Scaling UP! H2O

Transcript 366

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today’s episode is proudly sponsored by the rising tide Mastermind the rising tide Mastermind is one of my favorite
things that I look forward to each and every week because I get to see people
that have my best interest in mind I know this because I have their best
interest in mind and when you get people together in a room like that you can
just imagine how people want to help other people if this sounds like
something you want to learn more about go to scaling up
[Music] Mastermind welcome to the scaling up H2O podcast my name is Trace Blackmore the
host of this amazing industrial water treatment podcast of course this is the
podcast where we scale up on knowledge so we don’t scale up our systems and
Nation one of the things I love about hosting this podcast are all the people
that I get to meet because I just decided to purchase a microphone and put a podcast out there but it’s the scaling
up nation that has told so many people about this podcast and has shared not
only the fact that we have a podcast but the mission that we have as a podcast podcast to raise the industrial water
treatment industry I just think that’s amazing and because of that I’ve had the privilege of meeting so many people that
I didn’t know before this podcast and that is just so cool to me because
everybody in this industry has a story everybody in this industry has a passion
for being in this industry and I love finding out what that is I love finding
out how people join this industry I love learning why people stay in this
industry and what they see the future of this industry is the future of the water
treatment industry is you it is all of us together and as my father taught me
when he guided me into this industry was my job was to leave this industry better
than I found it and when I was ready to retire and I’m hoping that’s a really long time from now I want to look back
on this career and know that I honored my father and I did exactly what he told
me I made this industry better than when I found it and whenever I have
conversations with people in the scaling up Nation it’s a similar story that I
hear from them they’re doing their part to make sure this industry is always better than we found it and something we
got to do very recently as the scaling up nation was so many of us participated
in the global 6K for water and that was on May 18th we had so many people join
our team we had a lot of people create their own teams and then do something
within their companies and I just think that that is amazing because if we don’t
have water nothing Else Matters and for many people in the world they do not
have access to clean drinking water and that means their life is changed very
differently when you’ve got to walk to get water to and from and the average
distance that people walk to get water that don’t have that is six kilometers
and of course we learned from this podcast that when people are walking normally they’re on Road where people of
Nefarious intent are kidnapping kids and women and all sorts of horrible things
of course kids are not in school because they’re walking and when we can bring water to them that now allows them to
focus on things that changes their lives that change their community and because
of all the people that participated in the global 6K this year there were so
many life changes that happened so I want to shout out to everybody Across
the scal andup Nation that was involved in the global 6K and the hashtag
pictures that you shared with us I love that I love seeing that even though we’re in all different parts of the
globe we are doing something together even though we are not physically
together so thank you for sharing all of those thank you for sharing the fact
that your company came together over this so many people said that they did something with their company and now
their entire team is looking at water a little bit differently and they’re now
educating people that we can solve the global Water Crisis within our lifetime
but we definitely have to change some things and we have to bring in Awareness around that in order to achieve that so
many of you are out there and you are doing that and I think that is the very
definition of what my father taught me when I got in this industry leave this industry better when you leave it than
you found it well Nation just think if within our lifetime we can put an end to
the global Water Crisis and in the meantime just think of all the people
that now have access to clean drinking water where they live that that is life
changing and the scaling up nation is changing lives so I just want to thank everybody who participated with that if
you want to learn more about the global 6K you of course can go to our show
notes page for this show and we will have a link for that and of course we are going to celebrate that every single
year so as the next date approaches we’ll of course give you all the information so you can participate I
tell you it is a great thing to do with your team it’s above the routine
daytoday that we normally do and it’s such a good cause it makes you feel good
about being in this industry and letting people know that they can change how we
deal with the global Water Crisis Nation I always want to make sure that you know what is going on in the
industry around where you might live so if you are in Annapolis Indiana June
22nd through 26 you might want to check out the 2024 ashray annual conference so
if you want information about that conference we’ll of course have that on our events page and while you’re there
check out the 20124 utility leadership conference that’s taking place in
Buffalo New York July 23rd through 26 that’s hosted by the National
Association of Clean Water agencies well of course have all of that information
on that events page as well and then if you are in New Orleans Louisiana August
21st through 24th check out the association of Clean Water administrators 2024 annual meeting and
of course we will have that information on our events page as well real easy to get to our events page you can go to
scaling up events we have an entire calendar of
events everything pertaining to Industrial water treatment so a One-Stop
shop for you to find where you are going to spend your time and learn more about
this amazing industry Nation something that I know you are going to learn more
about today because it is our next interview is produced water so if that’s
something you want to learn more about I know you are going to love our next
guest my lap partner today is Ivan Morales of nowco Ivan welcome to the
scaling up H2O podcast oh about thank you for having me try so it’s a pleasure
for me well it is our pleasure and I have to say it has been a pleasure getting to know you you and I got to
work very closely together last year as I had the pleasure of being the keynote
speaker at the International Water conference which you’re on the committee there yes tra it was a great deal for us
having you as a keynote speaker very entertaining very current and a great
way to to deliver the message out there at at the IWC last year in November as
you mentioned I have been uh been key noed keot the speaker lead uh this year
I’m taking over the technical chair committee so I’m I’m pretty much putting
all the technical program together for this year in Las Vegas you really were a
delight the entire team was a delight to work with over there I’m really sad it’s over with to tell you the truth yeah no
I I I agree but we keep working so we have been working
tesslyn last year yeah whoever the keynote speaker is for this year talk
about Hospitality I mean you guys made sure that I had everything that I needed every step along the way uh we of course
had some calls you wanted to make sure that the message that I was presenting was appropriate for your members but
then after that you really let me discover what the message was going to be on my own I really appreciated that
and then when I got there you treated me like I was your best friend I mean I was
involved in every single meeting you guys had you guys announc me when I was
off to the sidelines it it was it was just great I I had such a good experience there and I’m happy for that
one because we try that everybody especially when a keynoted speaker like you can be involved in many other areas
like you did at the exhibitor hall attending the sessions so you can have the full experience that is great for us
because you can have up uh what is the real experience for the IWC So speaking of the IWC the
International Water conference this podcast talks a lot about the association of water technology so I would say most of our audience is
familiar with that organization maybe not as many people even though we’ve done some shows on the IWC on scaling up
H2O but since you are in the know about the IWC can you give us a little
explanation about what the IWC is about and some of the things that you guys do
within that organization yeah now great question and thank you for allowing me to explain to your audience a little bit
about what the international work conferences and one is the has been running for the last 80 plus years and
is fully non-commercial conference meaning that we take pride on making and
review the papers and making sure that all the papers are technically uh correct uh we go through a scrunity of
the paper through a session shares through the discussion leaders we have
the opportunity to provide this paper to another P that is going to provide the
technical review short one but technical review for our audience to making sure
what is presented in each one of those papers uh it is covered in in very good
way uh it is important to say that we have different session those session change from year to year but we have
let’s call it anchors like uh boiler water cooling water we have ask me
sessions uh me related with boiler or condensate uh we have sessions in
sustainability and the last year I had the opportunity to be the managing or sponsoring the one for mining so if you
want past R High recoveries rro all those subjects are covered in a
different subject and then we have three or four papers for each session uh with
very well presented papers that we at the end of the year we even recognize
the the best paper and the best first author that is going into our session for each year so I really enjoy the
papers that I got to participate in the audience and I have to say you talk
about the technical quality I think that it’s Second To None you guys do such a
good job with the vetting process but then there’s a very unique process that it’s not just the person presenting the
paper there’s actually somebody that examine that paper and gives their opinion on stage and there’s another
person that understands what they’re able to say what they’re not able to say and keeps everybody in check I mean
there’s definitely a whole process behind that but it sure shows because I
had so much information that I was able to take back from the conference just well done I want to say so if somebody
listening today wants to find out more information about the IWC what should they do I will send you a note where
they website is from the engineering Society of Western Pennsylvania IWC and you will have all
that information there what is an abstract what they need to be in an abstract even do we have videos on how
to write an abstract how to write a paper how to help the authors to have a good experience presenting an an
abstract or a paper for IWC we will make sure to get that on the show notes page
so people don’t have to wreck their cars by taking notes so thank you for getting that to us another organization that you
are active with is the produced water Society can you tell the scal andup nation a bit about that yes uh the
produced water Society it it is another non-for-profit organization that it was
meant initially to share knowledge and our vision is to share knowledge with what happened in the produced water area
and when I’m talking produce water area I’m talking about anything what what happened in the lower 48s but also in
Canada also in the Middle East we have even a chapter in the Middle East so for
produced water it is the water that is coming with the oil and then you
separate it by different methods and then you have that all that water that
you want to reuse you w to use for other purposes especially in areas where the
water is scarce like Oklahoma like Texas and you want to use it for other things
and you don’t want to be using fresh water for that so the idea with the produce water Society is we try to
strive for technical knowledge as well we don’t we try to avoid the commercialism uh we recently in February
we have our annual seminar in Houston and then on August we will have our
peran Symposium that’s how we call it and then in November we have our conference in the Middle East so if you
want to get into the produced water area if you want to get into this uh stream
of the water you need to be present with the produced water Society because you have all the brains from all the
partners advisor consultants and producers all coming together to share
knowledge and making sure that we as in Industry get better and that’s what we’re going to be talking about today is
produce water and I am curious Ivan how did you get involved in produced water
that’s a good question uh and and I want to say I started my career in W in 1997
I graduated from Simon Boler University in kakas Venezuela you can notice by my accent and I start right off the bat
after coming out of college and I start working for NCO in Venezuela in a conventional water on the downstream
side refining Downstream I had the opportunity to work in the pop and paper as well and the power industry uh also a
little bit of food and beverage and now I know how to make beers which is good always good that’s always good and uh
back in 2003 I left the country so n moved me to Mexico I was more on the
power generation institutional type of uh but we call it in nalco institutional
segment which is power industry but also a small PL plants manufacturing is I was
living in the border between Mexico and the US in Mexicali and in 2006 I got uh
knocking the door and uh the company asked me to move to forac muray in Alberta so and um since
2006 I have been working with the produced water until now so 2006 up to
200 and 18 I was here in Calgary Where I Live Now Alberta Canada and uh then I
2018 to 2021 my wife would transferred to Houston Texas and I was dealing a lot
with with the fracking water over there in the perian and the Delaware Midland New Mexico all that Corridor there uh
where where the money is these days and um since then I have been just working tirelessly with the produced Waters in
2006 I like as you mentioned I am part of the board of the produced water Society where I serve as a secretary as
well so I’m part of the leadership team of the society beyond the board and um
I’ve been just a bless just work Target it with that one it’s a little bit of a change of the water because well most of
the audience that we when we say water we say crystal clear water well this water can be clist clear as well but
sometimes like a tea or one of those tees that uh that came in a back so
because the cords that come with the oil and that’s the Organics that that they’re coming coming out of that one
but uh in general is water and uh you cannot use it for drinking but you can
use it for other purposes and that’s what we’re going to be talking about today we have people that listen to this
podcast all over the industrial water industry this is the first time we’ve talked about produced water but we’ve
had several podcasts where we talk about it’s everybody’s job to make sure that we are using this valuable resource to
its fullest and there have been lots of guests on to say different ways that they’re using and reusing water to make
sure that it’s staying on site and they’re getting as as much cycling through as they can when it comes to
produced water what do you want the scaling up Nation to know and if
customers now start asking questions about produce water we’re now enlightened with the information that
you’re getting ready to give us oh know that’s wonderful uh just as I say because I know that you have a great
presence from people from awt definitely I would say a large
majority of the awt membership listens to this podcast I would say we’re around
20,000 listeners now so uh that’s bigger than the awt so they got to be coming from other places up too no but but you
have a big presence from the awt so I work there with a task force from 2021
to 2023 with a team or with a task force for the produce water giving the
knowledge and and working with them that they can understand what is a produced water and the first thing that I want to
say with produced water is we know the definition of good water we see in Ultra
Pure Water you distillate the water you put the arrows you put all the Technologies to reduce the amount of
solids that you have in your water produce water can be just to have an idea for our audience is anything
between 1,000 PPM TDS up to 380,000 PPM
of DDS so that give you a huge range and that depends on the shell that you are
playing with so if you’re talking in the Delaware if you’re talking in Midland if you’re talking here in Canada you will
have different t s and with that came the complexity and how do you measure
all the elements in this water because when you measure silica in a boiler that
you need to you know that you need to be below this level the as me recommend you
so you have so many contaminants in this water and how do you measure so one of
the things that I mentioned before was the Norms some normally occurring radioactive material so those things are
there one of the things that we have in produced water also is the element of interest it’s very important for today
uh environment business environment that what are we using we are using a lot of lithium we are looking that lithium is
one of those elements that everybody’s talking about and how can we extract where are their location where in the
Earth this is not us we in the Earth right so it’s in Chile it’s in Argentina
it’s somewhere but where can we get more lithium we have a lot we produce water
in North America but small quantities but high volume because put in
perspective right now I think the perum we are in the range of 5 million barrels a day so the water oil ratio is about 10
to one so just put that one in perspective 50 million barrels a day of
water that is coming out of the W the ground every day so what are we doing with that water and with that came all
the challenges that we are facing so mostly the industry has been using
disposal just trying to get disposal all that water but with that all that ocean ocean is coming to us what do we do with
that water so we don’t have enough capacity to put it into the ground and with that is important because we have
the EPA as a regulator okay every time that we try to put any water anywhere
okay any water of the USA what they call wus it is EPA regulation they are the they are the
one set in the framework however if I want to use that water for different use
for example beneficiary reuse or using for other things irrigating crops for example cotton cor crops for example not
for human consumption that is State regulated and with that one it’s going to be coming some challenges because
every state is different you mentioned a few ways that the water is being reused
what are some more ways that they’re reusing water on site one of the thing that we are using today is we are trying
to reuse the water but we need to understand that reusing that water and removing all those solids the TDS that I
mentioned before coming with that water is coming with a price okay there are
some conventional treatment basically frock and drops just try to by gravity
using the gravity and some chemicals in order to to drop the solids that is in the water these are suspended solids in
most cases they are high TDS as well but basically what you’re trying to do is drop flock drop and flock so with that
uh you try to use that water back to use it for the fracking campaign especially
in that area that I mentioned that it it is called unconventional in this in the
industry because you are not conventionally bringing the
oil as the same as we did many years ago with the fracking you need a lot of
water in order to Frack then you re you bring the oil out and then you separate
the water and the oil the oil you sell the water you try to recycle again but
that came with a lot of other things and with those constituents that like I
mentioned itds 380,000 PPM of PDs and you can imagine what is going to happen
with the calcium what is going to happen with the chloride what is going to happen with the sodium in that water is high so it’s not that we put in our
boilers at 600 PSI so what we do is we
try to have some sort of a treatment and then reuse apart but delusion is not the
solution because we are just coming with an ocean of water to us and if we need
to use that water that water has so much contaminant that it’s going to cost us
to try to treat it it and then put it back to try to do the fragging campaign
and recycle back so in Canada for example the regulation is different than
in the United States you cannot use fresh water more than 10% of your
produced water so you need you are forced to recycle or your produce water but the whole legislation is completely
different but understanding that more in North America especially the audience are all North America but mostly the
United States the challenge we’re going to be talking today is more in the United States that people get an idea
what’s going on and that’s where we’re going next we’re going to start talking about the EPA regulations that you’ve
alluded to so this water’s coming and I almost in Ocean content as as you were
saying so they’ve got all of this water they’re trying to reuse it but now if they do anything to it for reuse they’ve
got to make sure that they’re adhering to these regulations let’s start there
what are the regulations how do we even know about them well I I think the best
way that we can describe for our audience is most of this information is available in a report produced by the
groundwater protection Council they have been updating this information and over
there you will see what the challenges all the regulations what is the number
for that regulation because one thing for me what is important is is especially coming from that background
that is not commercial speech it’s just a technical speech just provide the audience with information that they can
trace and they can always site on their work so the groundwater protection
Council has been doing an awesome job putting together this document 100 and
something pages that you will see all this legislation that is out there there for any water that you put it in in into
the ground or injected sorry and with that you will also have every aspect
legislation by state so you will have Wyoming you will have Texas you will
have New Mexico you will have Colorado and you call so on and so forth you call for all the states that they are using
produce water these days uh also what are the challenges what are the challenges that the people are facing
what are the initiatives because there’s a lot of innovation and collaboration in this area and you can see that the
states has a mandate to try to have The Regulators including with Academia in
each state and also with key stakeholders and consultants and vendors
to try to understand what is the problem and what Solutions are we giv to our
elected officials to make good policy to continually developing our resources and
with that you will see the New Mexico Consortium or you will see the Texas Consortium for produce water so that
they’re collaborating and they’re working together to making sure that this is happen with that the guidelines
are strict so basically the water that you try to put anywhere need to meet
certain criterias when the water is coming with 380,000 PPM of TDS you’re
coming with a lot of other things and that should try to avoid and these days the EPA what is trying to do is making
sure with the Innovation as well on the measurement side that you can measure the things that before we didn’t know
that we have it in there we’re not talking about lithium levels I’m talking about 10 ppv of lithium but the volume
50,000 or 50 million barrels a day well that that give you something to try to
chase it’s a lot to cover but if you can recover a little bit then I can get some
grams and based on them what is the business case for each element you will
have some cost that they are Break Even or you know that you’re going to be break even so you try to manage that the
business G to makeing sure that is successful for your company so at this point the EPA is trying to makeing sure
that everything that we put it into the ground is measurable they’re asking us to do more frequent uh measurements and
they’re making sure that we know what is in there that is the Mandate you know what you’re using you know what is in
there and then you tell me okay and with that what is changing is that the levels
what we before we call it zero now it’s 10 ppb now in the case of past for
example it’s parper trillions because before we just see okay no it’s zero no
it’s not zero what is the real level so you’re actually finding posos in the
ground where that water has been in there for so many years it’s coming back up and there’s actually Trace P fos in
there as well there are some cases I’m not going to say that is the norm these days but there are some cases that
people has uh identified be fing produce water That’s Just Amazing Just a study
of that and when it was produced I think it was the late 40s early 50s and how it’s now pretty much in every water
source and we’re even finding it in the ground where the dinosaur oil is that’s
that’s just amazing to me yeah know and and it’s just getting more and more out there uh in the case of the coal
industry for example it is important that anything that we use in the coal
industry go and I’m just here getting a Segway to the call is every water that
we put it or we take it out we need to put it into the body of water in a
better shape that we receive it because Downstream of every coal mine you will
have a community that is feeding from that River mostly there surface water
for coal mining but uh it is interesting to see that happened and that happened
on cold that happened on produced water that happened everywhere you can start seeing cases I’m not going to say it’s
General but there are some cases out there that you will see appearance of
pasas like I said just the study of that is amazing and I’ll do another plug for
the IWC great papers on posos I know I know I learned quite a bit so uh those
papers are available if somebody wants to get them today aren’t they yes you need to pay a fee but they are available
for them and the reason for that one is because we published the papers past was something that we were not talking three
four years ago and we we we had to go through the emerging topics and
understanding what is happening out there try to get people to help us to
cover the basics and now they have their own area or a session specific for fast
uh for the last couple years because there we have so many papers that we are receiving and people are developing this
information as come you started talking about coal mines we we started
originally talking about the the oil production now as far as as coal mines
what should the audience know well the first thing is any water that we receive like I mentioned before
every water that we receive when we put into a coal mine when we discharge need
to be in a better shape and that is a challenge it’s a challenge for two reasons once we add some reagents to the
water and basically the process is simple what that you use is you have thickers
to solid liquid Separation by density pretty much uh you just try to get water
to help the the process of separation of the coal and then you get the coal to
sell but the water you continually Recycling and you Recycling and recycling the water recycle a lot in in
a in a cal plant uh the challenge is sometimes this C comes with heavy metals
or you need to add some reagents in order to promote separation and you need to make ensure that that is not going
into a body of water uh the challenge most important is before we were not
able to measure some elements in the water now we can and EPA is really hard
on that one because I I said like I mentioned most of this any plan or
project that is out there in North America H Downstream the project you
have a community that Community is using that water for drinking water you we
need to be very responsible and I think that’s the the best word to describe that let’s say
that you are testing and you’re trying to stay within certain parameters and and for some reason you’re with not
within those parameters what does that mean are you are you holding the water you’re not able to use it does it have
to go back through the process what what is the process if we don’t meet our intended parameters uh basically you
need you cannot discharge and you are the responsible you know that if you get caught discharging something that is not
right first 98% of the people working in that project live in that community so
you’re putting your family at risk that is number one you need to be responsible what you’re doing and number two all
that you do is you start to recycling back recycling back and making sure that your process can help you so most of the
companies are using tertiary process or treatment basically microbiological
treatment in order to Target some species that can be hurting as a humans
uh can be dangerous for us and uh that’s mostly what they do and basically you put it back you recycle that water put
it back and making sure that you go into the holding tank where you start to discharge the water again and if not uh
the process is batch process in many cases so you have time to hold it
without holding the production so you have the big impoundments and think that you start recycling the water so the
design of these plants coming from the 40s or the 30s that’s uh something that
is not new uh always have been in consideration that that’s something that can happen
different to other process like in the fracking or uh here in Alberta that uh
if you are up the spec that can be a problem because you need to shut it down or slow down and you have a reservoir
that you need to protect so many other layers I find it fascinating that you know they’ve got to clean it up in order
to do something with it but in that process they’re finding valuable metals like lithium how do they determine that
it’s cost effective to take these Metals out and sell them or do something with
them and that’s a good part of their process to add well the third thing is we are not there yet we we wish that we
would be there yet so right now the there are many options for lithium
extraction in produce water however they’re not something that is
commercially available that everybody’s using where everybody’s adopting so we
are in the process I I’m looking forward that in two years I don’t think that it’s going to be more than that we will
having a different conversation about this one but uh right now we are not at
that point we have tools to identify what is the price that we can
pay for extract the element of interest and get some money out of there but the
price is high right so I I think and there are great tools out there but on the financial side let’s put it in that
way not on the technical side on the technical we are looking more for uh
direct lium extraction what can we do what specifically can do there’s some
people uh doing some things with membranes some other doing with resins so H there’s a lot of interesting out
there uh there is no uh a silver ballet right now but there are a lot of compan
is trying and pushing because there is a good Financial driven to extract the
lithium from the produced water these days in addition to that what are some
other things that you can predict that the future of produced water will be changing for uh I say the beneficial
ruse is something that three years ago I was really skeptical that it’s going to
happen I know that with the work that the consortiums are doing in New Mexico and in Texas I have no doubt that it’s
going to happen uh we are going to be using produce water through a process
let’s call it a black box can be distillation can be evaporation low
temperature distillation many technologies that can work but I’m pretty sure that we will able to
irrigate some crops for cotton for things that we don’t need to be consuming because the one of the issues
or the challenge it’s not the issue the challenge that we have with produced water is the high content of boron in
the water and when you have Boron and you put any water on the ground on the soil nothing grow again and that is a
challenge so we need to reduce that amount of War warm that we can
effectively irrigate crops and they continually growing and and they produce what we want to grow but I have no doubt
The Beneficial reuse is is something that is going going to happen with the produced water in the next 3 to five
years there there are great examples right now coming from the universities in Texas Ivan what is one thing you want
the entire scaling up Nation to know about produced water go for a source making sure that
you don’t get Ivan talking Trace talking anybody talking just go to Source try to
understand what is out there because we try to deviate the conversation
and there are a lot of people working to making sure we live a better world after
our job and um and I have to say uh their are Financial impacts there are
political impacts they are environment impacts but there are a lot of collaboration in produce water and
sometimes I feel that we get all the the bad news for produce water but there a
lot of good news too and we are trying to make a life I work better for sure
well Ivan we appreciate you coming on the podcast and educating the scal up Nation about produced water we’ll make
sure that we have the reference material that you mentioned on our show notes page so people can reference that in
addition to that if people want to find out more where would you recommend they go uh well the first thing is LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a great platform for having this information I try to publish or I
get uh from one whether or the other tag with a specific information about
produced water many times because people understand the network and understand how can I reach uh the other one is go
for sources go for produ waterers uh they can find a lot of
information there and if you want a book for example to understand what’s going on in produce water John Walsh PhD from
Shell he did a awesome two volume book uh I will put that on the show not and
we send that to you to making sure people can have access to that one go for the source do not get information
coming from commentator a commentator B uh groundwater protection Council great
source of information that’s what uh I want to make sure that people can get
that well we appreciate it and I’m not quite done with my questions yet I’ve got some lightning round questions if
you’re ready let’s go for it all right lightning round question question number
one if you could go back in time and speak to your former self on your very
first day as a water treatment professional what advice would you give uh I love that question because allow me
to elaborate something that I have a passion for um every time that people
travel with me they say Ivan you drive slow especially in Texas but I I try to enjoy the journey
now in the past I was just going to point A to point B whatever the mileage
was available for me or the speed limit and now I try to enjoy more uh that’s
something that I told myself I wish that somebody told me that but now I’m doing
that so that allowed me to learn about that one that uh enjoy the journey because uh you never know uh what is
going to happen tomorrow I love that advice I can’t tell you how many trips I’ve taken where I’ve made great time
but I didn’t take advantage of where I was yes that’s a point what are the last
few books that you’ve read I typically listen audiobooks most than reading but
the last three that I listen of them hidden potential by Adam Grant uh Atomic
Habits by James clear and It’s Your Ship by Michael
arasof I am an audible listener as well I had a guest on I know the scaling up
nation’s probably sick of hearing me say this but uh my question to you is do you ever
increase the speed of the audio playback no and the reason for that one is I use
it for running and I need the slow pace especially because I do it when I’m doing my long runs or I’m doing my easy
runs and I just put it in there that the brain is working and not get tired and
if I run fast uh then I’m just losing the day because that’s not the intent
for the for the run so that’s why I love that you’re getting double duty with that how about that yes exactly when
Hollywood makes a movie about Ivan who do you want playing Ivan that’s a good
question and um one that make me think about it but I have no doubt I I I have
one actor that his name is Michael Peña or Michael Penna uh in English and U and
the reason for that one he he’s so versatile and he did the millions Mile Away the movie from the Mexican
astronaut and he also do the other part that I really love it which is science fiction with the Marvel Universe in
Antman and the guy that can be annoying talking and talking and talking and talking so I think that has my dual
personality that I can be a nerd but I also can enjoy what’s going on I love that final question if you could talk
with anybody throughout history who would it be with and why so I have no doubt Jackie Robinson I used to play
baseball when I was a kid born and raised in Venezuela we just go by baseball for everything he changed the
world in my my my point of view and uh I would love to have a conversation with
yakie Robinson well I think you’ve changed a lot of people’s point of view with what exactly produced water is so I
want to thank you for introducing that to the scaling up Nation giving all the resources that we’re going to have on
our show notes page and just thank you for coming on the scaling up H2O podcast
no it’s my pleasure tra like uh you say when we met the first time with the
keynot for the IWC this is a journey and we have been enjoying together uh I have
a great memories with you in San Antonio last year and yeah it’s whatever I can
do in order to makeing sure that people understand uh the industries and understand the water understand the
challenge uh I am all in uh feel free to contact me I am here to support the
industry to be in a better place I can in scaleup nation when I started this
podcast there were so many potential topics that I had picked out but because
of you out there in the scal andup nation and the fact that water touches
everything the list of topics are endless but my knowledge of those topics
definitely is not endless and this is where the scaling up nation has really
helped bring topics to this podcast to make sure that all of us are
understanding aspects of water we might not have thought about before and we are
doing everything we can to make sure that this vital resource that we have on the planet that we are making a positive
impact on in whatever we do so I’ve en gave us a lot of resources we’re going
to have those on the show notes page so simply go to scaling up go over
to episode 366 and you will have all of those documents that he mentioned and
they really are some good reference material so Ivan thanks again for coming on the scaling up H2O podcast and
educating us about processed water a gentleman that educates us each and
every week no stranger to this show of course I’m talking about James McDonald and here’s a brand new drop by drop with
[Music] James welcome to drop by drop with James
the podcast segment where we wonder explore think about imagine and learn in
duster water treatment you guessed it drop by drop
together in today’s segment I have a challenge for you challenge accepted
[Music] I challenge you to test the free chlorine in a cooling tower system
immediately after sampling let the sample set open for an hour and then test again was there a difference
between your two readings if so how do you explain this if not how do you
explain it why is the timing of both the sampling and the testing important when
analyzing for free chlorine would this apply to testing for total chlorine too
how about when testing for Bromine chlorine dioxide Etc why does any of
this matter I’m James McDonald and I want to
encourage you to be like water by forming bonds with those around you dissolving new knowledge and making
worthy ripples drop by drop Thanks James and thank you scaling
up Nation for listening to today’s episode of the scaling up H2O podcast
people ask me all time what you can do to help the scaling up nation and
specifically this podcast so if you can take a moment and do a review for this
podcast on your favorite podcast player that helps us in so many ways it helps
get our search results to a higher position which means we are going to find new people within the scaling up
nation that means we’re going to have continued topics and guest and all things to talk about right here on this
scaling up H2O podcast that helps us so much and it will take you just seconds
out of your day so thank you in advance for leaving a review for us and thank you in advance for joining us next week
when we will have a brand new episode next Friday take care [Music]
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