Scaling UP! H2O

327 Transcript

The following transcript is provided by YouTube, mistakes are present. To hear the podcast episode click HERE.

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[Music] matters welcome to the scaling up H2O
podcast my name is race Blackmore and I get to host this amazing podcast called
scaling up H2O and folks it has just been amazing to meet so many people to
just learn more about the people that create the industrial Water World and
coming up very very shortly next week in fact we are celebrating Industrial water
week now maybe this is the sixth time you’ve celebrated industrial water week
with us or maybe this is the first time and you’re saying Trace tell me more
what is this industrial water week that you speak of well if that’s you don’t
worry industrial water week is a holiday that lasts an entire week next Monday
through Friday where we celebrate each and every day how awesome industrial
water is you are in the industrial water treatment industry and we’re going to
celebrate you and all the equipment that we treat all next week it is the sixth
time that we have celebrated industrial water week the scaling up H2O podcast
has been with you every single industrial water week since in ception
and it has become the official way to celebrate industrial water week because
we have a brand new episode each and every day next week and we’re going to
start out celebrating pre-treatment on Monday on Tuesdays we’re going to
celebrate boilers on Wednesday we’re going to celebrate cooling Thursday
we’re celebrating Wastewater and then we’re going to wrap up the week and celebrate having a career in industrial
water treatment on Friday we could not fit all of this into one day that’s why
this holiday is an entire week long it’s always the first full week during the
month of October so you can mark your calendars for next year and so many
people are celebrating industrial water week now maybe we get a chance to
celebrate it together because I I will be celebrating industrial water week at
the association of water Technologies conference so that’s going to be taking
place in Grand Rapids Michigan October 4th through 7th and if you are there I
want to see you I want to celebrate industrial water week with you and I
want to hear what your best industrial water week story is I want to hear how you celebrate that with your company and
maybe you’re thinking I don’t celebrate it I don’t do anything with my company
and folks if that is you that’s okay we can fix you we can make sure that you do
the right thing from this point out let’s face it there are so many things
that we have to deal with on a day-to-day basis why not take a little
time just to enjoy the industry that we are in and it’s an entire week next week
where we can do that very thing and I’m hoping that the scaling up Nation really
Embraces let’s share ourselves with each other and each and every day as I
mentioned we’re celebrating pre-treatment on Monday boilers on Tuesday cooling on Wednesday Wastewater
on Thursday and then careers on Friday each and every day my call to action is
for you to take a picture and post it to your favorite social media platform and
hash iww 23 of you and your favorite
piece of equipment that we are celebrating that day and we are going to see very quickly that we are part of
something bigger than ourselves you are listening to this podcast at the same
time tens of thousands of other people are listening to this podcast and I hope
that empowers you because that tells us that we are not alone it tells us that
we are going through the same thing that other people are going through and I
have to tell you on days that are just so trying that makes me feel better to
know one that there are other people out there that are experiencing the same thing that I am and two that I am part
of something bigger than myself and we know we call that the scaling up nation
and I am so proud to be part of the scaling up Nation I guess I’m the tribe
leader of the scaling up nation and it has truly been an honor to watch the
scaling up nation grow each and every week with each and every podcast so I
hope the entire scaling up Nation celebrates industrial water week next
week and share some pictures with us #i
ww23 of all of the fun things that you are doing with in your week and I think
you’re really going to enjoy the results as you scroll through all of the
different posts that people are doing earlier I mentioned the association of
water Technologies conferences taking place next week in conjunction with industrial water week well if you are a
business owner owner it is not too late October 3rd one day before the awt
conference starts the awt business owners committee is having a special
one-day conference for you and this is where all the business owners get
together and speakers come in and we talk about best practices and share
ideas and it is amazing it’s kind of what we do with the rising tide
Mastermind but it’s action-packed all cooked into one day and you don’t have all the follow-ups and and items that we
do to try to help each individual within the rising tide Mastermind but maybe you’re a business owner and you’re
trying to think hey I wonder what it’s like to be part of something bigger than just being part of my company this is a
great way for you to meet people that are in the same boat as you this is a great way for you to get an action list
of maybe some things you can go back and immediately start with your company I
have been to every single one of these and I have not been disappointed so if
you want to find out more information about the business owners meeting or the association of water Technologies
Convention and Expo you can go to our website and we will have a link that’ll
take you directly to both of those items and of course if you go to our events
page we have everything that we could find on what is going on in the
industrial Water World so you can go to one place and figure out where you want
to go what do you need to hone your skills on what is available for you to
do that and with that you will be able to pick and choose all of the different
things that are happening within the water industry we will send you directly to their site and we actually have a
button that will put things on your calendar so it has all of that information for
you my staff is amazing and they’re making it very easy for you to raise the
bar in the industrial water treatment industry well Nation I have to say one
of my favorite shows that we do are the pinks and blues episodes and I know I’ve
said this on the mic before on the air where people have asked me where does pinks and blues come from and that was
an older terminology that my dad used to use all the time when he was in his test kit he said he was running pinks and
blues and I guess if we look at the hardness test we go from pink to blue so
I guess that’s where that comes from but I use that when I say we’re having a pinks and blues episode that we’re just
talking technically this is normally a question that people have asked me around some particular item or maybe I
was training a group of people and there was a particular theme of questions and
that sparked an idea I get ideas all over the place to bring back to you the
scaling up Nation well today we are going to play an encore edition of
episode 237 and this was a pinks and blues episode that I did about cooling towers
it was one of our most popular episodes last year and then if you we keeping
score we divided it into two parts so you’re going to hear part one today a
rebroadcast and you’re going to wonder hey where is part two and if you go to
237 you can hear the original broadcast that we are doing today and then you’re
going to go to 238 and you’re going to say hey that’s not the continuation so okay I’ll go to 239 well that’s not the
continuation either you got to go to 2 40 and I don’t know why we did that if
you’ve been a listener of this podcast you know we’ve always done I say us I
have always done weird stuff with the numbering and if I recall that was a longer episode we did not plan on all
the information that just came out as I was recording that episode and we had our podcast calendar already set so we
made you wait two additional weeks for the conclusion of part two so if you
want to hear the conclusion of this episode you’re going to have to go back to episode 240 and of course what are we
talking about on episodes 237 and 240 well it was all things cooling towers I
had just come from a conference where so many people it wasn’t a water treatment conference it was a water-based
conference and so many people were asking me questions about what they should know about cooling t Tower so I
took a lot of their questions I took a lot of questions that I get when I teach for the association of water
Technologies and then I took questions that many of you sent in to ask me to
answer on this podcast and I just had a great time recording that show and
that’s why you’re going to hear it right now SC up Nation some of my favorite
shows to do are when you ask questions s to the scaling up H2O mailbag on how to
do something I love it because I know we’re talking about the right stuff now how do you get something into the
scaling up H2O mailbag well that could not be simpler simply go to scaling up and you have two ways to do that the easiest way is on the right hand
side of the screen you can click on leave voicemail and that will allow you
to easily record your voice and we can air that on this fine podcast or you can
go to our show ideas Page by navigating up in the header and you can type out
exactly what your idea is so that’s exactly what this person did they want
to know all things about cleaning a cooling tower what are the dos and the
don’ts when should it be scheduled all of that stuff we’re all treating cooling
tow most of us are treating cooling towers we all know that they need to be cleaned so what else do we need to know
around that Nation getting to the core of this question is around scheduling
how often a cooling tower needs to get cleaned but here’s the thing
scheduling deals with a bunch of unknowns we just don’t know how dirty
that Tower is going to get within a particular amount of time also we
normally find that towers are cleaned as a reactive approach that something’s not
working right instead of a proactive approach now I have a customer that told
me one time that they actually they were prospective customer at the time they have a little better way of thinking
about things after working with us but they told us that they clean their
cooling tower every four years whether it needed it or not folks that is not
being proactive by any stretch of the imagination so that begs the question
how often do we need to clean our cooling tower and to answer that we need
to look at two things how a cooling tower works and how why water treatment
is able to perform what it needs to do once it gets in the water so let’s look
at a definition of what a cooling tower is a cooling tower is a heat exchanger
that is the Baseline very bottom definition a cooling tower is a heat exchanger how
does it exchange that heat it exchanges that heat by air and water being brought
into direct contact with each other and then that air takes the heat thereby
reducing the heat within the water and then that cooled water goes into the
system grabs more heat and it just does the process all over again so knowing
what a cooling tower does we know we need as much air to touch as much water
as possible and we call this surface area just imagine if the cooling tower
supply line the big pipe that goes on the top of the cooling tower was not
broken up in any way and it was just allowed to drop completely through the
center of the cooling tower the only surface area would be the outside of
that 8 plus in water column maybe it’s a 20in water column not a lot of surface
area so the only place that the air could come in contact with that warm water is on the very edges and the bulk
of all that water is now protected within the water not seeing any of that
air we’re not getting any heat transfer that’s why a cooling tower its
job is to break up that water into tiny water droplets and those are the tiny
water droplets that you see falling through the cooling tower and that is
how a cool cooling tower can efficiently cool the water now the pieces that
specifically are in the cooling tower that help us get those water droplets
are either a hot deck or distribution nozzles so once all the water is piped
back to the cooling tower it then goes into a distribution deck and a
distribution deck is just basically a big platform that has a bunch of holes
in it and then underneath Neath those holes are distribution nozzles to kind
of swirl all the water around and get it evenly over the top of the tower fill
now the tower fill is made to keep all those water droplets as separated as
possible and allow an interchange where we have as much surface area as possible
for the air to interface with that water there by taking the heat from the water
into the air releasing it up into the atmosphere so we have cooler water able
to go back and get more heat just to do the process over it again now you might
have a cooling tower that does not have a hot deck and what it does it just has
distribution nozzles and the point of that is is it’s just simply swirling
around all the water making it just like the other one making it go through the
tower fill and of course the cleaner that all of these things are the more
they’re going to perform efficiently and when I say efficiently I mean they’re
able to keep those droplets as small as possible they’re able to give as much
surface area to the water and the air as much as possible remember a cooling
tower is all about changing heat Now by default the cooling tower also cleans
the air that gets sucked into it yes the same air that we’re relying on to
exchange the heat from the water has stuff in it if somebody’s cutting the
grass right by the cooling tower the cooling tower will suck in all those grass clippings if there are a bunch of
trees around there if they’re doing construction whatever is in the air is next now in your water system because
the cooling tower sucked it in with it anything that comes in with the air gets
washed out as the cooling tower water comes in contact with it and ultimately
that means you now as the water treater have to deal with it because now you
have all this dirt and debris in the tower it also means that wherever the
debris decides to settle will reduce the design ability of not only the cooling tower but also
every heat transfer surface that it comes in contact with now let’s look at
the cooling tower first less surface area for the water to come in contact
with the air that means that the cooling tower is less efficient as a heat
exchanger now maybe at first you won’t see the loss of the ability to cool the water but you will see it in the amount
of energy that is needed in order to efficiently cool that water more energy
means more cost to run the cooling tower and a lot of times people look at cost
as water treatment they look at cost as I want to buy this new piece of
equipment those are all cost but a lot of times they don’t look back and say
how is this going to become an investment that the normal operation
that I have to pay for is actually reduced thereby once I pay back whatever
that amount for that equipment is I can now start enjoying the benefits of less
operating cost because they’re all working together so what I’m going to do is I’m going to share with you what I
hope you can do with your customers is take them into this discussion so they
realize when you recommend a piece of equipment it’s not just a check that
they are riding it’s an investment that they are making so their
system either stays cleaner but by all means is more efficient thereby making
it less expensive for them to run the other thing that our recommendations do
is we use less natural resources to get the job done well of course we’ve got to
create that power power from somewhere and then we have to pay for that power
so whatever your goal is to be greener to save more green we’ve got that
covered with our water treatment recommendations now the cooling tower
not running efficiently what does that mean that means that the fan needs to
come on more than if it would if the surface area were there and why isn’t
the surface area there where all that dirt and debris is now in spaces that the water should be in or it’s in spaces
that are meant to uh in the distribution nozzles to swirl out that water so we
can get a large distribution area if there’s any dirt in those areas it means
we’re going to have less heat transfer surface and that means it’s going to be
less efficient in order to overcome that the fan of the cooling tower will have
to come on and of course the fan takes energy we have to pay for that energy and there’s your cost and there are your
natural resources now a lot of people think that the cooling tower cools the
Water by the fan coming on and you know that you have seen that cooling tower
operating without the fan being on a cooling tower is a heat transfer device
because it allows air to interface with water and that interface is the heat
exchange now eventually all the ambient air within that cooling tower will
become heat saturated and when that happens that’s when the fan comes on to
draw more air up and through that cooling tower so it can continue the
process so if the Fan’s coming on on cooler days and there’s not much of load
on that system that could be a sign that we do not have good water distribution
within the cooling tower again it is a heat exchanger because we have to have a
lot of surface area between that water and the air and if there is dirt and
debris in that Tower somewhere it is not allowing us to be efficient now how can
you tell with this well if you can get into the cooling tower maybe you can stick your head in maybe you can just
simply take one of the louvers off and you can look in you should be able to see a good even distribution now if you
look in and you see an area that looks like it’s maybe white and has some
evaporative salts on it well that’s telling you that something is blocking the path of water to get there and that
equals in efficiency and by all means whenever you’re going inside a cooling tower make sure you are keeping yourself
your safe make sure you’re wearing gloves if you are touching Tower fill or
Tower Louver sometimes those things can be sharp so just make sure you are being protected we’ve got fans in those things
and if you stick your head through a fan when the belt starts rotating it around
you don’t want to be there so don’t ever do that so make sure you know exactly what you’re doing before you go into the
cooling tower and going into is a finger going into a cooling tower or just
barely sticking your head into it you are going into that space make sure you’re always safe and when you’re there
being safe you’re looking for good distribution you’re looking for all the surfaces to be wet and if they are
cooling towers probably doing a pretty good job with distribution but if you’re seeing areas where it’s not Distributing
folks it is not efficient and we need to encourage our clients to get contractors
out there to to either clean or repair or whatever needs to be done because a
non-efficient heat transfer device is not doing a very good job at transferring heat now if the cooling
tower is not doing its job in transferring heat it doesn’t just stop
there everything is now receiving more heat which means the chiller has to work
harder well folks if the chiller has to work harder it’s going to send even more heat to the cooling tower yes that’s the
same cooling tower that wasn’t able to get rid of all the heat like it was supposed to and then not to mention all
the heat transfer surfaces out in the system that the design is meant to take
the heat from now we can overcompensate that again the tower fan can come on the
chiller can work a little bit harder and of course that pump if it has a variable drive on it it’s going to work a lot
harder and a lot longer again equating that I need to run that system longer
and harder which means somebody has to pay for all the natural resources that are going into that machine all because
it is inefficient so that really gets into the
why we need to clean a cooling tower but we really haven’t gotten into how often
do we need to clean a cooling tower so my customer that said we clean our
cooling tower and every four years whether it needs it or not I will give you an hint that is not a good answer
and that is never the right answer but outside of that how do you know how
often a cooling tower needs to be cleaned I heard my friend Mark leis tell one of his customers this once and they
asked him how often should we be cleaning our cooling tower Mark told them that the dirt that settles out on
the bottom of the tower Basin should never exceed one4 in and I love this
answer because it wasn’t based on time it was based on function it was also
based on making sure we were constantly observing what the tower was trying to
tell us by the way that’s our superpower as water treaters we have many that’s one of our superpowers is we are able to
communicate with all this heat transfer equipment and we can then relay the
messages it can’t do itself to the people that own that equipment so they
can do something with it so this gets them involved with going out looking at
the cooling tower seeing what the distribution is like but also seeing how much debris is actually in the bottom of
the cooling tower and I know what you’re saying Trace who really cares about the debris in the bottom of the cooling
tower there’s no heat transfer that’s taking place there and you’re 100% right
so certainly if you have dirt and debris in the bottom of the tower Basin you know that on the heat transfer surfaces
within the system you are going to have dirt and debris there as well and then
we are not able to grab that heat in order for that process to take place so
that’s just a a quick and easy way to see you know how often we should do that
based on what the air is that’s being pulled in based on how long the tower
being run but I also know you’re probably thinking that we’re leaving something out now if you have been a
longtime listener of the show you know I preach the gospel of water treatment and
I don’t preach the Trinity of water treatment I preach the quadrinity of
water treatment what I mean by quadrinity is we as water treaters need to deal with four areas in order to have
a complete water treat treatment program now those four areas waterers the universal solvent given enough time
water versus whatever you put it in water will eventually corrode it so we
have to slow down that corrosion can’t stop corrosion but we can
dramatically slow it down the next thing is scale we have a lot of dissolved
solids within the water that we are treating and when that dissolv solids precipitates out and it will normally
precipitate out on our heat transfer surfaces first we need to make sure that that is minimized and or
eliminated the third item is microbial fing we know that things grow within our
cooling systems and we have to deal with that now when I say we have to deal with
that I mean from an efficiency standpoint now too often it’s
misunderstood what microbial fing control means and I’m here to tell you
that it is efficiency not Legionella now you might be thinking well Trace we’ve
got to take care of Legionella and you’re right but there’s only so much we as water treaters can do without our
customers committing to all the things that they have to do they have to make sure that they’re authorizing and paying
for all the tests that we need to do to monitor that Legionella is being kept at
Bay they’re the ones that need to initiate the plan on how we’re going to
do all of those things now we can definitely be involved and we’ve got great information that we can share with
them on that but legally we can’t create that plan we can’t do that plan without
them being involved with it and then of course doing the things that we need to
above just an efficiency standpoint now we’re trying to eliminate a specific species and eliminate is not the right
word but people use that which is why I bring it up it’s to keep it at Bay it’s
to monitor it and when it gets to a certain level then we knock it down to another level by the way a successful
Legionella program is not that you have no Legionella in the system ever it’s
that you know how much Legionella is in the system and you are able to take corrective action to bring it back to a
level that’s not his ially going to get people sick and all that’s laid out in
the plan so all that to say we look at it for an efficiency standpoint and then
the last leg is General dirt and debris well the cooling tower it’s a big air
washer it’s sucking in all that air and anything that is in the air is now going
to get washed out into the cooling tower we talked about that before and you’re saying we trace my products don’t do
anything for that how am I responsible for that I’m going to say yeah you’re probably partially right our products do
allow things to stay kind of fluid along with the water longer so we can do
something with it but if we don’t have anything there to do something with it then you’re probably right now what is
the thing that we need there to do something with Cue the entrance of the
filter that’s right we need some sort of filter now somebody’s probably also
saying Trace you’re talking about water chemistries and now you’re talking about something mechanical that’s out of the
realm of water treatment and it really depends on how you look at it I really
believe that you have to have mechanical and chemical or whatever type of water treatment you have working together or
you’re not going to have the best water treatment program that you have think about it if you have a bunch of dirt
debris in the system that’s just going to allow a lot of places for this microbial stuff to start sitting down
Camp if you have a bunch of uneven surfaces within the system I.E dirt and
debris you’re going to have nucleation sites where you can precipitate out and
start creating scale and if we have all this dirt and debris that’s sitting on our heat transfer surfaces well we can’t
get our great corrosion products to that surface and we’re going to have
corrosion so they really have to work together or we’re not going to be able
to do our job properly so with all of that I call it the
quadrinity still the question is hanging out there how often do we clean the
cooling tower and that of course depends on how much dirt and debris is getting
sucked in and now how much dirt debris is actually getting filtered out and I
hope that you see how important a filter is because the cleaner we can keep the
heat transfer media the cleaner we can keep the heat transfer surfaces not only
the longer that we can go in between cleanings but the more efficient all of
that equipment can be and that is what’s going to save the customer money that is
what’s going to save everybody from using more natural resources than we
have to and now you’re probably saying Trace I have talked to people about
putting some sort of filtration and yes I’m specifically staying away from
specific type of filtering devices that’s a show in its own but for now
we’re just going to talk about it as a filter well when you put a filter on the
people that make the filters are very proud of them and our customers a lot of times get sticker shock and they think
well I’ve run for this long without one I’m not going to invest X cuz it doesn’t
look like I need it I hope that through this conversation you can see that there is
an entire dialogue that you need to have with your customer to make sure that
they understand the importance of making sure you’re doing every single part of
that quadrinity and without without a filter folks you just cannot do it the cooling
tower is bringing in debris with it every time any air comes in we have to
do something with that so as you advising your customer make sure they
understand that it’s not an expense it is an investment it’s an investment that
will give them a return over a certain amount of time now how will it do that
well they’re going to have to spend less money on operating all this heat
transfer equipment the heat transfer equipment is going to run more efficient
for a longer period of time and you will be able to reduce the amount of
cleanings that you have to perform a lot of times we Over clean to overcompensate
for not having filtration in the system system so if all of those things are
brought in front of your customer you are now able to put that in comparison
to however much that filter is and then they can see after so many months maybe
it’s even so many years that they will be making money back on that investment
and I hope that that is a totally different conversation for you to be
able to get that fourth tier so we can have the quadrinity so we can have a
proper and complete water treatment program remember the quadrinity is the
balance of chemical and mechanical working together so we can get the
optimal job done scaling up Nation without a doubt
my favorite episodes are our pinks and blues episodes and there’s only one way
that I can do pinks and blues episodes you have to let me know what you want me
to answer what you want me to talk about what you want me to explore because
otherwise I don’t know those things so if you tell me what you want I will do
my best to turn that into a pinks and blues episode now if you want the
continuation of the episode you just heard go ahead and listen to episode 2
40 and then you will hear the full item that we just listened to now with that I
have heard so many companies use the scaling up h2l Podcast as part of their
training program and let’s face it we spend a lot of time behind the wheel and
what better way to spend that time if you’re in Atlanta you’re either fussing
at the traffic that you can do do nothing about or you’re learning about
water treatment listening to the scaling up H2O podcast and that’s what I’m hoping that you are doing and if you
know somebody that’s new in the water treatment industry recommend that they
listen to the scaling up H2O podcast it is a great idea for you to look through
our show catalog and come up with shows that you want them to listen to you
might want to relist to them now now the next time you get together with that person you have so much information to
talk about and as you know we only have about an hour on each podcast so there’s only so much that we can cover within
that time but that now lays an entire landscape of items that you can talk
about with this other individual it allows them to come up with so many questions and for you to expand on
whatever we’re talking about here on SK scaling up H2O I’ve heard of so many
people so many companies that are doing that with success so if you’re not doing that that is something that you can
augment your training program with and folks it is 100% free it will cost you
absolutely nothing and it will get you so much farther within your standing
training program well something else that’s going to get you farther in your
water treatment training is this brand new periodic water table with James
hello and welcome to the periodic water table with James where we think and learn about water chemistry drop by drop
please use your week to search online ask your colleagues or even pick up a book to learn more about each week’s
periodic water table topic if you do at the end of the year you’ll be 52 water
chemistry smarter so let’s raise the water table of knowledge together and get started today’s topic
[Music] is sodium bromide or
NAB I tried to think of a bromide to say with this one but my brain had no
reaction how soluble is sodium bromide is sodium bromide itself a
biocide if not how is it used for microbiological control when mixing
sodium hypochlorite and sodium bromide what is the theoretical mixture ratio to
achieve complete conversion should an excess of sodium hypochlorite be fed to ensure complete
conversion what if you want a mixture of both hypochlorous acid and Hyper bromos
acid what ratios of sodium hypochloride and sodium bromide should you feed what
challenges could one face when using sodium bromide for microbiological control remember knowledge is power and
taking the time to learn more about water chemistry each week will help make you a force to be reckoned with be sure
to post what you learned to social media and tag it with #w t23 and # scaling up
H2O I look forward to learning more from you thank you James and Nation if you
have not kept up with periodic water table with James it’s okay you can go
back and you can listen to each and every episode of the scaling up H2O podcast of course that’s what I would
prefer that you do but you can also look at our show notes page and we have links
to all of those within the show notes page and let’s face it if you do each
and every week of the periodic water table with James you are going to be 50
times I’m sorry my math is off 52 times smarter that’s better than 50 at the end
of the year with all of the chemistries that we are using and of course James does such a creative format where he’s
giving you questions and you are doing the research we talked about training programs my team here has actually taken
those and they’ve expanded on those questions and when they do their regular meetings they’re talking about those
very topics and it’s led into some very cool conversations Nation if we are not
constantly learning new items and continuing to keep up to date the things
we already know this becomes a very mundane industry and my father always
told me if you get bored in this industry it is an indicator that you are not doing it correctly and you can fix
that if you realize that that is a check engine light going off now we haven’t
ruined the engine yet but folks we are on our way of doing so and if you continue in your day to-day with that
check engine light on and you are bored and you do not think this job has any
purpose and you’re just wash rinse and repeating you’re probably already burned out you’re definitely going to stay that
way the magic wand to fix that is you do something new each and every time you go
in someplace and it can be super super small and that little nudge just brings
all sorts of life back to this amazing job how do I know it’s an amazing job
folks we have a whole week week of holiday next week to celebrate this
amazing job I am so glad that I am in a career within industrial water and I’m
so glad that you are as well folks happy industrial water week early join us next
week for Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday for a brand new
episode each and every day next week if you’re at the awt make sure sure you
come and find me and there’s actually a gift for all of you on Wednesday’s
episode you’ll have to tune in to figure out what that is but I can’t wait until
industrial water week folks have fun celebrating and I hope to see you at awt
have a great week [Music]
folks today’s episode is sponsored by the rising tide Mastermind the rising
tide Mastermind is is where people just like you get together every week to help
each other with issues let’s face it issues are hard so why start from square
one when somebody can tell you what they’ve done with a similar issue if
this sounds like something that’s interesting to you go to scaling up
Mastermind to see if the rising tide Mastermind is right for you