Scaling UP! H2O

181 The One Where Water Geeks Talk About Social Media

I am thrilled to introduce you to two water geeks who love water AND talking Jim Lauria, Adam Tank, Industrial Water Treater, Social Media, How To Post, How To Use LinkedIn, Tell Stories, James’ Challenge, JC21, GE, Water Online, AWT, Image H2O, 120 Water, Chemical Engineering, Microbiologist, Quality Engineer, Software Solutions, Automating, Water Treatment Facilities, Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Mazzei Injector Company, Transcend Water, Water As A Resource, Industry Trends, Conferences, Networking, MindMapping, Active Listening, Posts, Content, Photos, Stories, Water We Talking About Podcast, Writer, Bloggers, Hosts, Podcastabout water just as much as I do; friends, bloggers, writers, and the hosts of the podcast “Water We Talking About?”, Jim Lauria and Adam Tank. Today Jim and Adam will talk about how to become a water advocate by using social media.

Jim Lauria is the VP of sales and marketing for Mazzei Injector Company. He got his chemical engineering degree from Manhattan College, has been working in water for 20 years.

Adam Tank has been working in the water industry for 10 years. He started as Jim Lauria, Adam Tank, Industrial Water Treater, Social Media, How To Post, How To Use LinkedIn, Tell Stories, James’ Challenge, JC21, GE, Water Online, AWT, Image H2O, 120 Water, Chemical Engineering, Microbiologist, Quality Engineer, Software Solutions, Automating, Water Treatment Facilities, Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Mazzei Injector Company, Transcend Water, Water As A Resource, Industry Trends, Conferences, Networking, MindMapping, Active Listening, Posts, Content, Photos, Stories, Water We Talking About Podcast, Writer, Bloggers, Hosts, Podcast, Radical Polymersa microbiologist and quality engineer in the CPG world and he is now Director of Software Solutions for a water startup called Transcend Water focused on automating the preliminary design of water treatment assets, in this case, water and wastewater treatment facilities. 

If you take nothing else away from today’s podcast, please consider that water is something that everyone on the planet needs, and that you, the real people making things happen behind the scenes, owe it to your community to share what you do and why water is essential, and there isn’t an easier way to do that then through using social media.



James’ Challenge: “Draw a process flow diagram for your customers; complete with feed points, water meters, blowdown, pre-treatment, boilers, cooling towers, chillers, etc. [03:15]

Jim Lauria and Adam Tank, who are you and how did you meet? [07:30]

What are you doing to advocate for water and the water industry and how are you creating content? [14:13]

What are your two different approaches to content creation?  [21:40]

How should someone get started with content creation? [26:20]

LinkedIn Advice [28:43]

Tagging content [38:25]

What’s the one takeaway you want people to get from this interview? [41:34]

Lightning Round Questions [43:07]



“When you tell your story on water… the goal is to be focused on the value of water for everybody.” – Adam Tank

“Water, it is a global good that ultimately is critical for life on earth.” – Adam Tank

“One of the good things about mentoring is that it is a two-way street.” – Jim Lauria 

“Just keep posting and connecting, you never know what could lead to a direct sale.” — Jim Lauria 

“Don’t be scared of posting something that you think is routine, or wouldn’t be interesting, because people outside of the sector or industry don’t have a clue what happens in water.”  – Adam Tank

“Catalog the things you find exciting, take a picture, write a sentence, and put it out in the world.”  – Adam Tank

“Think of LinkedIn as a business lunch and Facebook as a backyard BBQ. Dress and act accordingly.” — Jim Lauria 

“Don’t just sell. Provide value and people will come back to you.”- Adam Tank

“Tell good stories. And get people engaged in the value of water.” — Jim Lauria 

“Just start. Don’t worry about crafting the perfect post. Just post something.” – Adam Tank

“Never underestimate your ability to influence other people.” — Jim Lauria 

“Don’t be afraid to embrace change.”  – Adam Tank 


Links Mentioned:

Episode 47 with  Jim Lauria 

Adam Tank’s website

Jim Lauria’s website

Water Online

Rising Tide Mastermind

Imagine H2O

120 Water

Jim and Adam’s podcast “Water We Talking About?” 


Books Mentioned:

How to Get Your Money Back From Big Companies – Jim Lauria



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