Scaling UP! H2O

055 Pinks and Blues

On today’s Pinks and Blues episode we will be answering the following questions:

  1. What is the small blue pill in the bottom of a legionella sample bottle?
  2. I have a large territory that requires me to travel. On many days I find myself traveling back to accounts that are in the beginning of my route to check items I did a day or two before. What can I do to reduce that?
  3. Do I still need to come to AWT technical training since they stopped administering the test after those functions?


Ways to submit your Q’s to Scaling UP! H2O [00:50]

What is a small blue pill? [01:28]

Legionella Sampling [02:03]

How to prepare better for an account? [05:20]

How to be a better service technician [07:16]

Reasons on attending technical training [09:16]

How to supercharge your people to do Water Treatment? [11:24]

What are the things you need to know to be a better water treater? [13:32]


“Most people gain speed as a service technician as leaving things out. Folks! That is not what your job is. Your job is to make sure that you’re ensuring that that water treatment system is the best it could be at that moment in time because you are there.” – Trace Blackmore

“You get faster by getting better at the things you need to do.” – Trace Blackmore

“Get to the point where you can run your tests as fast as you can and still be accurate.” – Trace Blackmore

“Come  to technical training, it’s the best training that’s out there for water treatment. And because of that it’s going to give you some extra confidence to go home and take the CWT designation.” – Trace Blackmore

Advice: Work backwards from their goal! – Trace Blackmore

Books Mentioned:

The Seven of Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

Water Treatment education

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