Scaling UP! H2O

369 Mastering New Business: A Sales Journey

“Sales is never a quick process. The only way you can have a lasting sales relationship is to be honest, have a positive attitude, and hustle.” – Fred Shurtz

Discover the Roadmap to New Business Success!

In our latest episode of Scaling UP! H2O, host Trace Blackmore sits down with Fred Shurtz, owner of Precision Chemical, to explore the intricate roadmap of acquiring new business. Fred, a seasoned expert in the water treatment industry, shares his journey, challenges, and strategies that have led to his success. Here’s a sneak peek into some of the valuable insights Fred offers in this must-listen interview.

From Engineer to Entrepreneur: Fred’s Career Journey

Fred’s journey began with an engineering degree and a pivotal role at NALCO in 1988. He emphasizes the unique advantage of a sales career: controlling your destiny. “When there’s no ceiling, you can earn a lot of money if you treat people right and do the right thing,” Fred explains. He also highlights the importance of being a leader, stating, “You’ve got to be the person that people want to follow.”

Sales: It’s a Crockpot, not a Microwave

Sales, according to Fred, is a long-term process that requires honesty, a positive attitude, and hustle. “It’s never a quick process,” he notes, emphasizing that lasting sales relationships are built on these principles. The right technology also plays a crucial role in this equation.

Earning Trust to Gain New Business

Building trust is paramount. Fred listens attentively to his customers, understanding their needs through both words and body language. “If you are genuine with people and they have a need for what you have, then you’ll make sales,” he explains.

Fred stresses the importance of persistence, patience, and viewing every person at a facility as a potential door-opener. “If it’s not a win-win, it’s not worth doing,” he asserts.

Client Surveys: Building Trust from the Start

Fred emphasizes the importance of asking good questions, listening, and being attentive to clients’ needs. Acting as an advocate and helper is essential in building trust with new clients.

Crafting Proposals that Resonate

Proposals should clearly demonstrate the benefits for the client. Fred believes in interactive presentations, using pen and paper to draw things out. “Hard selling doesn’t work; you need to be a soft seller,” he advises, focusing on building partnerships rather than just making sales.

Sustaining Client Relationships Over the Years

Continuous engagement and feedback are essential. Fred emphasizes fulfilling promises and regularly checking in with clients to ensure their needs are being met. “It’s all about the hustle,” he says, advocating for a proactive approach to client relations.

Tune in to our latest episode to gain more insights from Fred Shurtz on building and sustaining a successful business in the water treatment industry. Don’t miss out on this wealth of knowledge!

Stay connected with us for more expert insights and strategies to scale up your water treatment business.



01:00 – Trace Blackmore reminds you about this day in history and being a kid in love with NASA’s space program

05:00 – Upcoming Events for Water Treatment Professionals 

07:00 – Interview with Fred Shurtz, owner of Precision Chemical

50:40 – Lightning Round Questions

01:00:00 – Drop by Drop With James McDonald 



“Sales is never a quick process. The only way you can have a lasting sales relationship is to be honest, have a positive attitude, and hustle.” – Fred Shurtz

“When they say “no” they are saying I don’t need you yet, but you stay with them because you never know when they will need some help. You need to stay persistent, patient, and keep calling.” – Fred Shurtz

“You need to find out what’s important to them. You need to ask good questions and listen. You need to be attentive to their needs.” – Fred Shurtz

“You have to be their advocate, their helper. You need to build trust.” – Fred Shurtz


Connect with Fred Shurtz

Phone: 812.455.7378





Links Mentioned

The Hang July 11, 2024

AWT (Association of Water Technologies)

The Rising Tide Mastermind

Scaling UP! H2O Academy video courses

Submit a Show Idea


Books Mentioned

Gambler: Secrets from a Life at Risk by Billy Walters

Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity by Peter Attia 


Drop By Drop with James 

In today’s segment, I have a “What If” for you. What if the deaerator vent is closed completely? I mean there is no little puff of steam coming out of the vent at all. What is the purpose of the deaerator vent? How will it being completely closed impact your overall steam boiler system? Which parts will be impacted first? What will the short term and long term impacts be? How will this impact your chemical levels in the feedwater and boilers? Could the closed vent have any impact upon the condensate system? How did it get closed in the first place? How far open should it actually be? How would you determine this? Do the operators and customers understand the importance of the deaerator vent? 


2024 Events for Water Professionals

Check out our Scaling UP! H2O Events Calendar where we’ve listed every event Water Treaters should be aware of by clicking HERE.


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