Scaling UP! H2O

295 Transcript

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[Music] foreign [Music]
is proudly sponsored by the rising tide Mastermind the term Mastermind was
originally written in Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich before that the
earliest documentation that we have of a mastermind group was Ben Franklin’s
group that he used to meet every single week in a Tavern that he called huntus
Nation there’s no doubt about it life is too short to do it alone and it’s not
very much fun to do it alone in nation I urge you to go to scalingup and
find out if the rising tide Mastermind is right for you I’d love to have a 15-minute call with you to explain all
things Rising tide Mastermind and see if this is a group that’s right for you and
you are right for the group go to forward slash Mastermind
foreign [Music] up H2O the podcast where we scale up on
knowledge so we don’t scale up our systems Trace Blackmore here your host for your favorite podcast what podcast
is that well I’m sure glad you asked it’s scaling up H2O of course weren’t
you listening folks I love bringing this podcast to you and an ask I have for you
is that if you could go to your favorite podcast player and let people know that
you like us leave a review uh leave a like whatever it is you do on your
particular platform I would love for you to do that I would also love for you to
tell somebody in our industry that we have a podcast and help them subscribe
to it one of the things that we are trying to do is grow the scaling up
Nation because as we grow the scaling up Nation there is just so much that we we
can do with the podcast because we are serving so many people and the only way
we’re going to do that is with your help so thank you in advance for doing all of
that there’s no doubt about it I think we have one of the best jobs in the
world and of course celebrating this job is something that we do not do enough of
but let’s face it without water we do not have a job there’s a lot of people
on our planet that just do not have safe clean close by drinking water in fact
there are over 2 billion people on this planet that do not have access to clean
readily available drinking water and one of the things that you can do to to
bring awareness to this is you can celebrate World water day this is a
activity that people have been doing since 1993 and it’s all about bringing an
awareness around the global Water Crisis now there’s no reason that we can’t
bring an awareness to the global Water Treatment crisis as we are celebrating
the fact that we have one of the best jobs in the world and it is in water so
it is my hope that you celebrate World water day on March 22nd and then
something you can do to celebrate World water day on March 22nd is you can sign
up for the global 6K for water that’s taking place May 20th and for all the
information you want to know about that you can go go to scalingup forward slash 6K of course all that will
be on our calendar of events so feel free to check that out speaking of
events I’ve been talking about this every week because I am just so gosh darn excited about it and that is the
association of water Technologies Technical Training seminars we’ve got two of those one next week that’s going
to be in San Diego California February 21st through 24th and then we’re going
to have another one in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania March 29th through April 1st Nation I’m going to be there if you
practice the type of water treatment that I practice I hope to see you there and we can talk all about what you are
going to do for World water day if you are in San Diego California next week
some other items that you might be interested in is the water environmental
federation’s 38th annual water reuse Symposium that’s going to be in my
hometown of Atlanta Georgia March 5th through 8th more information about that
will be on our events page also the American Water Works Association and
water environmental Federation is having their young professional Summit all
those people out there that consider themselves young and professional you might want to look into this that’s
going to be March 26th through 31st in Sacramento California and this is all
about water and waste water individuals young individuals in the industry that
are exploring their role trying to figure out what they can do in the water
sector so more information about this on our events page also if you are in
Melbourne Australia the Australian Smart Water Utilities conference is taking
place March 2nd and 3rd more information about this conference on our events page
and then finally the 2023 Boma International medical office building
and Healthcare real estate Conference of course Bulma is the building owners and
Managers Association that conference is taking place April 26 through 28th in
Chicago Illinois folks I was on the board of Bulma for three years it is a
great organization and I have to tell you they are hungry for knowledge around
water treatment all of their facilities use water but there are very few water
treatment professionals that are able to help them in a way without selling them
and I’m sure if you’ve ever been to a conference you know when you are being sold and not educated so there is just a
wealth of opportunity within Bulma in your hometown if you want to get
involved with them all these events that I mentioned will be on our events page in fact the entire year of events will
be on our events page so check that out see what you you want to learn more
about and then go learn it well somebody who helps us learn each and every week
here is James McDonald and a brand new periodic water table with James hello
and welcome to the periodic water table with James where we think and learn about water chemistry drop by drop
please use your week to search online ask your colleagues or even pick up a
book to learn more about each week’s periodic water table topic if you do at
the end of the year you’ll be 52 water chemistry smarter so let’s raise the water table of
knowledge together and get started today’s topic is
nitrite what is nitrite used for what systems is nitrite used within
what is a typical dosage range can you test for nitrite in the field
if so what tests are available how are the results expressed for
nitrite what could happen if two people are unknowingly talking different units When
comparing nitrite test results what happens if nitrite is overfed
what happens if nitrite is underfed what is the potential impact of microbiological activity upon nitrate
what are possible byproducts for many microbiological impacts what could it mean when the conductivity
of a closed-loop system has remained the same but nitrate levels are dropping
what is nitrite often blended with for more complete system protection
remember knowledge is power and taking the time to learn more about water chemistry each week will help make you a
force to be reckoned with be sure to post what you learn to social media and tag it with hashtag water
table23 and hashtag scalingup H2O I look forward to learning more from you
as always thank you for that James when nation I am really excited to get to our
interview today we have a returning guest today so I’m not going to keep you
in suspense any longer here is that interview [Music]
my lab partner today is returning guest Jeff Garrett who puts the Garrett and
Garrett Callahan welcome Jeff glad to be here thanks for having me let me tell
you you were on episode 268 and the scaling up Nation loves you
great feedback lots of demand they wanted you back and here you are I love
being here so thank you for having me it’s really appreciate it so looking forward to our talk today we’re going to
go all over the map and I’m really excited for our talk as well but I just
want to go on the record that you and I met on a hang thank you for coming to that hang I picked on you a little bit
and then you and I have become friends and I love it yeah it’s true we got a lot of things in common absolutely yeah
I believe I picked on you with the uh Price is Right game we did at the very end and and was it the Tesla you were
playing for yes and I did not do well well so I didn’t have a Tesla to give
you just in case you did win if you were curious at all yeah the budget for the hangs are not quite that high maybe
someday but we’re not quite there yet I’m glad you’re spending your money on the right things
well I’m curious what have you been up to since we last spoke well just another great year we’ve been
very fortunate we’ve had a lot of people come aboard now we have like 400 people
working for us and sales have been we’re you know we’re at 10 percent for sure
growth this year so really just being very fortunate to bring on new business
bring on new people and to March forward in this tough time yeah something interesting is we’re in
an industry and I got a knock on something but in in the short time that I’ve been in business we’ve seen several
recessions and water treatments never really been hit of course I don’t know if we’ve ever seen anything like this
where the raw materials are just so strange it’s like every week There’s a
new item that you can’t find but it seems like everybody I’ve been speaking
to they’re doing well they’re growing they’re having some things that they need to deal with but we’re getting
through it we’re making better choices everybody’s making better choices on raw materials and where they’re sourcing
them and getting them from we are certainly paying more for these Goods but we’re getting our customers are
understanding that there’s the price increases with all the things that are going on with the supply chain issues
with the delivery problems with the lack of trucking and the lack of getting goods and services moved around we’ve
all come through this pretty well and it seems like there’s going to be a lot more stability in the in the supply
chain and in the manufacturing of the chemicals and and the sourcing and what we can get so we’re going to take that
and run if we can it’s getting better I think it’s going to get better for all of us I think so too of course you know we’re
dealing with the supply chain that we just mentioned inflation and probably
the one of the weirdest hiring times that I have ever experienced the
workforce has just gone away and it used to be you put an ad out you got hundreds
of applications that just doesn’t happen anymore what do you think about that what do we do
you know we’re doing a lot more training of people with no experience I mean you used to be you were able to hire some
really great people from from Dearborn or nalco or Olin or chemtrade or you know all these great companies bets and
those people aren’t trained anymore there’s no more of that those people in the in the system anymore they’ve kind
of fleshed out so you if you really want to do this stuff you’re going to have to hire and train your people you know it’s
and that’s one of the things we’ve been successful with in doing I’m I’m happy with what we’ve done we’ve made a
decision about 15 years ago that we’re going to have to do start doing this kind of thing and fortunately we made
the right decision it wasn’t necessarily me but it was a combination of of several of us talking about it in the
office so yeah I know people are doing well in a very weird time now but we started
talking about employees and let’s face it it is so much better to keep the
employees the team that you have and build them than it is to bring somebody
else into the organization so let’s spend a little bit time of talking about
how do we keep our employees happy you want to give your employees
Authority for their own success you know allow them to do what they need to do in
sales you want to have no ceiling on income that can be made the company has to stand behind them they don’t want to
have to feel like they’re being asked to make unethical choices or or decisions that they wouldn’t normally make so they
want to feel like they’re doing right by their customers the company can set that example it’s a it’s it’s part of what we
have to do to make sure that our employees know that we’re standing behind them people are just looking to
feel good about what they do and to talk about their profession in a very proud way you know and stability has something
to do with it we’ve been very fortunate to be in business for a long time so we have that stability thing going with us
and that goes along with a lot of the water treatment companies a lot of these water treatment companies are very good
at keeping their employees and the good water treatment companies keep their good employees and they keep
them together working together keep them as a team you know allow them to work together and to get to know each other
and to you know form bonds and I think that’s worked for us
you mentioned training earlier I think many people many companies did exactly
what you said they relied on hiring somebody that has already been trained
and those people are either happy where they are they’re not moving or maybe
they’re retiring out so they’re few and far between so companies are now looking
to themselves to develop a training program like you’ve just described what advice do you have for them mentorship
you know I mean having people who have been successful in doing this work with your
new people you know sometimes your new people aren’t young people they’ve been in some other industry or something
they’ve just never been in the water treatment entry we can teach and train people how to do this stuff it you know
but you have to put the time into it you can’t just throw them out there and make it happen it’s you know it’s a it’s a
process where you have to you almost have to put somebody together with somebody for for a a good little
while so they can build their confidence up and they can feel good about what they’re doing and that really does help
us train or and get people trained the the newer people and usually it is more
young people because there’s a lot of young people that are interested in water and taking care of our precious
resources and water is the precious resource we need to take care of more than almost more than anything really
I remember when I got my lead AP I was sitting in classes and they were talking about how much water they could save
with low flow faucets and toilets and shower heads and it’s true they they can
but when you look at the amount of water that we have a direct impact of saving I
can’t think of another industry that can do more I completely agree with you I get tense
when the when somebody’s washing dishes and they’re just letting the water run without without rinsing anything off or
anything but you can keep a cooling tower from overflowing and say 40 000 gallons a day so there are or add
another cycle or two or or whatever you do you’re absolutely right I remember we
had an account in Dallas and this was back in the 80s and they were they had a
water meter on there and they were they were using 990 000 gallons a day this
was a facility that is much larger today than it was back then and so they were almost using a million
gallons of water a day at this one facility at just one facility in Dallas in one city you know so yeah we’re we’re
talking about a huge impact that we can make and the people that work with us
know it and they care about it and that that really does you know draws them in
it really does I’m thinking of some of the younger people that we have hired and I want to say that was the drawing
reason people just don’t want to work somewhere they want to drive a cause
they want to be part of a solution and like you said there’s no bigger one than the Water Crisis so I think if
somebody’s out there today and they’re not spreading the word of all the good
that we do with conserving water and educating about water we’re really
missing the boat agreed what would you say the top five things and I said five
come up with as many as you can but you being such a good employer such a good
company owner what are some things that we can do or that we have to do to make sure the team is happy
for me it’s about communication keep your door open welcome feedback
encourage feedback provide growth opportunities for them you know for
people minimize the glass ceilings and uh be honest and transparent about the
company’s expectations you know let them know how the company’s doing what we’re expecting and provide clear goals about
the company’s future you know where are we going what are we going to do what’s next you want to make
people a part of the team you want to teach them skills provide them new technologies do those kinds of things
those that’s what people are looking for we’ve got a intranet site that is set up
it’s our own kind of you know so like a internal intranet site and we have
people you know that come from other companies and they say it’s unbelievable the amount of stuff technical stuff you
all have posted and we’re we say we want it we want it posted we want all that
stuff out there you know we know some of this stuff is going to go from our people to our competitors you know some
some people are going to take some of this stuff we don’t care it’s it’s good stuff to know we are feeling on this is
it spreads the it’s you know it spreads the knowledge out and uh there’s so much business out there we’ve all got enough
business that we can we can go hunt it down somewhere else if a competitor is good and they’re coming in and taking
business is away from us that’s our fault we need to step it up there’s nothing wrong with losing an account to
somebody who comes in and says that they’ve had a great experience with Trace Blackmore and they’re going to bring Trace in and Garrett Callahan is
not going to get is there they’re going to lose this account and sometimes that happens and that’s not always great for
us but it’s good for us when it happens the other way around and it does happen the other way around
somebody told me once that if you ever lose an account always lose it gracefully because you want them to be
able to call you back you don’t want to burn any Bridges but I think there’s another aspect to
that it’s always a learning experience if you care to dive in and learn what
there is to learn about that experience absolutely my dad said it’s only a
mistake if you don’t learn from it so you got to make mistakes things are going to happen it’s just part of doing
things and running the business and you can’t fear those things you can’t you can’t let those things get in your head
if you do you’re going to be overthinking these things and you know the main thing you need to do is you
need to listen to feedback from your employees is you know get in there and hear stuff back and encourage that stuff
they want things to be better too they want everybody’s looking to make things
better I mean the majority of people are looking to make things better and that’s
what you have to focus on that’s what you have to concentrate on and draw the best out of your best
something you mentioned earlier was that people are fearful to put on technical
data so their representatives can have access to it by the way how are they
going to treat the water if they don’t know what their treatment is but there’s so many people out there that say we’re
not giving away our special sauce you guys just figure it out what message do
you have to those people that think that way we’re one of the companies that always wants our customers to be testing we
don’t get many of our customers who do test there used to be quite a few more that had the time and the the energy to
do that but it’s not possible anymore and a lot of times you can get things like the the units the remote monitoring
units that allow that stuff for you but we want them to know what phosphonate is
we want them to know what azols are we want them to know what the testing limits are we want them to understand
this it helps us because we don’t understand why our competitors would would discourage testing the only reason
that we’ve seen over and over again is because they’re either going to under treat or over treat you know depending on whether it’s a service agreement or a
bison need our encouragement is always to know as much as you can and we’re proud of our
chemicals we have fairly High concentrated chemicals and I think that most of our competitors know that you
know that’s something we’re proud of we don’t mind talking about it you know that’s uh and you know I think I shared
this with you before we really truly make an effort to buy American by
European buy the stuff the the best quality stuff I was I read an article in
the CEO this they send me the CEO thing and always got these great articles with
this P these people and this is the guy Ethan Allen and 20 years ago he made a
decision and not everybody liked it but he made a decision we’re not going to be
like every other Furniture Company we’re going to keep it in North America and so
he built a factory down in Mexico and he built something I think in Barbados or something like that or and
now everybody’s you know calling him a genius and it’s like he did what was right I wish we would use Mexico more I
wish we we could work with Canada more and we were a little bit more working with South America you know places that
are close to us and that that could benefit greatly from having our ability to share our Good Fortune with other
countries in North America or South America you mentioned Ethan Allen that was the
first piece of real furniture that my wife and I bought when we got married it was a television entertainment center
and we really saved for that that was like okay we have a real relationship now we’ve made it we’ve bought real
furniture and today the television doesn’t even fit in it because it was the old profile television
that’s true we still have it it’s in the guest room yeah it’s nice to hear those stories and it’s nice to you know to
know that that stuff’s still happening you know getting back to your question I mean you know
I mean we’re happy for for them to know what we do and where it comes from and
the sourcing and all this stuff and and we’ll we’ll share that with people um because we’re proud of it sometimes we
make our chemicals we put too much you know you know they have nine ingredients or something and it’s a pain because
one raw material you can’t get slows down the the supply chain stuff so but
it’s gotten a lot better and I hope you’ve seen the same thing and I hope all the water treatment companies are seeing the same thing we are seeing a
real softening of this and being able to get our raw materials a lot easier than
we used to it’s definitely getting better but did you ever think there would be a day
where you put a purchase order in for nitrite and they said we don’t have that it’s back ordered for like six months
what how is nitrite backordered that much you know I agree but who knows how
they make nitrite because of you know could it be some shortage or something else they’re not doing and you know we I
mean we saw this years ago I know you’ll remember this with the molyb date you know and uh and everybody changed their
formulations you know it used to be molybden it was used as a corrosion inhibitor now it’s really used mostly just as a testing you know I mean I mean
we do use some lib dates and some in some closed systems and at high levels
and things like that and there are some of our cooling water formulas that have high levels of molybden day but for the
most part now most of that stuff’s out of there and a lot of people don’t you know it’s just another whatever they
call you know metal that they don’t want in there well the funny thing about that was that was about what about 2006 2007
yeah when that happened yeah and we were like okay fine we can figure out not putting molyb date into those products
but when you have almost every single raw material that you can’t get well okay I guess we’re shipping water today
right yeah it’s gotten a lot better hadn’t it so thank goodness it enough definitely has gotten better just just
weird times well you’ve already mentioned training what are some other things that you do around employee
development this year we had orientation out here so we had two groups of orientation we
hadn’t done orientation in two years since covid started so we had gone 2020
2021 and and up to this summer so two and a half years without training
orientation and training doing training a lot of training online but we we got 50 people out here once and 60 people
out here once so we we trained a whole new group of employees that we had brought on over the last couple years
and a lot of now what we’re doing is we’re doing the online stuff there’s a
lot of you know we have the asse training we have our own internal stuff
with the water safety group we have a water safety group that does a lot of chlorine dioxide potable water treatment
and just regular disinfection of systems we have a a testing thing that’s similar
to the thing that awt did so that’s all part of our training when we get people
on board third and then like I said a huge humongous cache of technical bulletins what we
used to call our lab letters many years ago we’ve we’ve kind of Incorporated that all into technical bulletins all of
our product bulletins and Equipment bills since I mean we have an immense amount of product and Technical
information online and the great thing is we’ve got all the old stuff from our
technical people back in the 60s and 50s when they were writing stuff that still applies today it’s really truly amazing
it’s changed a lot but it hasn’t changed that much I mean more of the changes
have been in the in the equipment that the way that the equipment runs is is not not as much as the chemicals you
know there may be a change coming up but uh you know phosphonase and you know
once they took over for the chromates and things like that yeah I know the technical people are probably listening to me going oh my God
you know I am not a technical person I’m saying there is something for everybody scaling up H2O podcast
I know very little technically well you mentioned equipment so I I truly feel
that we are going to get to a point where the artificial intelligence is so
good that we are going to be able to service less we’re going to be able to
go to our customers less we’re going to do more remote monitoring and that’s now
going to allow us to provide higher and better Services what’s your thought on that I agree with you that remote
monitoring is awesome my concern is in the small amount of time that some of
our competitors have been doing it they just stopped going by the customer completely and you can’t do that you got
to go look at the cooling tower you got to go make contact with these people you’ve got to be involved you’ve got to
see the system you I mean we can’t look into sight of a boiler except for if
there’s a boiler inspection but you can look inside of a coolant Tower you can be there you can you can see what’s
going on I don’t know why the customer with a 200 ton cooling tower doesn’t
have a remote monitoring conductivity control you know some type of a controller on their system I don’t
understand that they’re five thousand four five thousand or whatever the at the most with pumps and
everything how much does it cost to have somebody go buy that cooling tower and
look at that monitor it every day equipment is unbelievably cheap it is a
cheap babysitter you know you know and I don’t know understand why especially people who have you know 2 000 ton
cooling towers why in the world would you not have some type of unit that is doing the work for you and it’s properly
monitoring your chemicals not only that is it’s probably leaving you with some
form of of of data that you can show and prove to people that you’re treating the
system properly you know not only that it can alert us when something’s wrong
so you get an alert when your customer’s cooling tower is overflowing you call the customer up and you say hey
something’s funny here can you go check the cooling tower and they go and they say oh my gosh I can’t believe it I was
just over there two hours ago and it wasn’t doing that now it’s overflowing so you know it’s it’s impressive if used
properly and we have groups of people who are really good at monitoring these things they have like 60 controllers
online and they they’re doing like what you just said you’re out in Oklahoma you don’t want to have to make a run you
know 80 miles to go check why the pump is not working or whatever I mean you
can call the person up and say I see something can you check on something can you prime the pump can you do this and
uh you know go take them to lunch next time they you go out there I’m amazed at how many people have water
management plans and don’t have some sort of remote access so you get a
positive legionelle and a cooling tower right then when you get that notice you can do something about it so I’m hoping
that at the very least we start seeing a shift where one we get more water management plans and then as we start
getting those customers are relinquishing funding to allow professionals like us to do the things
we need to do in a better time frame without having to drive across traffic
across town and we still have to do that but now by the time we get there we’ve already put something into place and now
we’re testing the effect of that instead of initiating that I agree so much less
wasted time on everybody’s part it’s the wave of the future I mean if you’re not doing the remote monitoring now you will
be doing it at some point part of the problem becomes is they want to make sure none of this data is shared with
anybody else so they want to you know so that has something to do with it if certainly cost has something to do with
it I guess people just have to figure out where they want to spend their money because it’s like you said there’s no
real good reason not to do it it’s a no-brainer you know once you get it in set it and forget it clean a probe every
once in a while do those kinds of things you’re going to have to go and and but the beauty is is like when you come in
you can go straight to work you go right over there you go check everything and look everything because you know
everything’s pretty much humming around the right levels so that gives you time to do other things talk with the the
chief and you know get details about what’s going on at the account and how they’re running are there other issues
that you don’t know about sometimes you have to talk to them because sometimes they’re not going to tell you that oh yeah last week the cooling tower was we
just shut the cooling tower down for a week and it just sat there stagnant you know did you need to know that
the remote monitoring will tell you that you know so yeah and maybe sometimes that’s they don’t want you to know all
that either so who knows well the story that you just shared I have that exact
Story We convinced a customer to buy a new control package it had some remote
monitoring and not too long after it was put online we started getting alarms uh
one there was excessive water usage and the conductivity just plummeted and this
was in a large army base here in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area and we called
them and we said if we can come out if we need to but chances are something’s going on with your Tower makeup it’s
overflowing well it had an older float valve on it and it had just fallen off and it was floating in the cooling tower
and how long would that have kept going on and this was a large system so pretty
much in that weekend they paid for the entire investment and that never happens so I just love that story you have any
stories like that well I know we have stories exactly like that you know I don’t know specific specific stories but
it’s pretty simple there’s sometimes where just one weekend will pay for the
whole year of treatment you know of you know just one one gaffe or one one slip
up or speed bump or something that just sends that Tower into we saw this a lot when they were doing the uh the stuff
where they were cycling up the cooling towers and putting silica in it and they were they were going up to like 10 000
or whatever and as soon as one little thing happened the whole system just laid down a scale everywhere
and it’s like oh man it’s it’s so precarious you’re just right on that Razor’s Edge and do you want to be there
that’s a very dangerous position to be you know most water treaters know that once you get up to about 10 Cycles you
know you’re not yeah it’s negligible yeah you’re not you’re not getting huge savings uh in anything you’re just
taking a lot more risk and and it also of course it depends on where you are you’re not going to get 10 Cycles in Los
Angeles you’re going to get 20 Cycles maybe here in San Francisco you know but in Dallas or Atlanta we all have the
same issues you know there’s either hardness or there’s softness or whatever I mean there’s no alkalinity or whatever
it’s it’s a balance and the customers have to make these decisions and we have to do a better job of showing them how
this saves them money and how this saves them time we used to have this uh one
this little thing and you know this was before any computer generated stuff or anything and it was just a little piece
of paper and it had all these little faucets on it had like six or seven faucets on it and it had a you know a 1
16 trip or a one-eighth trip and a one quarter drip and it showed you how many
gallons you know it was it was you know it’s just one of those things early in the yeah I’m sure I’m pretty sure
yeah my dad used it I know you know because Mike Wilhite our district manager gave it to me so back then you
could show somebody and if you could talk to them and make them understand there was real Clarity in it and there
was they’d be like okay yeah yeah so I see you know this is a huge amount of water and when you buy water they charge
you more for sewage than they charge you for getting it there so anything you can do to reduce those numbers allows you to
take that off and of course you know we were always back then we were saying hey anything over 500 tons you should be
putting the water meter on the on the front end and the back end catch those differences and report them to the city
and you don’t have to pay the difference in between the the windage and the bleedage or whatever ever you know it
pays for your water treatment right exactly and the Smart Companies did it you know and though there’s still those
things that are that are available for people who will use the equipment and
the and the technologies that are available and there’s a lot of great stuff out there there’s aquasika there’s
stuff like where you you tie those things onto the pipes and you listen to the sounds of the pipes you hear the
water wasting in these commercial buildings it’s a huge payback if you can get it right
[Music] stand up Nation as you can tell Jeff and
I really like talking with each other how did I meet Jeff well I met him
because he came to a hang well what the heck is a hang well you know what a hang
is a hang is where we get together we do this every single quarter and we make
sure that we are meeting each other that we are talking to each other that we’re sharing problems with each other and
maybe getting Solutions with each other and we do it with fun it takes place
every single quarter for one hour that’s 6 p.m for one hour Eastern Standard Time
and you’re probably wondering when the next hang is and the Hang will be on April 14th again
that’s going to be 6 p.m Eastern for exactly one hour you can go to scale it
off forward slash hang to find out all about the hang and to register
and as you heard on today’s interview it’s the second time that Jeff has come
on the podcast and it was because we met on the Hang so who will you meet on the
hang and why would you deny yourself for that opportunity
speaking of opportunity another opportunity that I think you have in our
industry is to prove to the entire world that you are an expert in this field and
a great way to do that is getting your certified water technologist designation
and to help you build your confidence to take this examination we have a free
course and a paid course on scaling up forward slash Academy and at
that webpage you will see all of the courses that we are offering and the cwt
courses are designed to give you more confidence so you can take the certified
water technologist examination I truly believe that there are so many people
out there that could pass the cwt they just don’t have the confidence is to
sign up and take that examination it’s my hope that these courses give you that
confidence and you get that valuable designation that you need to show the
world that you are here and you are part of the industrial water treatment
industry and that industry is better because you are a certified water
technologist well Nation as you heard Jeff and I are not through speaking we
are going to continue my interview with Jeff Garrett next week I can’t wait to
bring that episode to you next week in the meantime it’s my hope that you
consider what you can do to take the next step in your career maybe it’s
getting your cwt maybe it’s doing something a little a bit differently
than what you do each and every day maybe it’s talking to somebody in your
organization and asking what you can do to make you better whatever it is your
assignment for this week is to think about that and act on it and hopefully by the time we continue this week’s
interview you have started making yourself a
better water Trader that’s our goal here on scaling up H2O is to raise the bar in
the industrial water treatment industry and we do that by you doing something a
little bit differently and individually us raising the bar just a fraction of an
inch we’re able to raise it a tremendous height thank you for helping me do that
and thank you for listening to the scaling up H2O podcast have a great week
folks [Music] Skyline Nation you asked for it and it
is here so many of you are taking the certified water technologist examination
and you’re wanting to get better information on how to better answer the
mock exam now this is the exam that you get when you sign up for the cwt exam
well I have heard your request and I’ve done exactly that I have recorded a
class that has exactly what you’ve been asking for it is me answering each one
of the questions and letting you know why I chose certain answers and of
course everybody wants me to do math and I do all the math on the mock exam so
you can see how to get the right answer and I hope this is something that will help build your confidence so you can
get your certification you can go to scalingup forward slash cwt prep
once again that’s scalingup forward slash cwt prep get out there and
get your certification today