Scaling UP! H2O

064 The One with the Youngest CWT

If you have ever listened to this show, you have heard me say “Be the best you can be by being the best in this industry.”  You also have heard me say “make the industry better because you are in it.”  So… are you?

This was the reason I started this podcast.  Scaling UP! H2O is my way of raising the bar in the water treatment industry.  Based on the feedback I have received, I think we are doing that.  And “we” was not a typo.  The Scaling UP! Nation! Is what is doing the hard work, I just bought a microphone.

One of the individuals I met as a result of this podcast is Chandler Mancuso.  I don’t think it will take long in this interview for you to realize why I’m so impressed with him. He has done items that have been suggested in this podcast and is a great example of how to do your part at making the industry better.  Enjoy…

Chandler’s career in water treatment began courtesy of a recommendation by his academic advisor while he was an undergraduate student at Oakland University. Since then, he has earned his Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science and returned to his Alma mater in pursuit of a Master’s Degree in Chemistry. As Technical Coordinator of Plymouth Technology Inc., Chandler has gained valuable experience developing solutions for industrial consumers across the Midwest region in the areas of wastewater, boiler and cooling water treatment.



Youngest CWT member [03:20]

LEED Green Associate [11:19]

Building Certifications [16:48]

Tips for the CWT examination [20:00]

Mentor Relationship [22:11]

Changes after the CWT designation [29:45]

Advises from Chandler Mancuso [34:41]

CWT Challenge [50:30]



Make those connections, Ask those questions and be Curious! – Chandler Mancuso

“Anybody can find their way into this industry, if they find the right resources and you put your on it and spend some time in the industry.” – Chandler Mancuso


Connect with Chandler Mancuso


LinkedIn: in/chandler-mancuso-cwt-a897a3149/

Twitter: @ChandlerMancuso


Links Mentioned


5 CWT Tips

Green Building Education Services


How Successful People Think

Advanced Birding


One Reply to “064 The One with the Youngest CWT”

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