Scaling UP! H2O

306 Transcript

The following transcript is provided by YouTube, mistakes are present. To hear the podcast episode click HERE.

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is sponsored by the rising tide Mastermind the rising time Mastermind is
where people just like you get together every week to help each other with
issues let’s face it issues are hard so why start from square one when somebody
can tell you what they’ve done with a similar issue if this sounds like something that’s interesting to you go
to forward slash Mastermind to see if the rising tide
Mastermind is right for you thank you
welcome to scaling up H2O a podcast where we scale up on knowledge so we
don’t scale up our systems I’m Trace Blackmore the host of the scaling up H2O
podcast and Nation we are in the month of May it’s hard to believe that four
months are now in this year’s rear view mirror and hopefully you’ve been keeping
up with everything hopefully you took my challenge at the beginning of the year where you’re doing some goal setting and
then you’re pacing those goals throughout the year so at the end of the year you’ve accomplished at least one
but probably several things that you would not have done had you not done
some goal planning and had you not staggered all of the tactics that you
had to do throughout the year so now we’re in Quarter Two we are deep
into Quarter Two so it’s my hope that that’s working out for you if it is not
then that is not a bad thing you are getting life lessons now if you’re just
not doing it and you’re totally ignoring it and you don’t have a system to bring that in I’m not talking to you you know
you’ve got some work to do or you weren’t serious enough about accomplishing it when you wrote that
down for all the other people out there that are trying to get those items done and
maybe you’re falling short that’s actually good data I don’t want you to
feel like a failure I want you to feel like a success because if you’re doing
all those things and it’s just not working out maybe you’re not doing the right things maybe you’re not doing the
right things at the right time so if you have not already
I would like for you to add to your weekly regimen that you look back at
what happened the previous week as you’re looking back at the previous week
I want you to note your successes and then the opportunities that you have so
many times we’re so busy living in the present we don’t take time to figure out what life is teaching us so what I would
love for you to do is start listening to the lessons that life is trying to teach
you learn from those lessons and reset your
plans based on that lesson now this all sounds great and I wish it was all my
material but this is the 12 week year style of planning 12-week year is all
about planning and also execution there’s so many planning books out there there are very few execution books out
there that I found that really work 12-week a year if you read or listen to
that book it’s available on Audible you will instantly understand the program
that Brian Moran has brought in that book and one of the things he says that
we need to do is review what’s going right and wrong in fact he encourages us
to do it with an accountability partner so that other person knows what we are
doing they know what our goal is and they can help us along the way and of
course they’re getting the same thing from us and the thing is when you have
somebody that you’re accountable to and let’s face it you’re the only person that can keep yourself accountable but
by having somebody that knows what you are doing you are going to make sure
those things get done because you don’t want to have to report to them that you
wasted the last meeting that you wasted their time that you chose less
subordinate issues to deal with instead of what was more important and it is
just magic to how that helps our brains do the things that we’re supposed to be
doing anyway so it’s my hope that you maybe read the 12-week year if you
haven’t read that before but you listen to what life is trying to teach you and
use those lessons to make your life easier folks if you are swimming
Upstream you’re gonna get tired by using the lessons that life is teaching you
you are now able to pick up momentum with the things happening in your life
it just makes sense and I hope that’s inspiring if you’ve gotten a little bit behind on your goals now for those of
you that have not done any goal planning now is a great time to start doing that
and a great way to start is maybe with the systems within the 12-week year so
again we can have all of that information on our show notes page and
it is there so feel free to look into that the book is available at going to
scalingup forward slash 12 week year number 12 and then week year all
one word and that’ll take you to an affiliate link where you do not have to
search through Amazon we’ve done all that work for you and you can either get an audible copy or you can get a hard
copy be paperback copy whatever copy you wish it will all be there
Nation I feel this podcast is all about learning and challenging ourselves and
somebody that helps us do this each and every week is our friend James McDonald
and here is another installment of periodic water table with James
hello and welcome to the periodic water table with James where we think and learn about water chemistry drop by drop
please use your week to search online ask your colleagues or even pick up a
book to learn more about each week’s periodic water table topic if you do at
the end of the year you’ll be 52 water chemistry smarter so let’s raise the water table of
knowledge together and get started today’s topic is
chlorine dioxide what is chlorine dioxide what is it used
for does the presence of ammonia impact it what forms of delivery are available for
chlorine dioxide can it be stored or does it need to be generated on site
what methods are there to generate chlorine dioxide what are some of the hazards of chlorine
dioxide how do you test for it what usage concentrations are typically
used how does chlorine dioxide compare with other antimicrobials such as chlorine
and bromine how selective is its reactivity can chlorine dioxide be used on a
reverse osmosis system or not remember knowledge is power and taking
the time to learn more about water chemistry each week will help make you a force to be reckoned with
be sure to post what you learn to social media and tag it with hashtag watertable 23 and hashtag scalingup H2O I look
forward to learning more from you Nation last week we started an interview
with Darius sparkauskas and we just didn’t finish we had so much information
that we wanted to share that we decided to make it into two episodes so no more
waiting here is the conclusion of my interview with Darius
my returning from last week lab partner Darius barkowskis welcome back to the
scaling up H2O podcast great to be back again Trace we just had so much fun
talking last week I figured why not do it again this week and we talked about
pretty much everything under the sun last week and we left everybody with the
last book that we read in the rising tide Mastermind called the six types of
working genius by Patrick Lencioni and we started that conversation off by we
were talking about the temperaments and of course there’s four different color temperaments and each one of those
temperament speaks differently has different needs reacts differently when
they don’t get those needs and when we understand what our own needs are and then what others needs are we’re able to
use better words to not have that gray creep up when we’re trying to communicate and we were saying that it’s
great when we have multiple colors on a team and then that’s where we talked or
at least eluded that we were going to talk about the six types of working genius so that’s where we’re going to
pick up today’s interview and I I will start off with saying somebody did ask
me that I consult with they said Trace we have every color on our leadership
team when we add to our leadership team what temperament color do we need to add next
and I thought that was a fantastic question and I could not think of an
answer or how to answer that because I don’t think temperaments work that way but I was reading a book at the time the
six types of working genius and that’s where I really thought the answer was so
with all of that roll up we just finished reading that book the six types of working genius and we learned that
there are six different types of work and when a project starts from beginning
to end and it’s done successfully each different six steps have been reached
and they get passed on to the next step and typically when they don’t get completed properly a step is skipped so
with all of that I’m curious what did you think of that book and what what’s
some feedback that you can give to the scaling up Nation so I think it layers really well onto
the temperaments and kind of gives a little bit more of direction of someone’s Drive in their particular
comfort zone so I had taken this a few years back Reed Hutchison uh had shared
this with us and we touched on it and I’m glad we brought it back up again because it’s been helpful to get a
little bit more understanding on it and so I think being able to understand the difference between the six working
Geniuses and trying to get your team to sort of have somebody that’s really good
at that or say I’m not good at the Wonder Part which I’m not that’s probably one of my frustration points I
hope somebody on my team has that that gear so that if I have an idea I can go
to them and they’re going to run with that idea versus me trying to struggle to figure out that idea so an example
for me I struggle with rewarding people or doing events to kind of celebrate
people and so I I really struggle at that so I I have I’ve resorted to asking
people that are good at that to help me come up with an idea that I can then
Implement so my my working genius is galvanizing and tenacity so once we get
an idea identify it I’m really good at executing that and seeing it to the
final fruition and putting in place versus kind of being lost in the clouds I guess is the analogy I would use
so you alluded to a couple of the working Geniuses so everybody can can play along the the first one is Wonder
this is when somebody just thinks well I wonder what could be and they’re just
dreaming and the next one is invention they take that wonder and they actually
create a solution for that the next one is discernment which is is that actually
a good solution can that actually happen what are all the constraints around that
then that goes to galvanizing let’s rally everybody together and make them want to do this solution then we move to
enablement enablement means that everybody wants to do this and everybody has the tools to get the solution done
and then finally what you mentioned tenacity is pushing it over the Finish
Line actually getting it done which is my highest weakness I get bored by the
time tenacity gets to the point of the project I am so jealous that you have
that as one of your geniuses I think there’s our Geniuses and then there’s the work in competencies where we’re
just kind of like middle of the road but then there’s our frustration those those areas like if somebody puts us in that
in that mode we’re probably gonna struggle or get up you know just not not deliver a good product or just wonder
kind of what am I doing here you know uh type of mentality so everyone has that
makeup being like this is where I thrive this is where I’m just okay and this is where I struggle it’s a good way to boil
it down you know the I I 100 agree with what you said that the temperaments
along with the working Geniuses they do just fit together I’m actually getting ready to become
certified as a working genius coach so I can put those two together and I truly
think that that is going to change everything with the teams that I work
with because it’s about how we’re communicating and then what type of work is getting done and I’m so excited to to
dive into that and share that with everybody that I know I mean just think about it when you’re in your
frustrations whether you’ve taken the assessment know what it what your frustrations are or not you know that
there’s certain type of work out there for me it’s tenacity and when I’m trying to get something over the Finish Line
it’s it’s stale to me and I want to be working on something that still has its shine and glimmer and it is just sucking
the life out of me now some I just have to do it every person has to do every
one of these six steps of of the working genius but there’s some that it just sucks the
life out of us as we do that if you and I were working together and I know that
tenacity is one of your skills if I didn’t know that I would probably
think I don’t want to give Darius any extra work because I’m sure he is as overworked as I am but now that we have
this language we’re able to collaborate better and you might have something that
you have to discern I love to discern it’s one of my Geniuses so maybe we can even swap or we can help each other in
some way and it’s not like we’re adding to each other’s plate you know we’re putting our favorite dish on the plate
that we cannot wait to go eat you know it’s not broccoli or something like that yuck we don’t eat the broccoli I know
there’s broccoli lovers out there and please don’t write me broccoli is wonderful so I apologize for it that
aside we are now given the language so we can have that conversation we can
delegate the right kind of work we can ensure that we’re taking on the right kind of work and then when we have to
just do it we’re doing it at the right time we know it’s going to suck the life
out of us but we know when we get back from the gym that we are energized so
that’s when I’m going to do that kind of work so I can piggyback on what I just got from the gym before this I had no
idea absolutely I think we probably I know of
experienced uh telling people like hey I want you to go and find like three new
ideas and if somebody didn’t have that if Wonder was their frustration I may
not get anything back you know so it’s like you got to put people in a position to win too so and recognizing that it’s
been great uh to kind of crystallize what we already sort of feel and know and just don’t know how to eloquently
talk about it and usually there’s always some insight found whenever I go through
one of these so you learned something you didn’t know before Darius I am curious when I brought it up
at the rising tide Mastermind or when Reed brought it up inside HOH did you
say what another assessment that’s exactly what I said reading I
have a great relationship but we you know when these come up my initial reaction I go right to the I’m gonna go
quote something else but I go right to a gap mentality I’m like oh here we go again here’s another thing but I’ve
learned to lean into it like you said in the last episode and ask more questions and not necessarily like focus on like I
this is one more task I don’t want to do but like maybe there’s something I could learn but yeah but that’s my initial
reaction usually there’s there’s another survey another book and here we go yeah and I know my team’s
the same way here oh Trace has read something and another one of his Mastermind groups or somebody in his
Business Roundtable has told him about this so now we have to endure another
assessment so we got to figure out how to temper that with what’s actually going to help the team and and let me
ask is there a better way to deliver that so people are more open to it
I haven’t found a great way I mean someone has to have the courage to still do it which he does which I I really
admire and to put yourself out there and be vulnerable like hey I think this could help more recently outside of the
working genius we did another one recently talking about how we want to be recognized it was a survey kind of a
survey that um Reid had found I don’t remember the name of it right now I’ll have to get back to you on that but it
was able to crystallize like how you like to be recognized is it gifts is it words of affirmation is it prizes is it
quality time with somebody and that was really insightful to understand like hey
how do you like to be recognized and spend time with and it of course a fellow gapper I would just
always look at like what not to do so there’s a section in that which is really really helpful too I think one of
them was uh you know for me like giving me another piece of like you know company merchandise like with a logo on
it I’ll take it but it’s not gonna get me excited but spending quality time and
being affirmed like one-on-one is uh really great for me as well kind of
sounds like Love Languages but maybe a little spin to it yeah I think so I’m trying to remember the name I read an
article in ink magazine but I love ink magazine all the things that they put in there but most employers think that
their employees want to be rewarded with cash and it’s easy to do but I want to
say it was like less than 10 percent were actually motivated by cash it’s a
pretty small number right so yeah yeah and it was surprising you think okay well everybody’s working to to make
money so more money is actually better and it’s not that they wouldn’t take it but they wanted it uh in a different way
they wanted something more to be recognized yeah that’s how do you ask the question then to get that what
they’re looking for out of them so I think that’s where a lot of these different tools
are designed to help get draw that out a person may not be able to even
crystallize what they’re thinking right giving them the tools to sort of talk about what they need is really helpful
Doris you’ve mentioned or looted this a couple times you either have in a gap mentality or a gain mentality so that’s
a book by Dan Sullivan called The Gap and the gain and so our audience knows
what we’re talking about the by all means read the book but the premise of the book is that if you were starting
somewhere and you’re setting a goal to get somewhere and then you look at what
the most ideal form of that goal completion is from where you are right
now from when you started that’s a gap mentality and he talks about if you’re driving or riding a bicycle towards the
horizon you’re never going to get there so if I want to start swimming and I’m
comparing myself to Michael Phelps let’s face it I’m never going to get there and
that’s the Gap I’m looking at Trace Blackmore Michael Phelps there is a huge gap between that but if I turn a round
and I look at the gain and maybe I couldn’t swim more than two laps without
just passing out and now I’m actually competing well that’s a huge gain and
that’s the mentality that he’s trying to get us to have and I love that you all
at HOH have turned it into a language because Reed’s done this to me as we
talk he’ll say Trey stop gapping and that’s just become a turn gapping okay now you’re gaining that’s what I want to
hear so now everybody knows what we’re talking about it was the most helpful thing for me was
one of my top five strengths finder strengths is maximizer and so what gets
me going is take taking something from good to Great versus just okay to good
and so I’m naturally fall into that Gap mentality and thinking like well
this is not as good as it could ever be and so I’ve been often accused of just I’m never happy but it’s not that I’m
never happy I don’t pause to at the top of the Mountaintop to take a look around because I’m going up the next Hill
already because that’s where I want to take it so it’s taken some time to sort of Coach myself to pause and say take a
breath look around uh see where you are versus just charging up the next Hill so
it’s been really helpful for me it’s a great point and hopefully that gives us
the ability to take yet another assessment if somebody recommends it the
world doesn’t need another assessment but now we have a language that we can use and we can understand ourselves
better and and the rising tide Mastermind we now know not only what the
person’s temperament is but also what their working Geniuses are and what their frustrations are so we’re actually
able to understand them better going into those issues and then speak into those qualities so we can ultimately
give them some better advice so it’s not that we didn’t know these things but we didn’t know how to communicate these
things something else that you all have used and it has just been used brilliantly is that you know company
numbers are difficult to understand whether you’re the owner of the business or you’re working in the business it’s
just difficult and you all have done an amazing job of making games out of them
can you tell us a little bit about that yeah so uh a little bit over two years
ago we went to the great gaming business Workshop it’s something that greed had
kind of highlighted as an opportunity for us to look at we were kind of curious we’re going to go we’re going to make the investment and learn about it
uh but I won’t go into the whole history of Jack Stack on how he developed it’s it’s kind of layered with the us but a
little bit different but what was really eye-opening for me was the stat of something like out of all the industries
all the companies in all the world something like only like 12 less than 12 of the people had a working knowledge of
the business numbers and we’re talking like the basics of a profit and loss statement like how much money comes in
how much does it cost to make it what do we pay people and what’s left over and
uh it was really eye-opening for us because we did want to educate people on on the
numbers and the philosophy is and it’s not for everybody I will warn you it’s not for everybody because people get
awkward think they think it’s a reflection on them if they report bad numbers so I get that but the philosophy
is that most people given the right information
um they’ll make smarter business decisions if they have those numbers and have a working knowledge of how those
numbers affect the business and so we’ve really kind of taken that uh to heart and we’re educating every member of the
organization from the CEO all the way down to the admin staff everyone is
getting a taste of the company financials and how that affects it and
also we’re developing what they call to call mini games where we develop many
contests that help move the needle on those numbers and so we’ll take uh we’ll
take a concept of maybe there’s a a objective we’re trying to achieve and we’ll gamify it we’ll make it a a
short-term goal that we’re trying to achieve there’ll be intermediate goals for us to hit and uh there’ll be a prize
intermediate prizes for everybody and everyone kind of gets in the game so instead of like sitting on the sidelines
and like hey I’m just cashing a paycheck everybody in the organization can affect the numbers and not just
you know this is this is what it is right whenever I hear this is what it is
that’s when I start to challenge that it’s not what it is we we have the power and the knowledge to to change that I’m
not sure if that’s where I went with the the mini games like you wanted to no that’s fine I I think it’s a different
way of looking at something and it draws everybody in that they’re part of the
solution and you can instantly see what the results of what everybody is doing
and you all had some great game boards uh I remember one looked like kind of Shoots and Ladders and you were like
Candyland yeah you called it bonus land so there you go another great game that our
finance team did is they identified that we were paying a ton of money on credit
card fees and so there was an easy way for us to save money and affect the
bottom line by proactively reaching out to customers and switching them to ACH and so they
actually made a game of like you know they had a target of how many customers they wanted to convert from credit card
to ACH that’s a quicker way to pay we pay less fees and we saved 150 000 a
year in credit card fees and that just goes right to the bottom line for us it was really impactful and no one even
thought to do it because we’re like yeah this is the way we’ve always done it right right so it’s convenient for the
customer but it was costing us money you know speaking about the way that we’ve
always done things a lot of times our accounts fall into that category
and okay we talked to this customer we said we need this new piece of equipment they’ve said no now I don’t even see
that as an issue anymore it’s just the new Norm you all do a great job of
making sure that you’re promoting Excellence can you tell us a little bit about that
yeah so a few uh back in 2017 2018 we we kind of looked at where we were as a
company and uh we were kind of really trying to grow but I would say we’re really growing healthily with great
health we were bringing a lot of business we’re also losing a lot of business and what I discovered is we
were losing that piece of you know the service piece like we wanted we have a
service promise to our customers and we needed to restore that and so we developed this program it’s an audit
program but nobody likes an audit just like that like an IRS audit but I started to call it the the level five
program of excellence and so the level five comes from just a basic scoring
system of zero to five and if we think about what we do as a water treater there’s a pyramid of of things we
deliver to customers your foundation is your Chemistry without chemistry you can’t really affect results the next
layer is equipment do you have the right equipment to deliver that chemistry and then the the Pinnacle is uh the service
that we’re delivering are we meeting expectations and so we developed this program and we go out to customers
and we have a whole intricate form that we go through and we objectively score
ourselves and I always tell people I don’t care what you score the initial go
through we’re going to give you a plan and a list of things to do to improve
and most customers are very receptive to that they like to see they were getting better what we get out of what HOH gets out of
it is that the individual is getting time with another person at HOH to
develop them get better at Water Treatment HOH gets further cemented in
with customers and keeps other competitors out and the customer gets a
free look at a system at their own systems to see that are we doing what we say we’re going to do and that’s really
spurred us on to really great success since 2019 and we’re just like really accelerating and uh we’re actually
running a mini game on running these Audits and of course you are of course
right but it’s been a it’s been a great experience and we’ve been trying to capture uncover opportunities through
these assessments because I don’t like creating work just to do work that’s not not for me my goal I really have a
passion for get things better than they were and then also uncover opportunities uh at existing accounts is the cheapest
account you can uh sell to is the one you already have versus spending money to sell a new one and so there’s always
opportunities to deliver new products and services but if we’re always just doing it with the way we’ve always done
it how are you going to change that narrative Darris was that received well how did
you make sure people saw that as a positive and not just something added to the list of things they already had to
do we’re still trying to overcome that trade so right now we’re kind of in the uh the uphill uh phase of it we’re not
quite on the downhill but a lot of our business development people appreciate it especially get a technical if they’re
trying to sell an account we’ll do one of these assessments of like another vendor and to show them like hey these
are the things where you can improve and then it becomes an easy task for them to just I’m going to quote this this this
and this and move on I would say it takes time to schedule and get people’s schedules organized
that’s probably the toughest thing when we’re in the moment and teaching people on site and giving them a list of of
ways not only they can improve but the customer I think that’s where the magic is all the paperwork side of it is
probably not anybody’s favorite part so I love the idea I think it’s great and
it ensures that you’re getting quality time with your customer and it also ensures that there if there are any gaps
in our service that we’re making sure that we’re talking with a customer about
it we have a plan to get them fixed and we’re not relying on them communicating
with one of our competitors to learn that information absolutely
somebody on my team referred it to as account proofing so how do you you know
keep an account from being susceptible to a vendor other than just price you know yeah it’s a
great idea and now it focuses on value and oh my goodness when we can shift our
clients away from price and on to Value it is a game changer absolutely 100
agree well Darius we are to the lightning round are you ready for those
questions certainly all right so we’re going to get into the DeLorean we’re going to go 20 years into
the past and we’re going to find yourself on your very first day at HOH
what advice would you give I probably would tell myself to go get my PE license sooner it’s more of a
personal thing but I would say learning how to deal with customers and I wish I’d been exposed to like the temperament
sooner and I probably would have been more successful knowing that how to communicate with people there’s probably
so many opportunities and sales that I’ve missed over the years just because I wasn’t communicating how the customer
wanted to hear it I normally ask about books but we spent probably the last two weeks talking about books so I’m going
to move on to the next question sure when they make a movie about your life
and we all know that they’re going to who do you want playing Darius John Goodman
I love that answer I’m a really big Big Lebowski fan so
perfect I love it and then final question if you could talk with anybody throughout history who would it be with
and why I would say Robert Oppenheimer and I know there’s a movie coming out
I’m really excited to see it but just the the gravity of what he was tasked to
do and having to understand you know the destruction that he has created
um or he was tasked to do it was just it’s an unbearable burden for somebody
like that and just understand like how did you how did you end up here
how do you compartmentalize all that and yeah yeah that’s a great answer Darius
this has been a lot of fun thank you so much for spending so much time with us
on the scaling up H2O podcast thank you so much for having me guys
Nation if you know somebody that you want me to interview on this show one of
my favorite things to do is interview other water treaters I really think that
connects us with the scaling up community so if you have somebody in mind you can go to and go over to our show ideas page and you can tell us all about
that something I want to tell you about is something that’s coming up in May and
that is May 20th and it is the global 6K for water now we’ve been promoting this
for a couple years here at the scaling up nation and so many members have
actually participated and gotten other scaling up Nation members to participate
so what this is one it is a 6K it is a
6K because that’s the average amount that somebody has to walk
to get access to drinking water just imagine that how long does it take to
walk six kilometers and what are all the things that aren’t happening because
these people are walking to get water as you can imagine normally it’s the kids
and the kids are not in school and if we are not educating the children then they
are going to repeat that same cycle so just something as simple as bringing
better access to better drinking water and not to mention when they’re walking
this six kilometers the water that they’re going to get is water that you probably would not drink if it was given
to you and we’re fortunate we have a choice of clean drinking water so why would we ever choose non-clean drinking
water explanation think about how lucky we are how fortunate we are that we have
that option not every everybody in the world has that option and that’s what
the global 6K is all about One educating people that we do not have clean
drinking water access to everybody on this planet educating people that when
they have to go walking to get water they are not doing things that is
allowing their selves their Village their entire Community to get better to
elevate themselves so what we’re going to do this May 20th is we’re going to
try to help solve that in a very fun way so this is a global 6K and this is done
a little bit differently you don’t have to go to a particular place to do this 6K you can go to your favorite Park you
can walk down your street you can run you can jog you can do any mode of
bipedal work that you can think of the point is is that you register for this
and you can register by going to scalingup forward slash 6K we’ll
have all the information for you there and you can have a couple of options one
we’ve created team scaling up and you can join our team and you can do this
Global 6K on May 20th at whatever time you deem fit at whatever place you deem
fit and then you’re just going to share some things on social media we’ll have all that information for you and if you
want to sign up your team well you can sign up the entire team at Team scaling
up or you can create your own team maybe your company wants to do this we’ll have
all that information for you again on that page scaling up forward
slash 6K when we first started this a couple years ago there were a few new
industrial water treatment companies that were doing this now there are dozens I talk about the rising tide
Mastermind quite a bit and the rising tide Mastermind is pretty much all
involved in the 6K so Nation this is a fun way to celebrate what it is that we
do as industrial water treaters it allows us to create a stronger Community
with ourselves with whoever we choose to walk with so many company owners like to
do a team event because it just dynamically improves the culture because
we are doing something that is such a good thing to do we’re educating people
we’re bringing awareness and we’re actually doing something to solve the
global crisis now in order to do that there’s a 50 donation and that 50
donation will actually bring water to one individual and that amazing fifty
dollars that’s like what two cups of coffee at Starbucks not quite that but I don’t think we’re far off from that
being true so maybe not have a couple of Starbucks in the month and you are going
to bring drinking water to one individual and something that World
Vision does extremely well is they take that money and they make it go to work
so one individual for fifty dollars and it’s not like they go in and then this stuff breaks down and nobody knows what
to do with it they’re actually training people within the villages that they go into to know how these things operate to
make sure that they own this equipment so there’s just so much that happens
when you get involved with the 6K I hope that you will join us and share all your
pictures in social media so we can all enjoy that and Nation if you’ve never
heard about this before go to scalingup forward slash 6K and share this
information with somebody else the difference that we can make can be tremendous
Nation I sure appreciate you sharing this hour with me I love bringing this
show to you and I also love all of your comments and feedback so if you have
anything you want me to know feel free to go to go over to our
show ideas page and let me know what that is in the meantime I hope you have
a safe and productive week and I will have a brand new episode for you next
Friday have a great week folks thank you
do you wish you had your own private tutor to help you study for the certified water technologist examination
well now you do so many of you have asked me to help you with the mock cwt
examination and I’ve done that very thing if you go to forward slash cwt prep
again that’s scaling up forward slash cwt prep you will see that I’ve created
a course and I tell you everything I know about each one of those mock
questions it’s my hope that that helps give you the confidence you need to sign
up to get certified today