Scaling UP! H2O

147 Pinks and Blues Questions From the Nation!

Trace Blackmore LeadershipToday’s episode is my favorite format that we do. It is where you ask questions, and I answer them. As a water treatment professional, we should always have more questions than answers. Generating new questions means that we are thinking about everything we are doing, and we are trying to do what we do better. If you are not asking questions (even to yourself), you are not stretching your level of understanding. When you stretch yourself, you are learning. When you are learning, you are getting better. The next time you do a water treatment task, ask yourself, “why.”    

  1. Why does the chlorine test turn red when positive?  
  2. Why do I run my tests in this sequence?  
  3. Why do I always start at this account first on my route?  
  4. Why take my sample from this location?  

I’m sure you get the idea. Please enjoy this episode of Pinks and Blues where members of the Scaling UP! Nation! ask some questions they have.  



Boiler discharge, cooling tower discharge, and RO unit discharge clogging a single drain [02:26]

External weather conditions and how it affects water treatment [11:26]

Can a tower get diluted with rainwater? [21:15]

Why don’t we fill a water softener to the top with resin when we add new resin? [23:45]



“When you understand the equipment that you treat, you are now able to understand what you are doing concerning your treatment.”  

“As professionals, we have to think of all of the different scenarios.” 


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