Scaling UP! H2O

150 The One Where We Talk Legionella Basics

Happy August Scaling UP! Nation!  

In honor of the Annual Legionella Conference at the end of every August, The Scaling UP! Nation! declared August: Legionella Awareness Month. In line ScalingUpH2O, Scaling Up Podcast, JC21, Water Treaters, Water Treatment Industry, Start With Why Book, The Neocortex, Sales, Sales Training, The Golden Circle, Lagging Metrix, Leading Metrics, Referrals, Closing Ratio, Proposals, CRM,, PipeDrive, HubSpot, Zoho, LSI, RSI, PSI, Legionella Awareness Monthwith most conferences currently, The Legionella Conference is now in January 2021. But that doesn’t mean we can’t learn more about this bacterium. So please help me raise the bar on Legionella Awareness during August. 

In today’s episode, we are going back to basics on the topic of Legionella. Join me as we travel back to 1976 when we first learned about Legionella bacteria through today, where we have to understand the subject so we can help our customers make better decisions.    



Guidelines around Legionella [06:54]

What is Legionella? Where did the name come from? [11:19]

Legionella vs. Legionnaires Disease [14:14]

Symptoms of Legionnaires Disease [16:10]

Risk factors for Legionnaires Disease [18:14]

How do you contract Legionnaires Disease and Testing for Legionella [19:40]

ASHRAE 188 [24:10]

How to know if a building needs a water management plan [40:38]

What does ASHRAE 188 require [43:40]



“It’s not if a Legionella law will be passed where you live; it’s when.” – Trace Blackmore  

“We cannot do Legionella prevention for our clients because we don’t own the equipment. We can only suggest the best practices.” – – Trace Blackmore  


Links Mentioned:

009 The L Word

083 The One About Water Management Plans

120 Another One with Dr. Janet Stout, Part 1

121 Another One with Dr. Janet Stout, Part 2

NACE Basic Corrosion Class with Scaling UP! H2O Discount 


ASHRAE: Guideline 12-2020 

CDC Legionella Toolkit 

CDC Healthcare-Associated Infections 

CMS Memorandum 

New York City Dept. Of Health Cooling Tower Regulations 

New York City Legislation 

New York State Regulations 

York City Dept. Of Health Summertime Hyperhalogenation 



Water Treatment education

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