Scaling UP! H2O

132 Pinks and Blues: 12 Week Year

As you know, I love to make goals. I love achieving those goals even more. At a very early age, I learned how to stretch myself to accomplish things I wanted to do. However, it wasn’t until later in life that I learned tools to help me be more efficient at reaching those goals.  

Last January, I started a Mastermind Group called The Rising Tide Mastermind. I am pleased to report it is a huge success. We have two full groups and a waiting list for another two groups. If you are interested in learning if this is the right fit for you, click here.

In the Rising Tide Mastermind, we expand our knowledge and help each other achieve our goals more efficiently.  

  • We use each other’s past experiences to give advice.  
  • We act as a sounding board to help vet out ideas.  
  • We hold each other accountable to do what we say we are going to do.  
  • We read topical books to help expand our minds and make us better.  

One of these books was the 12-Week Year written by Brian Moran. It not only teaches you how to create your goals, but it also teaches you how to plan and execute those goals. I was introduced to this book about two years ago when my business coach Tim Fulton recommended it as a part of our one to ones. A one to one is where you get together with a coach and solve issues. This is something I offer as a part of the Rising Tide Mastermind.   

The book does a great job of giving you a complete process around your goals.

Here are the eight elements of the book:  

  • Vision: A compelling vision creates a clear picture of the future.  
  • Planning: An effective plan clarifies and focuses on the top priority initiatives and actions needed to achieve the vision.  
  • Process control: A set of tools and events that align your daily actions with the critical actions in your plan.  
  • Measurement: Lead and lag indicators that provide comprehensive feedback necessary for informed decision-making.  
  • Time use: Using your time with clear intention is a must.  
  • Accountability: Accountability is ultimately ownership. It is a character trait, a life stance, a willingness to own actions and results, regardless of the circumstances.  
  • Commitment: Keeping your promises to others, build strong relationships, and keeping promises to yourself builds character, esteem, and success.  
  • Greatness in the moment: The results are not the attainment of greatness, but simply confirmation of it.”  

Join me as a try my best to give you the in’s and out’s of this “game-changer” book when it comes to goals.    

If you would like a copy of this book, please go to .  

This book is also available on Audible from the same link. If you don’t have Audible, please enjoy a free book and a free month on us



Scranton Associates [00:20]

How Do I Get Things Done? [04:00]

The 12 Week Year [07:51]

The “SMART” Program [09:36]

Tactics [11:50]

Keeping Calendars [15:20]

Accountability [16:34]

Change [18:52]



“If you have a clear vision in life, it might be a sales goal, a personal goal, whatever that goal is, take a moment, and in your mind’s eye envision what it looks like when that goal is achieved.” 

“When somebody else is helping you hold yourself accountable, you will achieve more than you could on your own.”

“The 12 Week Year helps you align your goals to actions so that you can achieve them.”


Links Mentioned:

Virtual Assistants


Books Mentioned:  

The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months






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