the rest isn’t just
for standing there as he said the rest
is for knowing where to stand you’re
the underbelly and penthouses of the
Metropolis of Waterville where the
boilers percolate and cooling towers fog
there is one man who works tirelessly to
end corrosion stop scale fight low-life
microbes and conserve water that man is
detective H2O best water treater the
site of the Ohio solving water problems
drop by drop
once again thanks for putting those on
one of my favorite ways to have fun with
industrial water treatment so Nation a
brand new one of those tomorrow is going
to be coming at you for cooling
Wednesday just a quick recap some things
that I want you to do this week is find
your favorite boiler take a picture in
front of it hashtag it to
iww23 if you’re at awt please come find
me anybody that’s around you let them
know that this is the best industry out
there and perhaps this might be a good
career for them and then finally for all
those people out there maybe all the
people in the business owners meeting
maybe all the people that have an
influence over your company’s budget is
I would like to ask you to look at your
company’s budget and how are you
investing in your people do you have a
line item where you can send them to
conferences like the association of
water Technologies conference do you
have a line item so they can join
Mastermind groups like The Rising tide
Mastermind group do you have a line item
in there where you can purchase tools so
they can hone their skills about
learning more as an industrial water
treater now maybe you do maybe you don’t
I would ask you to review that and then
ask yourself the question how can we
afford not to train our people how can
we afford not to make sure that the
people that are representing US are as
strong as they can be in knowledge and
confidence and I promise each and every
time that I look at our budget and I do
that I always find extra things that I
want to do and if you are wanting an Roi
a return on that investment it’s very
easy whenever you send somebody to
something ask them to bring something
back ask them to teach what they’ve
learned and it is amazing how just
sending one person will get everybody
involved Nation happy industrial water
week happy boiler Tuesday and I can’t
wait for a brand new episode tomorrow
for cooling Wednesday happy industrial
water week everybody

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