Scaling UP! H2O

281 The One About The Power of Kindness

Kathleen Edelman, Kind Words Are Cool, I Said This You Heard That, Author, Temperaments, Kindness, Power of Kindness, Kids Guide, Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, The work that Kathleen Edelman does has given thousands of people, including podcast host Trace Blackmore, the communication tools they need to speak the language of kindness which has the power to change every relationship in your life.

There has never been a better time to choose kindness. And Kathleen would punctuate that kindness is a constant choice, and once you understand how to use words that build others up, you’ll realize that you can eliminate conflict and miscommunications. 

Hear coach Edelman’s advice on:

How do you know if you are communicating with kindness?

How do you create a positive atmosphere at the office for all employees?

What’s the difference between kindness and positive thinking?

How do we know if we are speaking in a negative tone?

How do we stay in our strengths in difficult situations?

How does choosing kindness improve our health?

What should we do when we see fighting in public? 

How do you create an atmosphere at the office to allow for better communication?

How do we use kind words in the HR process?

Bottom line: Once you tap into the power of kindness, doors will open like you never imagined.

Your roadside friend as you travel from client to client. 




Happy World Kindness Day [01:10]

Interview with Author, Speaker, Coach, and founder of Kind Words Are Cool, Kathleen Edelman [05:50]  

Closing thoughts with Trace and Upcoming Events for Water Treatment Professionals [56:29]

Thinking On Water With James [01:01:00]


Thinking On Water With James:  

In this week’s episode, we’re thinking about the boiler bottom blowdown procedure. What is the purpose of performing a bottom blowdown? What are the types of valves typically seen on a bottom blowdown for a boiler? Are they different types, and, if so, why are they different types? What order should they be opened during a bottom blowdown? Why is this order important? How long should they be opened? What might happen if they are open too long? What order should they be closed? Why is this order important? Take this week to think about boiler bottom blowdown and the why’s and how it is performed. 



“Are you being kind to yourself? – Kathleen Edelman

“Where your focus goes is where your energy flows.” – Kathleen Edelman

“When you move from Selfishness to Servitude, everything changes.” – Kathleen Edelman

“It’s proven that once you speak kindness to yourself, it increases self-esteem, increases empathy, improves your mood, and helps your blood pressure and your stress hormones.” – Kathleen Edelman


Connect with Kathleen Edelman:

Phone: (770) 846-4980






I Said This, You Heard That Workbook

I Said This, You Heard That (2nd Edition)

The Grown-Ups Guide to Kids’ Wiring 


Links Mentioned: 

117 The One With Temperament Expert, Kathleen Edelman

179 Another One that Teaches Us to Communicate Better with Others



Check out our Scaling UP! H2O Events Calendar where we’ve listed every event Water Treaters should be aware of by clicking HERE  or using the dropdown menu.


Water Treatment education

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