Scaling UP! H2O

Transcript 370

The following transcript is provided by YouTube. Mistakes are present. To hear the podcast episode, click HERE.

today’s episode is proudly sponsored by the rising tide Mastermind the term
Mastermind was originally written in Napoleon Hills book Think and Grow Rich
before that the earliest documentation that we have of a mastermind group was
Ben Franklin’s group that he used to meet every single week in a Tavern that he called huness Nation there’s no doubt
about it life is too short to do it alone and it’s not very much fun to do
it alone in nation I urge you to go to scaling up and find out if the
rising tide Mastermind is right for you I’d love to have a 15minute call with
you to explain all things Rising tide Mastermind and see if this is a group
that’s right for you and you are right for the group go to scaling up
Mastermind welcome to the scaling up H2O podcast a podcast where we scale up on knowledge so we don’t scale up our
systems I’m Trace Blackmore certified water technologist Trace Blackmore and I
want to welcome you to the show Nation it is hard to believe that we are
halfway more than halfway way through the year and for those of you in the
United States we have July 4th coming up and July 4th one of my favorite holidays
and there’s just so much fun stuff to do on July 4th normally the weather’s
pretty nice so we can do outdoors activities normally pool activities or
lake activities are involved normally there’s the grilling of some sort of
meat which I am all about out I think I’ve shared with the scaling up Nation I
am a certified barbecue judge with the Georgia Barbecue association so I
actually get to go and people spend thousands of dollars and so much time to
create these boxes of meat happiness that they bring to me and my fellow
judges and we not only get to eat it we get to judge it and uh it’s just an
incredible experience so anytime we get to do anything with meat I am always a
fan of that so I hope you are planning to have a great July 4th I’m pretty sure
they call July 4th something different over in the UK they don’t call it
independence day maybe I can ask our next guest that but some facts about
July 4th that maybe you knew maybe you didn’t know that every year on July 4th
descendants from the original signers of the Declaration of Independence ring the
Liberty Bell 13 times to represents the original 13
colonies Massachusetts was actually the very first state to declare July 4th a
holiday and of course a tradition if you are in the New York City area in Coney
Island the hot dog eating contest so that of course is put on by Nathan’s Hot
Dog that is the only hot dog that is consumed in the Blackmore household and
I guarantee if we are grilling hot dogs on July 4th it will be a Nathan’s Hot
Dog now that can probably cause a lot of controversy because I know there’s a lot of different ways that people enjoy hot
dogs all over the listening area of this podcast so hopefully I didn’t start any
negative items by uh Hot Dog Wars that are going out there remember we are all friendly water treaters and we can all
eat our hot dogs any way that we wish ooh ketchup or no ketchup that is a very
violent debate so again Scout up Nation calm down you can enjoy your hot dog any
way you wish and I hope wherever you are you have a pleasant July 4 4 and if
you’re somewhere where you don’t celebrate July 4th well July 4th is still a great date go ahead and celebrate that great date something else
I hope you celebrate with me is to put on your calendar July 11th and that’s
when we’re having the next hang and the Hang is where we get together for a video call of water Traders that’s right
you get to join your very own Community within the scaling up Nation we call it
the Hang we start prompt at 6:00 p.m. eastern time and that will go for exactly 1 hour you’re going to learn
about what’s going on in the industry and then you are quickly going to network with other people you’re going
to meet people you had not met before and these are people that can most likely help you with future challenges
that you have and then we will quickly move into some sort of fun game and I
will say good night and that would be probably the most productive hour that you’ve spent on your career in a very
very long time so to find out more about that go to scaling up
hang and all that information will be right there for you Nation I always like
to tell you about what’s going on in the industry and I don’t have a lot of time
on the show to tell you everything that’s going on in the industry so if you go to scaling up go over to
our events page you will be amazed at how many water related events are going
on and then you get to pick and choose the ones that you want to go to you might find some that are in your
backyard that you didn’t even know about now something you might want to put on
your calendar is the association of Clean Water administrators their annual meeting is taking place August 21st
through 23rd in New Orleans Louisiana who would not want to go there get the
beignet they are amazing of course we’ll have information about this event on our
events page and then the association of water Technologies is having their
annual conference September 10th through 13th in Louisville Kentucky so we’re
going to be talking a little bit more about that with our interview and it’s with that that I want to go straight to
our interview because I know you’re gonna learn
something my lab partner today is Lee Banbridge of SMS environmental welcome
Lee thank you trace good to be here great to have you here whenever I have
somebody from the UK and and you have that accent it elevates the the smartness of this podcast so thank you
for doing that Trace I I think you might be overstating my presence on this podcast
the accent might might be okay but let’s let’s uh hold out on the content shall we for now Lee you and I have had some
fun over the short time that we’ve known each other but I want to make sure that the scaling up Nation knows who they are
listening to would you mind introducing yourself to the scaling up Nation yeah sure Trace I’m Lee bainb I’m currently
the chief sales and marketing um officer for SMS environmental and I’m
responsible over across the UK for heading up the accounts the sales our
bid management and our marketing output as an organization and and then SMS
environmental probably one of the most recognized water hygiene treatment providers in the UK we’re around we’re
somewhere in the top 5% of organizations in our sector and I’d s
say we’re really proud to be I’d say probably the largest I can’t confirm that but probably the largest still in
dependent provider in our sector so we’re we’re rightly proud of that well if you can’t confirm it neither can
anybody else so we’re just going to go with it I think so I I think it’s a pretty good guess to be honest yeah so
we had John Sanford on and I don’t have his podcast episode number in front of me we’ll have it on the show notes page
and he told us a little bit about what was going on in the UK when it comes to
Legionella and we’re going to we’re going to get to that in a minute but I wanted to talk about uh you and I were
recently at the association of water Technologies convention I believe that
was your first awt convention I was kind of curious why did you go what was your
experience what did you do there if anybody has never been to the awt
normally people go to it in the states they don’t have as far to travel as you did you decided it was all worth it tell
us why yeah I guess from our point of view and as you know Trace I came across with j
John Sanford and Gavin Harris the managing director of SMS environmental
and we came over almost like a uh with open eyes bit of a fact finding Mission
we weren’t looking for any sort of business opportunities or anything it was really just let’s go over obviously
we were supporting John John was speaking at the the conference as well and for us we came back with big glowing
feedback for everyone else here in the UK that’s where you and I officially met
in person before that John connected us both on link in so we were sharing some
things back and forth I’ll never forget when we met in person you congratulated
me on winning a contest I didn’t even know I was competing in don’t tell me
you didn’t know that Trace come on I knew I was okay so so let me let me key the scaling up nation in so anyway I’m
proud of being a water treater I’m proud of uh uh if we’ve got speakers in The Mastermind group that are presenting uh
if we’ve got a certain podcast that’s coming out during the convention I let everybody know that so on the plane I
didn’t have anything else to do so I just started filling out all this stuff and apparently you get points for that
you showed me where the points page was it was actually on the homepage I just didn’t scroll down enough I really didn’t know but yeah I think I beat the
pants off of you on that contest you sure did you really did In fairness you
had lots to talk about and I had very little so I think I was pretty proud that I even made it onto the
leaderboard and yeah sure I mean they gamified my uh my journey over to the to
the US and then when I was over there I guess one of the things I I most enjoyed
when we were at the awt conference was that whilst everyone else was playing golf I’m not a big golfer and so I just
sort of saw what else there was to do in the Grand Rapids and got some great guys involved in a in a group on this wovier
app to just meet up and go around the um it’s quite a prestigious art
installation it’s like um G there were Gardens and a sculpture it’s like a
sculpture tour that we went on and it was fantastic met some of the some great guys from uh the Water Treatment sector
over there in the US how awesome is it to meet people that do what you do you
can have a regular conversation about your day and you don’t have to preface it with any extra information well
what’s a cooling tower what are you talking about yeah no absolutely and um
yeah as I said there was there was lots to learn I mean uh I guess uh and again we we’ll talk about this a little bit
more in the podcast we are real champions over here in the UK of the uh cwt
qualification and part of that is to almost recognize that over here in the
UK we may have sort of just lost that focus on real water treatment and
understanding of chemical makeup and different ways that you can treat different uh problems and that’s just so
evident over in the US it’s it’s almost a complete flip if you like we’re going
over there talking about Legion ER control that’s something that is just
beginning to uh gain awareness over in the US I guess um obviously more so in
New York State and in a few isolated situations but pure water treatment yeah
and uh so much knowledge there in the US it’s correct you mentioned Legionella
there is a vast difference in how you all look at it over in the UK how we
look at it over here in the states as you mentioned unless you’re in a few select areas like New York we went over
to Scotland a couple of years ago and we went on a hike and there there were
reindeer involved and it was a it was a group thing that my wife started or did the tickets for anyway there was a
gentleman that pulled up in an environmental placard car that had something about Legionella and I just
started talking about Legionella and he started telling me all the things that you had to do over there and and we just
don’t think about it this way and I wanted to learn more and he finally told me you know I’m on holiday I really
don’t want to talk about my day-to-day job leave me alone well the first thing I say Trace
if you you did very well to spot a reindeer in Scotland because as far as I know they’re not native but so we we
were on a special trip so I think they were there just for us in that pin yeah
well that that’s great but um yeah absolutely in the UK I would say there’s a massive difference we’ve got a good
amount of established guidance over here that guidance is effectively coming from
our health and safety executive so it becomes statutory law almost It’s
relatively prescriptive in terms of that that guidance but it’s it’s it’s also
relatively easy to do it’s just um making sure that you record that so over
here yeah obviously sort of the two primary ways that we’re controlling Legionella are the same ways you do it
do over in the US it’s all about keep that water moving and make sure that you’re using temperature as your control
as well so those your two primary control methods over here and it’s just
that there is a emphasis on making sure that once you’ve established that control you’re recording you’re making
sure that it’s evidence that you’ve maintain that control within your buildings but yeah I would say there’s a
good level of understanding in most organizations across the UK that this is
something that they all have to do and there’s an onus on the what we would say Call a Duty holder over here they’re
often the the building managers it’d be the duty um holder or the responsible person sorry would be the um building
manager there’s an onus on them to establish those control schemes so that episode that I was
referring to earlier that was episode 203 that’s when John came over didn’t
come over he came on the podcast and told us what was happening over there and he had specific instances that he
cited on that podcast he used part of that talk to develop what he said over
at the awt convention and I I think for a lot of people they didn’t realize how
strict things were outside of the United States and I want to say that when Adam
green got up to speak after John finished his talk he said anybody want to sell their water treatment company
yeah bless Adam he was well what a speaker fantastic yeah he had a good
point as I said it very noticeable when we went to the business owners meeting that the guys that were involved in
water treatment in New York you could see written on their faces it was very similar to the faces that you see over
in the UK about how prescriptive some of these things become how the onus is on
really making sure that if you’ve done it you record it and over here in the UK
I think it’s becoming increasingly rare if I’m being honest that we are still relying on paper documents because of
the amount of information we’re having to colate as I said before the types of
control that is required of you are relatively straightforward lowcost
Solutions in the most cases be sure to record it because if anything goes wrong on your site that will be the one source
of truth if you like and if it isn’t written down if it isn’t in a compliance
system then I’m pretty sure that as far as the inspection body are concerned it
hasn’t happened I’ve heard listeners give out this podcast and particular episodes to
potential lawmakers that are thinking about writing Legionella legislation and
introducing that to make it become law so if you had an audience with one of
those individuals they’re listening over here in the states knowing what you know
what would you tell them to do what should they be crafting to make it more userfriendly more effective good
question Trace let’s see if I can give you a good answer I think when we came over to the states and John spoke with
well Bob Cunningham was involved with that um as well as and and was on the
shared the stage with Adam as well I would say it was kind of be careful what you wish for you know effectively the
guidance you’ve got in the US is proportionate if it’s in the right hands you’re going to do a good job with the
guidance that you’ve got here in the UK it can seem quite prescriptive yet I’d
argue probably I’m I’m all for the golden mean just go down the center somewhere is
that I think probably the most reasonable um guidance you could come at somewhere in between the two if I’m
being honest I think there are pros and cons on both sides so in the UK we’ve
got to focus on the fact that we’re trying to reduce risk and we want to
make sure that all of those efforts and the money and the time that goes into that are really changing the dial of
risk and maintaining that control and I think it that’s where good providers hopefully like SMS and environmental
come into this that they don’t overprescribe that they don’t overstate
risk and so that our end users can be proportionate with their control and
they’re not overspending in in needless areas so that that money can then go on areas where they potentially could focus
more of their efforts if I recall John’s big point was there was just so much
involved with Legionella in the UK and all these people were responsible and
responsible that you could get sued and uh if something wasn’t documented I I
mean he he really painted a picture of of this huge ball of twine if you will
where Legionella was was uh as far as the legislation was in the UK and his
advice was that he really thought how ashray 188 was written where it says
this is what you need to do but it didn’t tell you how to do it so that way you could put the specifics of each
individual location in mind he was urging us to to go forth with that and I
think that’s what you were saying in your previous comment as I said I kind of agree with that but I’d be somewhere
earing towards the UK as well probably wouldn’t be quite as um open-ended as it
is is in the UK and I might have misinterpreted John’s Point as well no I
I think he maybe that his is but that’s his own sort of personal point of view but from from my point point of view i’
go I think that there is the sort of SE the truth is somewhere in the middle I think that would be optimal and I’m
sorry if that seems like I’m sitting on the fence but but that’s genuinely where I well I get it everybody has an opinion
and then and then there’s also uh all the experiences that you have that I’m sure is why you’re on the fence to that
so so don’t apologize yeah know look to some extent as I said I think the guidance in the US in the right hand is
all that you you need because it’s focused on everything that you need in terms of maintaining that control Lee
let me ask you this we’ve just recently over the last couple years came out with
a certification uh assc 12080 so people that are doing Water Management plans
it’s not a requirement but this is the certification uh that people hold so they can do that and now as customers as
equipment owners know about this they’re starting to demand that more and more
would you say knowing what you do about ashray 188 knowing what you do about this certification are we going in the
right direction yeah absolutely I think over in the UK that would be what we
would deem our Legionella risk assessment if if I understand it correct
the one thing I say about that those management plans or Legionella risk assessments is that if you’re going to
third parties to to get those produced for you just make sure that the people
that are carrying out that are competent you’re actually getting good advice at the beginning of your control scheme if
you’ve not got that good information that good oversight at the beginning then effectively your control scheme or
what the the measures you’re going to put in place aren’t going to be that good either so um that would be like for
it was almost the the point one of the reasons I joined SMS environmental we
didn’t go too much into my background Trace but I used to effectively be a regional manager for a sanitary we
provider so SMS was just one of my customers effectively but so were other
water treatment providers in my region and SMS just came across just so different in terms of they were prepared
to make hard decision or take hard decisions themselves to demonstrate
their quality their competency to their users and and offer them more protection so over here in the UK we have an
accreditation for our risk assessment provision called ukas it’s our national
accreditation body and it basically demonstrates the people have gone and carried out as you would say the Water
Management plan on site or we’d call the Legionella risk assessment a competent to carry that out and we’re still one of
the few service providers full service providers that have got that accreditation and for me if I was an
nuser and knowing what I know about inspections on sites I just literally
would just go that’s I’m going with a ucast provider that will make me sleep well at night knowing that effectively
my due diligence in Dem finding out if that organization was competent to carry
out that risk assessment is so now I don’t expect you’ve got that in the US
but when we went over to the awt and was just speaking to some of the guys on the stands I can’t remember one of the
organizations but they were offering these Services also to hospital
and I was particularly interested in a conversation that they were having with one of their their clients a water
treatment provider where they had actually criticized their water treatment provider to the water
treatment provider’s own client and yet I spoke to that water treater and I went
kind of wouldn’t have it any other way he actually said I’m not competent to do what these guys are doing but I want my
client to have this good advice coming well I appreciate you and I’m sure the
entire scal andup nation appreciates how you’ve kind of compared and contrasted what the US is doing versus what the UK
is doing around Legionella let’s specifically focus in on the UK what are
some challenges that you’re focusing right now well I think it’s as ever
around competency training knowledge within our industry for sure just with
service providers there making sure that we’re provid providing a good service for our NGS and and with that focus on
protecting Public Health basically as you know most of our work is is with regards to Legion out control but then
beyond that we have got challenges with and I’m sure this is the same in the US we’re now getting new novel systems
coming into our domestic hot and cold water system so the use of heat pumps
and different ways of sourcing energy and reducing water flow those are all
having a an impact on Legion control the fact that less water’s being used in the
building some of these novel methods are storing water at temperatures with normally sort that you shouldn’t be
storing at and there isn’t at the moment the the kind of we’ we’ve talked about
this the the pluses and minuses of prescriptive guidance but some of that isn’t established yet other than
in broader terms so it’s left to interpretation at this point and then
I’d say we’ve got some fantastic opportunities at the moment with
internet things and remote monitoring within buildings that could do a lot of what we’re doing as service
providers but maybe the guidance out there hasn’t quite aligned yet and I
know that there’s talk within our membership organizations and our societies to to establish a form of
guidance around these new devices that can be absolutely fantastic as a monitoring of your control schemes and
then I’d say another one for us at the moment is I’m not sure if it’s same in the US well yes I am but the the levels
are different but we have almost like trigger levels for Legionella positives over here they’ve been established based
on very old cultured methods of of how you measure the colony forming units per
liter so trigger used to be at 100 it was set at 100 because that used to be
almost the lowest level that it could be detected and we’ve now got detection much lower than than that even in using
cultured methods and we’ve got new methods coming in like PCR qpcr some of
the lateral flow method but there’s very there’s a very little guidance around
how you use those correctly or what some of those results are are meaning to our
end user so they tend to get now used more as Trend analysis so let’s say you took a sample
it came back and it was positive the first thing you’re looking at is Colony forming units are you also looking at
species and then you’ve got a document that says if you’re within this range
with this species you must do this uh there’s no correlation with those at the moment um and I’m sure that that’s
coming as I said the qpcr tends to be used for Trend analysis we 99% of the
time still used the cultured method because it’s considered still the the gold standard and it’s the one that most
people understand but the labs which are now reporting those Colony former units are able to do it at even lower levels
so from our point of view as a service provider we still need to report that to our client it’s it’s a very low level of
Legionella but we would um not be comfortable effectively just saying oh
only when it gets over a 100 we believe that we need to effectively say to our
client look clearly there’s Legion ER in the system let’s look at doing something
about it but yeah that that comes with its own complications in that there’s
off the back of us being able to get these lower detection rates we are
probably establishing more and more or having to establish more and more reactive control methods within these
buildings as well but I’m not saying that’s right or wrong but I’m just saying it’s there and it’s uh something
that’s really just in the last few years in the UK that we’ve seen a uptick certainly sort of since almost the covid
pandemic as well well this is why I think it’s so important to have people
all over the world within the Water Treatment Community talk about what’s going on what what they’re doing
specifically about Legionella so as you know people are trying to write laws or
improve laws we’re all getting better we’re all learning from each other we’re not trying to do anything from scratch
we’re taking information making that information not only available but the the reason that we’re making decisions
and I don’t want to get on the soapbox but I think so many times people have blinders on to what’s going on around
them and there’s just so much information out there that we can do better for the entire population and and
the people like you and me that are involved in running those things I’ve sort of made this point to you as well
personally Trace is why I’m a big believer in us being much more collaborative as a as an industry less
concerned about pointing out what somebody else is doing right but actually establishing what’s working for
organizations and that was just so great to see when we came over to the US that was clearly the culture over in the in
the US War treatment sector so yeah that was great now I’ve been told
the similar organization that you have to the association of water technology is the Water Management society which
affectionately is abbreviated as whim sock is that a correct statement that’s
correct so weo is effectively one of our sort of societies if you like for our
sector and then we have the Legionella Control Association as well which is probably the one that most of the water
treaters in our sector effectively have to be members of the Legion Control
Association to ensure that they’re in a position to attract work if you
like would you say that those two organizations whim and awt are very similar are are there vast differences
I’m not very familiar with whims so the Water Management Society
I’d say is much more about the think tank of the industry if you like there is a
lot of crossover between you’ll see a lot of the members in the Water Management Society they won’t be
individual members of the legionary Control Association but often their organizations will be so there is a bit
of a cross over and you’ll find that actually uh one or other will be on the
the board of of the other organization But the Water Management Society I would
say would be probably more like the awt in terms
of let’s see what new guidance we need to sort of be involved in they’re about
sort of the education of the industry as well you brought up cwt a couple of
times and I want to commend you cwt is something that I’m trying to promote
anybody within our industry to achieve and you guys are doing the exact same
thing over in the UK why are you doing that what’s the the importance of cwt to
you so uh this is I guess from sms’s SMS
environmental sort of point of view we’ve been long-standing Champions I
think for standards within our sector and just kind of establishing benchmarks
so as I’ve mentioned earlier we’ve got ucast accreditation for our risk assessment team and that’s sort of the
highest level we can get we don’t have in the UK an equivalent qualification specific to
water treatment and in the absence of that
we’ve certainly looked at the cwt and gone this does really what um people
that have been involved in the industry far longer than me tell me was very much
the way the sector was born in terms of there were only a few organizations in
our sector but every one within that organization really understood pure
water treatment understood what those chemicals are doing when they get when they’re going
into your water system and so we just wanted as a as a company to go we need
to get a little bit of that back just so that there’s greater depth of knowledge
within our employees but also to sort of feel what a great value that is if as an
organization we’ve got quite a few members that that really understand that sort of pure water treatment and and can
demonstrate that they understand that so cwt yeah massive Champions you’ll be
hearing us kind of uh singing that from the rooftops quite a lot over here so we
established early in the podcast that SMS environmental is is among the elite
in the UK how did you guys get there what do you do to stay there well from
my point of view we’ve got a I guess what we consider are sort of three sort
our unique selling points I’ve already sort of said we’re really proud that we’ve remained independent over in this
country there are a number of organizations of our size that have been bought up and bought up and bought up
and we feel like being independent gives us that flexibility to make the
decisions we feel are right for our customers we’ve always been about transparency of the information we’re
collecting on behalf of our customers and have always been able to demonstrate that through some of the systems that
we’ve brought in and we’ve always sort of maintained those high standards and I guess my job Trace is to try and
effectively broadcast that through some of the the presentations that we’ve
we’ve um done throughout the country whether that’s on the stage with a water management Society a legion out Control
Association or even establishing our own presentations and uh conferences to
different organizations or sectors and then from a I guess from a kind of
customer point of view it’s just maintaining that relationship maintaining that Honesty with with the
customers I know I’m very fortunate that I’ve been involved in the sales side of
things for SMS as I said for nearly 10 years I’d come ask some of our customers
as as friends now and some of our biggest customers now were people I knew
before SMS environmental when I’ve worked at other organizations and they’ve only just become customers but
that is all about just that relationship that you have and maintaining those relationships and hey Trace I’m talking
to you we’re all friends you know it’s lovely to feel like I could go across to
the United States and we’ve established really great connections over there as
well the awt conference and hope to continue to do so well I think the internet podcast
social media all that stuff you know we’re we’re not in separate countries anymore we’re all in hopefully the
scaling up Nation but we’re definitely in the water treater nation and whenever
we can share information with each other we’re going to get better and what a
better Community than the industrial Water Treatment Community so I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you better and
and you sharing with me things that are going on in the UK so we can better prepare for them but but I’ve got some
other questions for you these are the hot seat questions are you ready for the lightning route let’s go for the
lightning round then TR come on here we go here we go so with this I always like
to ask people that are in another country than I am the actors because we get to learn new actors but we’re
getting there so here’s the first question if you could go back in time and speak to your former s on your very
first day as a water treater what advice would you give yourself uh it might sound a bit cheesy
but it is kind of be curious and maintain an open mind and maintain your
high standards I it’s pretty simple but it’s a great advice what are the last
few books that you’ve read well Trace I fall into that demographic of male men
that don’t read very much so I saw one of the questions that you were going to ask me was what’s the last three books
you’ve read and I was like you’re lucky if I’ve read three books I read a lot I read a lot in my role but um I guess the
last two I think we’ve already discussed one I’ve read traction and this was part
of being part of the senior leadership team for SMS environmental we’re introducing an EOS model for me that’s
almost like a how-to guide for senior leadership teams and it and it’s been
really really useful uh and is really changing the culture here at SMS so that’s been great and I guess a sort of
personal one in I said I very rarely read but I’ve read um Nick Offerman Nick
offerman’s Paddle Your Own Canoe I think it was called only because I loved his
character in parks and wreck and if I it’s not it’s not going to be a book that will change everyone’s life I’m
afraid Trace but Nick hman has always struck me as somebody that I could just go and have a beer with and get on with
and that came across in the book as well he also shares some of my passions like Woodwork and good values Lee when they
make a movie about your life who do you want playing Lee well I’ve already been told by John Sanford who needs to to I I
didn’t get a choice in this you know Trace so he said tell them Ed Helm Ed
Helm and to be honest I had no idea um but I do know who Ed Helm is so I was
like yeah okay so Ed Helm for those that don’t know is played Andy I believe in
the office and was in The Hangover movies and I think why John felt like that was a person that could play me in
a movie is cuz he has some of the same facial characteristics of me we got this nice long face and then I think over in
the states you’d call it preppy but over here Posh I’ve got this sort of Posh
sort of affable demeanor for people come into contact with me for the first time
but yeah so I I think the characteris IC s seem to match up with mine so as I
said I’ve got no choice on that that Trace so so a bit of useless trivia and
and you confirm this because somebody told this to me so uh Posh a term that that you use over there quite a bit I
was told that that was back to the shipping days when people used to travel
on uh ship liners and it meant Port outbound starboard Homeward yeah exactly
that is exactly where it’s come from so it’s they were the expensive cabins to
have on board a ship and yeah we’ got a well established class system over here Trace as you might know I’m always
considered Posh but I don’t ever see myself as that but there you go it’s fine very good last question if you
could talk to anybody throughout history who would it be with and why now I did give this some thought but genuinely I I
don’t ever look back on History trace and go you know what I I’d really like to sort of spend some time with them I
always think we’re we’re in a much better position in today’s world effectively but I did go back to my um
my sort of study days and I I studied fine upart uh at Uni I’m a a bit of an
artist and I thought well if you’re going to meet any one of those artists and kind of go wow what a life I’d say
Caravaggio I don’t know if you ever come across Caravaggio Rene I don’t think I
have effectively sort of back end of the Renaissance real punk rock if you ever
look up his life you’ll see that Man how he ever fitted in any paintings as he
went is is beyond me but yeah he had quite a colorful life so I I won’t go
into that too much but I’ll let other people find out more about his life Lee I want to thank you for coming on the
scaling up H2O podcast before I let you go we already educated the Nation about
Posh what’s another phrase that you can leave us that’s popular in the UK so a
phrase then trace a UK phrase so let’s go with one for saying goodbye and
sticking with my Posh demeanor say Cheerio Trace see Cheerio over here is a
breakfast cereal so we are all learning together hey don’t worry Chase we know cheer over here as well as Lee thanks
again for coming on the show I appreciate it Trace thank you very much for having
me Nation I love that the Water Treatment Community is a community it
doesn’t matter where you live the fact that you practice water treatment there
is a brother and Sisterhood around all of us that we just understand what each
other is going through and that allows us to really have a connection with people without having to go through a
lot of introduction oh you’re a water treater I get it so Nation I hope you
are taking advantage of being a member of the scaling up Nation that’s one of the reasons that we do the Hang each and
every quarter and I hope you are taking advantage of perhaps an organization
that you can go to a conference to or maybe you can even do some volunteer
work for when you do that you get to meet so many wonderful people just like
I met Lee and Lee and I had quite a bit of fun before the podcast and after the
podcast now you all just hear the recorded part everybody doesn’t hear what we do to try to get set up and then
making sure we’ve got everything that we need on the back end of that but Lee told me that another saying that he
wanted the scaling up Nation to know was rabbit on so and he saids that means to
run on about something and that’s what I typically do each and every week on this podcast he said that that was an English
expression that he thought everybody should know and then I told him when I was over there I had something called
Welsh rabbit and he laughed because as I found out there is absolutely no rabbit
in Welsh rabbit I believe it’s a cheese dish so I don’t know how that got its name speaking of names in the very
beginning beginning I was talking about the association of water Technologies
annual conference that’s taking place September 10th through 13th in
Louisville well there’s so many different ways to say that there’s
Louisville there’s Louisville there’s Louisville there’s louville and there’s
probably five others what Louisville I think I’ve heard as well so however you
say it say it however there probably an official way to say that I don’t I don’t know what the official way maybe we’ll
learn that together at the conference but I hope I see you there that’s a conference I always go to that’s the
conference that I met Lee at that’s the conference that I met John at that we
kept on talking about John sford and I got to hear his great presentation so
all of those conferences and the awt conference that I just mentioned are going to be on our events page so go to
scaling navigate over to events and you can see all of that and the
staff really has done a great job here because it will have information on the conference you can put things on your
calendar simply by clicking that button and then it will open up another window
to go to that conferences page and will open up a brand new window so you don’t have to keep going back and forth I
think the staff thought of everything here now maybe we missed something and
if we did let us know know about that but I am so proud of the resources that
we have on the scaling up H2O podcast website where you can search every
single podcast we’ve got all of our transcripts up there so as you put things in those are searchable
transcripts as guests send things to us to share with you we put those in our
archives and those are all searchable somebody was telling me they put some something in to ask a water treatment
question and the first four Google searches that came up were all scaling
up H2O I’m so proud of that and the staff is doing a great job to make sure
that it stays that way so if you haven’t logged on our website scaling up
you might want to do that especially if you’ve got a question about water
treatment now if you got a question about water treatment and you don’t think I’ve covered it by all means let
me know what that is and you can go to scaling up
show ideas and you can let me know all about what your question is if it’s a
guest you can let me know that too whatever the ideas I want to know it because I want to make sure we have
thousands of shows in the scaling up H2O Future something we do have in the
future is a brand new drop by drop with James
welcome to drop by drop with James the podcast segment where we wonder explore
think about imagine and learn in duster water treatment you guessed it drop by
drop together in today’s segment I’m thinking about your family and friends you head
off to work to save the world with your industrial water treatment skills each day do your family and friend friends
have any idea what you do have you ever shown them your test kit have you ever
tested water in front of them have you ever shown them your service reports have you ever shared the types
of customers you have have you ever described the operations and processes you get to see you may be an industrial
water treatment [Music] superhero but you don’t have to have a
secret identity too let the world around you know what you do
I’m James McDonald and I want to encourage you to be like water by forming bonds with those around you
dissolving new knowledge and making worthy ripples drop by [Music]
drop Thanks James Nation like I said I hope to see you at one of these upcoming
conferences if it’s the awt you and I can debate how to say Louisville maybe there’s somebody that’s actually from
louville and we can figure out what the correct pronunciation is until then
we’re just going to have to wait Nation enjoy your 4th of July enjoy your week
and we’ll have a brand new episode for you next week of scaling up
[Music] H2O scaleup Nation it is time for you to
prove to the industry your boss your peers and most importantly yourself that
you are among the best in the industry and the best way that I can think of to do that is to get your certified water
technologist designation to help prepare you to sign up for that cwt examination
we prepared an entire course designed to build your confidence so you can sit for
the cwt examination go to scaling up cwt prep once again that’s scaling up cwt prep to day