Scaling UP! H2O

Transcript 365

The following transcript is provided by YouTube. Mistakes are present. To hear the podcast episode, click HERE.

today’s episode is proudly sponsored by the rising tide Mastermind the term
Mastermind was originally written in Napoleon Hills book Think and Grow Rich
before that the earliest documentation that we have of a mastermind group was
Ben Franklin’s group that he used to meet every single week in a Tav that he called huness Nation there’s no doubt
about it life is too short to do it alone and it’s not very much fun to do
it alone in nation I urge you to go to scaling up and find out if the
rising tide Mastermind is right for you I’d love to have a 15-minute call with
you to explain all things Rising tide Mastermind and see if this is a group
that’s right for you and you are right for the group go to scaling up
Mastermind welcome to the scaling up H2O podcast a podcast where we scale up on knowledge so we don’t scale up our
systems I’m Trace Blackmore the host of this amazing podcast thank you everybody
out there in the scaling up Nation for listening and I just want to do a shout
out to some of our listeners so if you are listening to this podcast and you
are in Haley Idaho I will tell you that City gets the most downloads of all
cities that this podcast gets downloaded in so how about that I guess there’s a
lot of water traders in that area maybe just a lot of people like this podcast but if that’s where you are listening to
this show the fine team here at scaling up H2O they like to look at all this statistics to see what is going on so we
can make sure that our programming is the absolute best that it can be and for
fun they just look at that metric uh another metric is uh San Jose Costa Rica
we have been in the top 100 downloaded podcast for years now so I love Costa
Rica how about that so if any of you are listening in Costa Rica keep up the
great work I love that statistic and hopefully if you are at one of the
conferences that I will be that we will find each other you can tell me where you listen to this podcast and I would
love to hear all about that of course this podcast started I don’t know how many years ago 2017 in April is when I
started this podcast I had no idea what I was doing somebody told me I needed to
do a podcast and I didn’t know enough to argue with them so I said sure I spent
an entire weekend just watching YouTube videos and then making procedures on
things that I was going to do yes I’m that guy I love checklist I love
procedures and I read somewhere that you needed to make your first three episodes
Before You released your first one well I didn’t do that I released my first one
because I knew it took a couple of days for Apple to approve on iTunes what
podcast they were going to allow so that was episode number one and you’ve heard
me say several times on this podcast that starting this podcast series on
episode number one proves how big of a fan you are of this podcast that was me
not knowing anything about podcasting since since that time I’ve gone to seminars I’ve worked with speaking
coaches I devour any information on best practices around podcast and I truly
enjoy doing this each and every week and I’ve said this before on the show but
I’m going to say it again whenever you do something for the first time you’re not going to be good at it and listen to
episode number one if you need proof of that but if it’s something you want to do and you’re consistent at it you will
improve and it will become more fun I’ve met so many people because of this
podcast I have increased my knowledge about so many things that I thought I
knew and things I didn’t even know I didn’t know because I host this podcast
because of the research that I have to do when I talk to our guest and of course learning with each one of you
with our guest as we have that expert on on whatever we’re talking about so I
just think it’s amazing that uh you listen to this podcast each and every week and you know we started talking
about statistics and that got me looking at statistics and they say there are
over five million people that listen to podcasts all over the world there’s 5
million podcasts out there and one of the statistics that we track is uh
what’s our Global rank with that and with global rank they look at consistency they look at how the
podcasts are being shared uh how they’re being downloaded where they’re being downloaded so out of 5 million podcast
we rank in the top 3% and I just think that that is amazing considering episode
number one and considering all the things that we’ve learned along the way
this has definitely been a learning process so scaling up Nation thank you for listening thank you for allowing us
to be in the top 3% of all podcasts out there and allowing me to meet so many
people and honing my water treatment chops along the way speaking of
improving water treatment chops so many people are letting us know that they are enjoying the onetop place to go to find
out all the things that are going on in the water treatment industry maybe there
is a conference that you want to attend well that’s very easy to find out you can go to scaling up go over to
our event section and we’ve got everything that we know that is going on
in the industrial water treatment industry and maybe there is something that you want to attend maybe you’re a
member of the American Chemical Society going to be in Denver Colorado August 18th through 22nd we’re going to have
all of that information for you about that Expo and you can decide if you want
to go and the great team here at scaling up H2O they made it so easy you can
click to go directly to that conference website and you can even put that in your calendar with different links that
they have set up to make your life as easy as possible recently the American
boiler manufacturers associ Association had their conference in Denver Colorado
and that was May 1st and 2nd of course our friends at wear boilers are one of
the big sponsors of that event well actually I don’t know if they’re a sponsor but I know they do a tremendous
job with the booth that they set up they always have these great t-shirts and one
of the things that I heard as far as feedback is people are talking about them being on the scaling up H2O podcast
and people are coming up to them and asking them about episode 318 that’s where we had Richie wear and stepen
Taylor on from wear boiler so I just love it when I get feedback from other
industry shows where people have been on this show and they are getting recognized for being on scaling up H2O
so Nation thank you for that of course it makes them feel good it makes them know that people are listening to this
show and not only listening but they are also learning and that’s what we try to
do each and every show is to try to entertain you but try to leave you with more information than you had when you
started listening to this podcast and there’s so many teams out there that are
utilizing this podcast to enhance what their team knows they are assigning
podcast and I hope that’s a good assignment I hope nobody’s dreading that assignment but somebody on the team says
hey let’s go ahead and listen to this particular episode and then I want you
to take notes from that and we’re going to debrief the team together and so many
companies are doing that I’m getting so much feedback from that so thank you for
using this show for all its worth making sure that we are carrying out the mission that this show has and that’s
raising the bar in the industrial water treatment industry one water treat at a
time so many people are helping us with that mission and I have proof of that
every time I get to talk with somebody out there in the scaling up Nation well
Nation I want to make sure that you are in the know about all things so with
that we’re going to talk about artificial intelligence with our next
guest my lab partner today is returning guest Beth zes Beth welcome back to the
scaling up H2O podcast it has been since we think
2017 since I’ve been here and uh can you believe that uh no I can’t believe that
so I’m looking back and that was episode 41 that aired June 22nd
2017 how hard is that to believe uh well we look better I mean they can’t see us
but we look better than we did back then I’ll go for that yeah absolutely absolutely so you and I met I believe that same
year at the association of water Technologies conference we were in Grand Rapids
Michigan and you introduced yourself as our new nerdy best friend and you taught
the entire audience some apps of things that improved work life balance we just
didn’t have to do some of these things that apps could do and I’ve Reed some great feedback from that show and I
can’t wait to hear what some of your new favorite apps are today well I’m a
walking appedia so let’s do it awesome well before we get there there’s lots
I’m sure that has been going on with you since 2017 so do you mind filling the
scaling up Nation a bit about what’s going on with Beth well if you can tell
my voice is coming from a little bit more Southern atmosphere because we move from San Diego to Nashville in 2018 and
we went from a house this big fingers just together like that for the listening audience to a a giant house
and a giant yard and turns out we don’t need them but we thought we did as a a
backlash it was kind of our um what do you call it when you break our revenge boyfriend kind of situation where we
just were like went overload in the opposite direction the rebound house the rebound house thank you yes so now we
live in just outside of Nashville we have about two acres we have deer which
is not what we had in San Diego so I love living here it’s so Central if
anybody on the call is looking if you travel a lot and want to move to a city where you can get almost anywhere in two
and a half hours that is Nashville Nashville is one of my favorite towns
let me ask have you tried Nashville Hot Chicken well I found I’ve had it
multiple times however I haven’t been to any of the big big big names so Hatty
bees is the big big one right never had Hatty bees I know we tend to go to this
place called party foul which it’s uh F WL get it ah and it’s pretty close to
our house it has uh a whole bunch of varieties of the hot chicken it’s always rated in the top 10 but we haven’t been
to hadti bees or princes I kind of feel like we’re letting everybody down you
got to go there if you go to Nashville of course you will be in line at both of those places and I’m sure you’re aware
of that every time I go to Nashville I try to go to Hatty bees and it’s normally minimum 40 minute weight yeah
and party Foul you just kind of walk in I’ll put that on the list and Nation if you don’t know what we’re talking about
Nashville hot chicken is where they actually dip the chicken in hot sauce and they mean it it is not mild sauce it
is hot sauce so if you order a hot style hot chicken you’re going to be feeling
that and just another tip that does doesn’t make any difference whatsoever if you go with hot chicken and you’re a
little chicken like I am go for hot chicken and waffles and so you get the
sweet and you get the bread and then you get the hot chicken and it’s almost tolerable if you’re a wimp like me there
you go so we’ve now concluded the culinary section of the podcast again
love Hot Chicken Nashville again great town so moving on you have a business
teaching people how they can use resources that are available to them
whether it’s apps whether it’s artificial intelligence and get some time back and work life balance back so
let’s start there what is new in the world of all of that H what has changed
lately I don’t remember how about the entire universe of Technology on
November 30th 2022 well what happened on November 20th of
2022 boom what a great question on November 30th
2022 a company called open AI released something they called chat GPT and they
only released it really as a research preview for the small group of people
including me who had been paying attention to this whole different line of artificial intelligence because we
had artificial intelligence for many years in many ways but what they did was
this artificial intelligence and you need to understand how it works to understand why we’re here this
artificial intelligence draws on basically all the words that have ever been written and then it looks at the
probability that when you ask this question this will be the answer it doesn’t draw on facts as a piece in and
of itself and one of the biggest criticisms of AI is that it keeps lying I’m like I know uh because it doesn’t
draw on facts they’re fing some of that but anyway open AI had been working with
um you know millions of people but a very small set of the world that’s knew about gpts and it’s generative per
preforms that’s what it stands for that’s the technical stutter that I do with that so Jenner did they were they
were dealing with a small subset of people and they said you know what we’ve got this research preview we want you to take a look at it’s just a different way
of interacting with this tool where you chat with it rather than just give a prompt and wait and we were like yay and
then y’all the world discovered it and you broke it thank you very much you
broke it yep that’s my sad tra bone thing
because everybody it was the fastest growing platform ever and it’s it just
blew up and people are like oh well it uh lies and it breaks down and you can’t
get on it I’m like I know because y’all broke it because it wasn’t ready for prime time so November 30th 2022 open AI
was trying to release it just again in in kind of limited distribution they didn’t limit it to people but just for
the people who had been using these kind of tools and I had for more than a year and they open it up and then everybody
discovered it so that’s one of the reasons that this is such an imperfect technology and it is now completely out
of the bottle when open AI released theirs and everybody discovered it all
these other companies were like crap we’ve been working on one it’s not ready either but we’re going to put it out
there because we don’t want to be seen as not doing it so that’s why at this
point we have these tools out there that we haven’t worked out the bias issues and the trust issues and the copyright
issues and the usage issues the issue issues so many things we haven’t worked
out because it wasn’t ready to be released upon the world and now that it’s here it’s just being developed in
real time I heard a speaker I can’t remember who it was I was at a conference and he said remember the old
adage trust but verify he said when it comes to AI don’t trust and really
verify we’re in that spot but right now in real time and I don’t know when this is going to uh air but even if it airs
an hour from now things will change so right now so many major developments are
happening in real time we have several companies that are exactly addressing
the accuracy problem and Chad GPT is
built on there’s a line of information that goes back right there’s a date that
it has the information but you have to understand that it’s not built on facts like Google gives you facts it’s built
on the probability that the next words will be this so if you understand that you understand the limitations of chat
gbt and then if you get some of the higher levels of chat GPT like the paid
version for example you can ask it to search the internet to verify things but there’s a tool called perplexity and I
love saying the name perplexity perplexity is made for facts it searches
the web it gives you references it gives you complete answers and uh it actually
saved the life of a baby hummingbird the other day well I have to know that
story somebody wrote me out of the blue because I had written a blog post about the difference between chat GPT and
perplexity which is chat GPT is like creative for writing perplexity is for facts and she wrote me and she said oh
my gosh a baby hummingbird showed up at like ran into our wall or something and
flopped down and was not doing well and I tried Chad gbt to see if I could get
some instruction and I tried Google to see if I can get some instructions about how to take care of it and she said and
then I remembered your blog post so I tried perplexity and she said perplexity
laid it out there for me all of the steps to take care of this baby hummingbird we followed the steps the
next day the baby hummingbird flew away happy as anything and I’m sure lived a very happy life but it it’s just a
different way of getting the information and again by the time your listener hear this we could have 10 15 things go up
and down exist not exist uh I said 10 or 15 things I mean 10,000 or 15,000 things
and I’m not really exaggerating because all these people are are developing because it’s so easy now to develop your
own gpts and share them with the world that I’m nerding as fast as I can y’all
and it is hard to keep up I love that that’s like the fifth time you’ve said
yall you’ve definitely adopted the Nashville accent Beth James Cameron made
sure that when we think of artificial intelligence we think of Skynet and
machines are going to take over but now they’re saving hummingbird lives so
maybe that’s not the future we have in store so there’s a I think it’s called
pedom there’s a there was a joke in the technology world and I’m not in that technology world but they talked about
your PE Doom score and your P Doom score is the probability that you give to the
idea that robots are going to kill us all and it was funny because it was
started off as a joke and then it’s not an incredibly big thing but
technologists and futurists I’m a toist so I’m not either of those things but they they come up with this idea of how
dangerous they think things are and they call it their P Doom score like you’ve got a p Doom score of one there’s only
1% chance in your mind that robots will kill us all and some people are like it a 20% and it’s like that’s pretty bad
odds and none of this matters it’s not real statistics it’s kind of like Chad TBT let’s make some stuff up but it
gives a gauge to how comfortable people are with where we’re going I’m probably
a five I’ve got big fears today um and I hope this context isn’t too far if you
publish this two years from now I don’t think it’ll matter but today I heard that AT&T is suffering a huge outage
around the country with their cell phone service and people are are concerned you
know the first thought is a Cyber attack and things like that and they say nah right now they’re saying nah it’s not a
Cyber attack it’s just something someone unplugged a cable somewhere I’m sure that’s all it is yeah but I guess
because my P Doom scor is five these are the kind of things I’m like you know
yeah you know well with that in mind are there some legitimate things that we
should be concerned about are there some red flags when it comes to
AI again we’re talking about today in this hour and this minute and there are
several red flags that we have not addressed in this area number one is the
accuracy and I told you why chat GPT in particular and and llms large language
models that’s this whole category they’re built on the probability of the next word rather than on facts and that
is getting better but the don’t trust and triple verify totally accurate here
so that’s that’s a concern that probably will be for a long time now a lot of the
people who we’re talking to today work with other people right and there’s a
lot of privacy issues that are going on there so we have to be concerned about the kind of information we’re putting
into these tools and making sure that we have our smart hats on to say I’m not
going to upload a database of our Biggest Secrets or our customer list or
something like that into these tools until we’re sure because we’re not sure where these things are going and how
they’re being used I mean some people out here don’t even know there’s a flashlight on our our phones right it’s
hard to get all of the details in things that are going on but that’s why it’s so easy for some of
these companies to slip into their terms of service a tiny little line that says
oh by the way we’re going to use everything you talk about anywhere we want to and we’re going to sell to you
in any way that strikes us you know all those kind of things and they’re written this big and unless you painfully follow
all of it like I do you’re not going to be able to distinguish the good guys from the bad
guys because the really bad guys will make National News international news but most of them nobody says anything
about so don’t trust and really verify and and I think we’ve started this out
to if people are just learning about Ai and they’re like I’m not going to go on that thing because I don’t trust it
maybe they they feel that okay maybe I can use it in a certain way now let’s
give them some ways that AI can make their life a little bit better and
something that everybody out there in the scaling up nation has to do is they’ve got to schedule they’ve got to
plan roots on how they’re going to drive their day can AI help us with those
functions there are multiple companies that are pioneering this type of AI
management of fleets of service call s of routes and things like that and a lot
of these things have been around for several years this is not a chat gbt come lat idea so streamlining your
operations can really be help now as you know and as I think your your listeners
know I am not an expert in your industry so and I don’t usually go into
Enterprise level programs anyway but what I suggest for every organization
is come up with a policy so everybody has guard rails and guidelines for how
to use these things and ask somebody to lead the charge on AI potential and keep
an eye on what’s coming out take a look at what the possibilities are you need
to have a leader and I’m guessing that the people who are listening to this are more ambitious and more of a leader than
some people who aren’t congratulations and yay for y’all
you need to appoint a leader an AI Ambassador who will help keep an eye on
what can help and keep an eye on what is coming up because again it’s happening
so quickly you can’t just do a one and done say oh well you know this year we
bought this and so that’s what we need it’s a it’s a commitment to keep up and
if you appoint a person in your office if you have a small committee of people who are concerned about this
you know the people who are Skeptics and the people who are gung-ho it’s going to help you focus and make sure that you’re
moving forward great advice for somebody that wants to write a policy what are
some things that must be in that policy so you caught me off guard a little bit I have a cute little acronym on my
website for uh a cheat sheet but here are some things that you need to address
training how are you going to get everybody on the same playing field because right now you have people who
are like oh well I used it to do all of my work by 7 AM and now I’m going to
take a nap and we have you have people like I don’t know how to use it I’m
feeling uncomfortable using it and I don’t know when to use it and I haven’t
been trained and that’s something I’m going to need and they’re being very quiet so you need to just address it and
say these are the things we want to do with AI and we want it to help you and we’re going to train you so that’s one
thing another thing is these are the guard rails we have for using data all
right that’s another thing another thing that’s important is these are the checks
and balances that we want you to use when verifying information and these are the disclosure
things we want to think about when you’re using this because you’ve got a lot of people who feel ashamed they’re
like I use it at work I feel like I’m cheating ah you’re not cheating let’s give everybody the rules so that nobody
feels like they’re they’re cheating their colleagues or they’re they’re making it too easy for themselves and they’re not telling anybody like they
feel bad and there’s this sense of mistrust right now so having those guard
rails having an open policy even if it’s just a common sense policy if you get the lawyers involved y’all we’re talk oh
sorry no y’all you all if you get the lawyers involved and I’m married to one you’re talking pages and pages of gobbl
cook if you just talk to people and say here are five guidelines that we can use
to to understand how we can use this and move forward then you’re going to be so much better off I think that’s great
advice because it’s so new people don’t know how they should be using it if they should disclose that they are using it
so I I think that is just a great advice well let’s jump into some of your favorite tools some of your favorite
ways to use Ai and how we can save people maybe some time in the future I’m
going to start off with a story that I haven’t told because it just happened and it made me cry so I’m walking
through the airport it’s it’s late at night I’m coming home um walking through the airport and I hear somebody going
you’re nerdy B nerd lady you’re nerdy BFF oh my God and she’s like calling at me from the side and yes I got
recognized in an airport which happens sometimes that’s awesome and I I this is
way awesome so I walk over to her and she’s somebody it was in a program of
mine and she was going to her grandmother’s funeral she told me you know it was late at night last flight
out just found out and she was sitting there and she was using chat gbt to help
her organize some of her thoughts for the eulogy that she was going to give
and she said you know I wouldn’t have known how to do this I was so you know I’m in this emotional listen to me I’m
crying has anybody ever cried on scaling up H yeah I don’t probably not but just
the fact that she had an immediate tool to help her organize her thoughts she
wrote some wonderful things about our grandmother and it was able to produce that now let me go into a more serious
conversation uh performance reviews right anytime we have to write about ourselves hateful horrible it’s due in a
month let’s say and we put it off for three and a half weeks let’s say and then the last three days we do almost
anything else and it’s just been sitting there on our to-do list staring at us and now it’s the last day and we’ve got
to just hurry up and do it and it’s just it causes pain discomfort chat gbt you
can go in there and write a few sentences about yourself and what you’ve done and what you’d like to improve and
your goals or for someone else those kind of reports and and you push a button and bang you have a first draft
so immediately we had a personal connection where somebody used it for a
very hard thing to write that was at an emotional time and then we have something that is just heinous to write
so I always think first of the heinous things that we hate to do how this can
get us going another tool that has been integrated in with this AI that just has
changed my life this one’s called Otter OT e r. a and Otter it’s claim to fame
and I might have even talked about it in 2017 because I’m sure everybody’s listening to that one as well but otter
used to be just it would record everything you say and transcribe it live and then you have the recording and
the transcription and it’s all right there but they have added AI which means
that now as soon as you’re on and having it recorded it’s making a summary of
everything you say it’s pulling out every action item it’s pulling out every to-do and it allows you to immediately
have all of these facts about the meeting so you had a 2-hour meeting and
had all kinds of things in it you stopped listening 45 Donuts ago and it’s
hard to pay attention well if you have these notes that are happening you’ve got the real time zoom added it in there
any paid version of Zoom has it teams has it now all of these tools are
integrating these immediate transcription tools that have also the ability to chat with them and go back
and forth you mentioned zoom and they came out with an announcement I think it was last August September that they were
going to start using anything that was discussed on meetings to help create
their future AI well my antennas went up with that where did they finally land on
that do we need to be careful what we’re saying on Zoom now I remember exactly when the zoom announ ment came and it
was right before I was going to speak with an association of associations and I was going to be speaking there and
there’s a very famous guy in there who is very skeptical skeptical about AI
That’s an official word and so he is well known for being uh just concerned
about AI inside Industries and he’s in my session Zoom had just gotten in
trouble everybody was mad at zoom and he came up to me and he said you have to tell people about Zoom you have to tell
people about Zoom and the bad things they’re doing and I said they’re going to backtrack they’re going to backtrack
and I didn’t mention it and probably right after the session Zoom said oh
just joking we’re not going to take your data everything’s okay and there are a
bunch of people who are total Watchdogs in this area especially for very popular
consumer tools that we have that watch those privacy issues but we have to pay
attention to the followup you mentioned that you had heard about Zoom taking our
information yet the the backtrack may not have reached you with that
information so it’s important to keep an ear open for the outrage and then the
resolution as well so in the instance for Zoom because so many people are using that now if
somebody selects to use their AI feature what does that mean as far as their
privacy during that meeting so Zoom always had privacy they got in trouble a
while ago for not having privacy and so they’re they’re pretty careful and they’re pretty well known so they can’t
make too many missteps so I think now don’t quote me on this and it might
change tomorrow so it might not matter I think there’s an opt out and an op in and I think they default you to opting
out of having your data and I think they say your data is going to be private and
I’m almost positive they really went concern a on that and said just joking
and that’s what we want them to do is allow us to make that decision so when you are talking to someone it creates AI
summaries it’s fantastic it’s so helpful it creates AI summaries and AI
information or AI based you know task lists and things like that like otter
does and you have the ability to control that it is all yours it’s not being
shared well thank you for that and I think you make an excellent point A lot of times people are really excited about
the initial announcement and then when it gets fixed it doesn’t follow through
so thank you for solving everybody’s fears about Zoom I know that was something that uh a friend of mine was
talking about just the other day Beth you had mentioned there’s a paid version for chat GPT there’s a non-paid version
I there’s a 3.5 version a 4.0 can you walk us through all of that what the differences are so with chat GPT in
particular the free version is fantastic for most users you know when we talked about the uh whole situation with
writing your own performance review or a job description or getting uh you know
just some difficult communication a good response for that that’s all easy to do
in the free version the paid version has some amazing capabilities uh in your
industry we talk about analysis a lot we talk about reports a lot you can upload
Excel files into there and ask for Trends I’m not an Excel person I don’t
have a lot in databases but the other day I took all of my business statements my bank statements for several years
that I had downloaded for tax purposes and I uploaded a bunch of them and I said tell me the trends about where most
of my income comes in and when most of my income comes out because I am I own
my own business I have I speak to a hundred or so groups a year and when do
I mostly get paid and when do I mostly spend money and it this is not something
that I pay attention to because I’m not a very good business person I just kind of work and it was able to look at all
of those different spreadsheets at once and analyze and compare and contrast and
they give me trend lines so that is in the paid version now there are tools
that kind of meet those holes but for $20 a month that is a really nice
benefit for me in addition you have features like personal gpts and personal
gpts I mean we know that they weren’t ready for prime time because they named it chat GPT right worst marketing
decision ever but personal gpts are that you as a company can upload your manual
or you as an organiz can upload all of your own stuff and your own brand and
your own information and give your employees access to that so they can get quick answers so you’re making your own
chat bot that’s specific to who you are it’s private and you can make that if
you have the $20 a month now the problem is as of today as of this time other
people who are not subscribers to the $20 a month cannot see it but I know
that’s going to change because because they created this Marketplace and it literally has tens of thousands because
these are so easy to make tens of thousands of gpts that you can just use
but the only people can use them right now are the people who pay $20 a month so that’s going to change because all
the people who are making those want to make money from making those so it’ll be like the app store for chat gbt so those
are two major differences is you can have use of the very specific
tools and you can create your own very specific tool plus you have the ability
to upload things analyze things use the internet to Surf things it goes much
deeper it’s actually curiously enough much slower so when you go into 3.5 and
you ask something it goes Z done and when you go into 4.0 the paid version and you ask something it goes I shall
Ponder this for a moment the William William Shatner really of gpts because
it’ll it’ll pause a lot more that’s surprising because you would think the paid version would have more horsepower
behind it well the horsepower goes to the thought versus the output it goes
more into processing the information deeply versus just spitting out Words
which is what the 3.5 does and again it’s very good for a whole bunch of different things but if you want the more thoughtful
version I toggle back and forth between the two and oh my God it freaks me out you only get 40 back and forths every
three hours at this point and I freak out I’m like oh my God it’s going to cut me off and then I won’t have any
information ever again and it’ll cut you off and put you on the lower one even if
even if you’re paying so especially if I’m speaking and I’m demoing it or whatever I’m like y’all are going to
we’re going to get to my limit and then I’m not going to be able to move it’s very it’s very stressful for me I was on
LinkedIn just the other day and I saw about 50 ads for chat GPT prompts and
you can buy people’s prompts to help make your work life a lot easier do you
have some favorite prompts that you can share with the scaling up Nation I’m going to change the conversation in the
direction of this and here’s why Chad GPT is the Commodore 64
of this industry it was the first Commodore 64 computer was the very first
kind of home consumer computer that families bought but if you had the Commodore 64 you kind of had to know
what you didn’t know to make it work you had to be a prompt master so to speak
with the Commodore 64 and so with chat GPT you have to be a prompt Master you
have to know what it might be able to do to get it to do those things what’s happening right now
is that we’re getting the Bill Gates and the Steve Job ification that’s my own term I’m going to copyright that of chat
gbt so instead of you having to know what kind of things are possible they’re
being integrated into other tools you know and love so you’re just needing to push a button Steve Jobs and Bill Gates
said you know what rather than making people learn how to code to make something bold and get into like
hashtags and whatever let’s just make a button that says bold and let’s just
give that to them and that’s what’s happening right now is that instead of saying oh chat GPT can make presentation
outlines for me you have just a few weeks ago Microsoft released co-pilot
that’s embedded into the Microsoft Office infrastructure and they just decreased the price because at first it
was insane so I just bought it it’s $20 a month believe it or not just like everything else and it is now embedded
into Microsoft Word for me so I don’t have to come out to chat GPT play with chat gbt figure it out I can be in
Microsoft Word in a document and say rewrite this or give me some ideas about this I can be in PowerPoint and say give
me a PowerPoint about wearing PPE on the job site and it will just do it a friend
of mine wrote a presentation a PowerPoint presentation using Ai and it
was incredible what it came back with the the graphics it selected the text it
selected the fonts it it really was stunning yeah it it’s amazing and so we
can talk about being a prompt Master for chat GPT or we can wait a week and then have a button and if your listeners are
concerned about how am I going to become a prompt master I wouldn’t worry about that so much because it’s it’s we’re
getting the Steve Job Steve Job ification I may never be able to say it again
of these tools so that we are just it’s going to be a part of where we are and
we’re not going to need extra skills to make it do what we want it to do and that is great news absolutely Beth we’re
talking today about how we can use AI to help our jobs are scientists and doctors
using it to help theirs this is one of the most exciting areas of this type of
tool so back in the day when you have scientists working together they’re in
teams they have to do a lot of research to see what other teams are and they’re looking for that Eureka moment where
they find a medication that does all these kind of things and they stumble upon it by stumbling upon it I say uh I
don’t mean that exactly they’re doing tons of research they’re keeping up with everybody else’s research and they find
a Eureka moment where they’re like we have done this and we have gotten this idea and we put these things together
well these tools these large language model tools allow us to think about
Eureka moments way beyond our normal situation right so instead of having
individual scientific teams around the world waiting for Eureka moment you can
feed information into one of these types of models and and they’re beyond what chat PT is they’re different Specialties
and they can come up with you know if we combine the spit of a brown black black
beetle in uh Madagascar with Penicillin we’re going to be able to address Mera
that horrible Super Bug that gets I I don’t know I’ve never had it but you know it’s a horrible thing so it’s
coming up with different possibilities it’s not trying them all out that would be really gross probably with this spit
from that Beetle but it’s giving people ideas beyond what they’ve been seeing so
it helps people move forward in addition to that with it with the capabilities
it’s having for diagnosis of things like uh cancers and problems in lungs all
these different things that we’ve relied on you know some artificial intelligence to begin with you know computer scans
and things but people’s eyes and people’s ability to see tiny little
shadow in uh something so we’re getting to where we’re augmenting those
incredible skills by those incredible technicians with a Second Glance or a
first glance using artificial intelligence to even give us more opportunity to save more lives find
things earlier move things forward better and and have better outcomes and
save hummingbirds that was a great story wasn’t it I love that story Beth if
somebody just tuned in right now and I sure hope they didn’t but if they did what’s the one message you want to make
sure is perfectly clear about AI you’ve probably heard this before but I’m going
to say it again AI won’t take your job but people who know how to do AI will
move past you and no matter who you are or where you are you need to understand
what it is where it is how it is and you need to integrate it somewhere
into your world I don’t really care how you feel about it and I hate to say that
because people have feelings people are very concerned about different things and you should
be however you need to understand it and use it because it’s going to be there
every day in front of you and in front of I don’t want to say your competition but in front of your co-workers and if
they learn how to use these tools and you don’t they’re going to get more
advancement and be more efficient and stand out more and you may be left
behind Beth I think that’s a great message and I think the scaling up nation is a little bit less fearful that
the Terminators are going to rule the world or or maybe we’re all living in The Matrix I don’t know which one is more fearful for you uh I don’t know the
third uh the third Pitch Perfect movie was the scariest movie for me Edy
Terminator that’s a fantastic answer speaking of answers let’s move to the
lightning round now this is your second time on the show so Point values are now
double are you ready for these questions I’m ready all right first question what
would you say your superpower is my superpower is bath time
efficiency I take three hour baths and the entire time I am looking on Tik Tok
diligently for Trends and Cat videos not many people can do that you heard it
here folks what would you say the mustre book is for our nation the book that I
think everybody should read right now is called futureproof Nine rules for humans
in the age of Automation and it’s by a guy named Kevin Rose I think that’s how you pronounce his last name but he’s
with the New York Times he’s their technology Guru and he talks about how
we need to prepare our people for jobs what are jobs going to be looking like
the other day in an airport I got my fingernails painted by a robot I had
them 3D painted by a robot in a machine in the back of a store in Oklahoma City
airport and it was easy and fast now you wouldn’t think that a nail technician is
going to be the one of the ones that isn’t future proof but these are the kind of things we need to be aware of so
his book and his concepts are helping us through what are the jobs of the future what are the situations of the future
and how do we fit in speaking of books I know you have some can you tell the nation a bit about those no I’m not
going to tell the nation a bit about those and here’s why they’re technology books y’all move on my books now I’ve
stopped writing big books I mean no don’t get me wrong they’re very good books and you should buy them however
don’t because they’re out of dat and I’ve stopped writing big books I I just
gave it up and now my books I’m going to reach for it so you can see and laugh at it they’re this big very tiny and the
reason is technolog is changing so quickly so I’ve written some very good books most of it like good 10% of it is
still valid no that’s not true most everything in there is still valid however I wouldn’t buy my technology
books right now uh because um no fair
enough you do a lot of work on your blog though how about we replace the book with the blog tell us about that so one
of the things I’ve concentrated on in 2023 2024 is getting the great
information as it comes out on my blog at your nerdy and on LinkedIn
so I encourage people to follow me on LinkedIn and follow me on my blog in my
newsletter because what you need to do is is stay a breast and it’s really
tough for those of us in technology writing right now to keep up with everything but I do my best and I do a
whole bunch of reviews of the new technology and I welcome everybody it’s all free y’all just come hang out get
some information be final question you now have a magic wand that can change any
thing in the entire world what would you change well I have a kitty upstairs who
is uh it was an outside kitty and she got sick and so we had to spend a lot of
money and get her well and now she’s living my husband’s bathroom upstairs we
can’t keep her for various reasons and if I had a magic wand to wave I would wave and find this Kitty a home where
she can stay inside now instead of being an outside kitty and um live a happy life and so now we’ve talked
hummingbirds I cried over a eulogy and I
uh talked about my cats I’m not sure there’s anything else the nation would love to
hear well maybe we can adopt a kitty for you so Nation if you’re looking for a
cat please reach out to Beth and she might have one for you oh I have a lot of cats but this one really needs a home
poor Kitty Beth I want to thank you for not coming on just one once but twice
and being the nerdy best friend to the scaling up Nation thank you so much for
having me [Music] again scaling up Nation Beth is so fun
to speak with and what you may not know is she is incredibly gracious we had her
recording scheduled when I and my family and pretty much the entire office was
going through whatever was going around last year and I was sick another time I
didn’t have a voice another time a family member was sick and she rescheduled several times she was so
courteous to US during that time Beth thank you for that and uh I think
everybody will agree this podcast is normally better when I do have a voice I
guess it depends on who you ask but Beth you were delightful I know a lot of people think a lot of different things
about Ai and with that I hope you’ve gotten some more information from this
interview so you can make better decisions on how you’re going to use it
I started out the top of this podcast by talking about how I started this podcast and I created procedures so when she was
talking about creating company procedures around how to use AI she was
speaking my love language and folks I know most people aren’t wired the way
that I am and you’re thinking oh my gosh I can’t imagine writing something like that but just imagine if you write
something like that and if you train to that now the entire team knows how to
use it and it’s a Level Playing Field and we don’t have to worry about going
outside of those guard rails so I highly recommend that you look into that and
we’re going to have a link to Beth’s web page your nerdy best friend where you
can actually look at some of the things that she’s posted to help you create your procedure she’s got so much
information around Ai and as you heard she’s very easy to understand so I think
everybody in your organization can get around how she’s explaining these things so I would urge you to go to that site
you go to our show notes page we’ll click you directly there and just look at some of the things that she has to
offer she explains some I think complicated technology things in not
very difficult ways so it’s a great way to communicate with your team speaking
of communicating if you were keeping score we had a count of eight on the
y’all meter so eight times Beth said y’all so she went from California to
Nashville she is fitting in perfectly I don’t think anybody would doubt of her
Southern Heritage newly found I might add and then we also talked about Hattie
bees and Nashville hot chicken and that we hopefully are going to get a sponsor
for this show for Nashville hot chicken I will say this is one of my favorite
things on the planet when I first started my water treatment company I
went out to visit with somebody in Nashville and they took me to a
Nashville hot chicken establishment it actually was Hattie bees and we actually
started writing out what my potential business plan could be and how I was going to do all the things I needed to
do to open the door to my company and I guess that’s where it just has fond
memories for me so hatti bees is my favorite place to go there that’s probably the most touristy if you will
but it’s not bad and they have opened one up here in my hometown of Atlanta
and and as we were talking about on the podcast they have all different types of heat levels and I want to go through
those heat levels with you so just fried no hot sauce at all is called southern
style and then that elevates to mild which is the mildest of all their sauces
that goes to medium and then that graduates to hot and it’s not just hot it’s hot with an exclamation point and
then that graduates to damn hot with an exclamation point and then their hottest
version of Nashville hot chicken is called shut the cluck up yes I said that
properly and that has three exclamation points after it now I have had that and
folks they are not kidding when they say that is hot and it’s so hot you can’t
taste anything else you just have the taste of heat and I promise you will
sweat I promise that your lips will burn and you are going to feel that go all
throughout your body yes I said that so if you want to try that that’s called shut the cluck up I normally get hot
when I go and their hot is probably like the hottest hot you will get at most
chicken wing restaurants so now you’ve been warned I hope you go to Hatty bees
and you know you might go to a restaurant right down the street from where you live and you might see
Nashville Hot Chicken on the menu we’re always seeing that pop up as a culinary
delight on all sorts of menus so maybe that will be at a menu near you soon you
know Beth mentioned William Shatner on the interview and of course that is an
homage to Star Trek and I don’t mind telling you again I am a Star Trek nerd
and I don’t know why I feel need to confess with that but I grew up with the
Next Generation that was airing and uh I went back and saw the original series
and pretty much everything Star Trek I have watched or read or whatever I
probably haven’t read everything but I am a trek nerd they I’ve admitted it to the scaling up nation and that’s not the
first time that I’ve talked about that of course James McDonald is also a Star
Trek nerd he might be a bigger nerd than I am I guess nerd is the theme here
since Beth was our nerdy best friend James has actually done voiceover work
for Star Trek fan pages and I don’t know maybe we can link some of those to this
show notes page if we can find them but as you know James is helping us each and
every week make sure that we are honing those water treatment shops that we talked about earlier so once again
here’s a brand new installment of Dr drop by drop with
[Music] James welcome to drop by drop with James
the podcast segment where we wonder explore think about imagine and learn
and duster water treatment you guessed it drop by drop
together in today’s segment we are thinking what if hm what if you sneak into your
customer account quietly do your service and sneak out without seeing anyone what
if you were quick efficient got the job done and got out so you can rush off to
your next account what could be wrong with that H think about that for just a
moment first what about safety if no one knew you were there what if something
happened in the facility would they know to look for you what if you got HT
second does the customer see value in not seeing you I hope not how does the
customer know you actually perform the service instead of just making the report up out of thin air there are so
many positives that come for making your face seen and showing the value of you being there visit with the operators and
buying influencers show that you care and are invested in the success of their water treatment program
I’m James McDonald and I want to encourage you to be like water by forming bonds with those around you
dissolving new knowledge and making worthy ripples drop by
drop well thank you James and thank you scaling up Nation as I said before thank
you for listening to this show thank you for all the people that are putting us on the top of the charts and listening
to this podcast each and every week people always ask hey Trace how can we
help you and you can always help us by letting any water treater you talk to know that there is a podcast out there
just for them and some people let’s face it you can’t just tell about the podcast You’ got to download that podcast player
for them and install it on their app and set up so they are now getting scaling
up H2O each and every week and subscribing for them and I know there are a lot of people out there that have
already done that I’m going to ask that you can continue to do that because every time we add somebody to the
scaling up Nation an angel gets its wings no that’s not what happens well actually we don’t know that could be
what’s happening but what does happen is we get larger as the scaling up nation
and that means that we’ve got more water treaters that we are helping we are
connected to we are growing together Nation thank you for making that a
possibility and we’ll have a a brand new show for you next week of scaling up
[Music] H2O scale up Nation there’s no time
better than now why not get your certified water technologist designation
and I know what you’re saying that is such a tremendous Endeavor I don’t know if I can pass that certified water
technologist designation well folks I want to get you prepared to sign up so
you have confidence to take that examination and that’s why we created
the certified water technologist exam Prep course you can get that by going to scaling up
cwt prep where I prepared over 130 videos designed around a practice exam
to help build your confidence and teach you the things that you may need to know
on the certified water technologist exam so you can be on the path to cwt
Excellence go to scaling up cwt prep

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